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GCSE and A Level Business resources

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A shop aimed at providing student focussed revision resources and engaging lesson materials. Visit www.teachingbusiness.org.uk for additional bundle deals!!




A shop aimed at providing student focussed revision resources and engaging lesson materials. Visit www.teachingbusiness.org.uk for additional bundle deals!!
Operational Decisions

Operational Decisions

One of my new student revision sheets that outlines the basic topic covered by the AQA Business Studies AS and A Level. I have completed sheets for each topic throughout Units 1-3 and so if you would like to know more please contact me.
Analysing the Market

Analysing the Market

This resource is meant for Learning Support students to provide them with a simplified understanding of how to analyse the market. It looks at mass and niche markets, personal disposable income, market and product orientation and segmentation. It includes notes and a fill-in-the-gaps quiz at the end.
Market Research & Business Enterprise Workbook

Market Research & Business Enterprise Workbook

A new workbook aimed at developing A Level Business students' understanding of enterprise, market research and sampling methods. Primarily written to support teachers and students following the WJEC/Eduqas specification it is relevant to all boards. The work provides a variety of case studies, tasks, presentations and assignments for students to complete and finishes with a self-assessment and review of progress. It starts with an enterprise element that builds upon booklet 1 (Business Enterprise and Business Plans) and this is to help incorporate an element of practical business into the course. I tend to use the Tycoon in Schools programme by Peter Jones for this. It also examines sampling in more detail than is strictly required but this is meant as a resource from which teachers can pick and choose.
Egg Man Challenge Activity

Egg Man Challenge Activity

This has been used for many years now withtin the Business Department and has become something of an institution. They are set the challenge of creating a celebrity egg to illustrate the issues of packaging, product and promotion. It works well towards the end of the Autumn Term as a final wind-down.
Enterprise and Business Plans Workbook

Enterprise and Business Plans Workbook

A new workbook aimed at developing A Level Business students' understanding of enterprise and business plans. This is of particular relevance to the OCR, WJEC/Eduqas and Excel examination boards that all still cover these areas. The work provides a variety of case studies, tasks, presentations and assignments for students to complete and finishes with a self-assessment and review of progress. Positive feedback on how to improve and develop these workbooks are welcome and I also acknowledge that some of these resources have been amalgamated from other authors whose hard work is much appreciated.
Data and Market Analysis and Sales Forecasting Workbook

Data and Market Analysis and Sales Forecasting Workbook

A new workbook aimed at developing A Level Business students' understanding of data analysis, market analysis and sales forecasting. The work provides a variety of case studies, tasks, presentations and assignments for students to complete and finishes with a self-assessment and review of progress. It is particularly useful for students following the WJEC/EDUQAS board but also Edexcel and OCR who have retained these techniques. It is meant as a workbook that teachers and students can use to support their study of these key areas and which can be dipped in and out of rather than following all the way through.
AQA AS Level Exam Revision Powerpoints

AQA AS Level Exam Revision Powerpoints

These are two Power Points aimed at helping students to identify those topic areas which have not yet been examined upto May 2011 and therefore are more likely to arise. There are some 'model' answers provided but these are obviously open to interpretation and are by no means perfect. Hope that this helps as my students found these useful.
Eduqas A Level Business Exam Pack

Eduqas A Level Business Exam Pack

This is a pack of collated CPD materials from the WJEC/Eduqas board. The pack includes a variety of additional practice questions and materials that are useful when revising with students, as well as plenty of additional exam answer exemplars with commentary. Teaching Business has a wide range of teaching materials to help with the support of the WJEC/Eduqas specification, each pack focusing upon a core topic area with time saving theory notes, practice questions and essay questions and mark schemes at a much more competitive rate than many of the more commercially available options.
Eduqas A Level Business - Costs and Break-Even Analysis

Eduqas A Level Business - Costs and Break-Even Analysis

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification but is suitable for all boards. These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component One topic of costs and break-even analysis. They explain what is meant by costs, revenue and profit and identify the costs that a business face, including fixed, variable, semi-variable, direct, indirect and total costs. They proceed to explain what is meant by contribution and break-even and show the means of calculating contribution and using the formula to help calculate break-even. The pack finally shows how break-even charts are constructed and interpreted (including the margin of safety) and illustrate the impact of changing costs and revenues upon the chart before evaluating the usefulness of break-even as a technique. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions, calculation practice questions and also a practice essay (all with suggested solutions). In addition to the main PowerPoint a PDF copy of the notes has been provided to assist with pupil hand outs. Please leave a review so that I can modify and amend where necessary and note that paid for presentations for other topics are available with more being produced when time permits.
AQA Unit 2 AS Business Studies Practice Paper

AQA Unit 2 AS Business Studies Practice Paper

This paper is an additional practice paper I wrote for my students which focuses upon the topic areas that have not yet been examined in depth and therefore will eventually appear! I hope that this proves to be of some use but please do not ask for a mark scheme as I have not had time to write one. Sorry!
AQA Business - Assessing Greater Use of Digital Technology

AQA Business - Assessing Greater Use of Digital Technology

A range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business modified to reflect the 2023 changes. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of assessing the greater use of digital technology by business and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers pressures to adopt digital technology before examining some of the main formats of digital technology including e-commerce, big data, automation and data mining. It concludes with a look at the value of digital technology for a business. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
Employer-Employee Relations Workbook

Employer-Employee Relations Workbook

Another in the series designed primarily to complement the teaching and study of A Level Business and with a focus upon the WJEC/Eduqas specification. This work book examines the concepts of employer-employee relations with a particular focus upon trade unions, ACAS, health and safety, the minimum wage, and discrimination and the Equality Act 2010. There are a variety of activities and questions provided and a supporting series of theory notes and case study articles to deepen understanding.
Edexcel Business Year 13 Maths Workbook (SAMPLE COPY)

Edexcel Business Year 13 Maths Workbook (SAMPLE COPY)

Written by an experienced teacher, this is a sample copy of a comprehensive theory and practice question resource to accompany students throughout Year 13 and to provide them with additional practice questions on all of the major quantitative elements of the Edexcel A Level Business qualification. Each topic has a brief theory based overview before there are a series of mini case studies each with three questions per case. The resource contains detailed answers and plenty of model responses to the larger mark questions. Provided in Word format to enable additional editing. The Year 12 version is available separately.
Edexcel Business Year 12 Calculation Workbook (SAMPLE COPY)

Edexcel Business Year 12 Calculation Workbook (SAMPLE COPY)

This is a sample extract of a calculation workbook created by a teacher of over 25 years experience in delivering high quality business lessons and resources. The workbook provides students with a summary of the theory associated with each calculation topic and then provides a series of questions for students to answer. Each question has answers at the rear of the workbook. This is a small sample of the extensive workbook. A Year 13 version will be coming after half-term.
Edexcel Business - Interpretation of Financial Statements

Edexcel Business - Interpretation of Financial Statements

A new series of resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the Edexcel A Level Business specification. This resource specifically looks at topic 3.5.1. Interpretation of Financial Statements. This PowerPoint presentation looks at the two main financial statements that a business has to prepare, namely the statement of comprehensive income (Profit and Loss Account) and the statement of financial position (Balance Sheet). Both statements are prepared in accordance with the demands of the Edexcel examinations and there is a brief assessment of the stakeholder interests for each account. The slides contain several activities with suggested answers including the Quick Fire Five and a 10 mark practice question. The clear and well-presented nature of the slides are aimed at helping students to understand the topics with each topic analysed to provide a balanced assessment of the theory.
A Level Business Revision Notes - Costs and Break Even

A Level Business Revision Notes - Costs and Break Even

A free sample of the resources now available for download. These packs are comprehensive revision notes that consider specific topic areas. In this example the pack considers break even and the different types of costs that businesses face. It also examines the concept of contribution and break even charts before concluding with an overall assessment of break even as a decision making technique. The notes provide a detailed and colourful, well-presented summary of each topic area but for an additional 50p there are teacher packs available that come complete with the PowerPoint version of these notes and also include practice activities, questions and an essay all with suggested answers. Please leave a review to help me in the production of future resources.
Edexcel Business - Liability

Edexcel Business - Liability

A new series of resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the Edexcel A Level Business specification. This resource specifically looks at topic 2.1.3. Liability. This PowerPoint presentation looks at the concepts of unlimited and limited liability in greater depth and considers appropriate sources of finance available to each type of legal structure. The slides contain several activities with suggested answers including the Quick Fire Five and a 10 mark practice question. The clear and well-presented nature of the slides are aimed at helping students to understand the topics with each topic analysed to provide a balanced assessment of the theory.
Edexcel Business  - Internal Finance

Edexcel Business - Internal Finance

A new series of resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the Edexcel A Level Business specification. This resource specifically looks at topic 2.1.1. Internal Finance. This PowerPoint presentation looks at the issue of internal finance and how a business can make use of owner’s capital, retained profits and the sale of assets to fund a business. Each source of finance is examined and benefits and drawbacks are considered. The slides contain several activities with suggested answers including the Quick Fire Five and a 10 mark practice question. The clear and well-presented nature of the slides are aimed at helping students to understand the topics with each topic analysed to provide a balanced assessment of the theory.