A bundle of 9 short reading comprehensions, based around extracts of interesting, current novels. Great for recap and starter activities. Also a fantastic way to introduce new texts to the whole class.
This is a 2-week writing unit based on The Storm Whale by Benji Davies. I have used this with Year 2 pupils but it could be adapted for Year 1 or Year 3. It covers decriptive writing, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.
This contains 2 weeks worth of resources, planning and SMART boards. (10 lessons. The resources are in words and PDF format.
This is a 2 week English unit based on The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. It contains planning, resources and SMART boards for 10 lessons, focusing on teaching writing skills. It would be appropiate for Y1/Y2 and could be adapted for Y3.
This is a week’s planning for the first week of teaching using The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. It covers the outline of the learning, N.C links, inputs and tasks.
This is a reading comprehension based on The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. It features 8 targeted questions; 2 retrieval question, 2 vocabulary questions, 2 inference questions, a sequencing question and a prediction question. The marks allocated for each question are given down the side. This has been created in a ‘SATs style’ and would be great to use with KS1/lower KS2 children. It is provided in an editable word document or a pdf version and comes with an answer sheet.
This is an activity focusing on spotting rhyming words and creating simple sentences using The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. It comes in an editable word format and a PDF.
This resource support teaching using The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. It focuses on filling in thought bubbles for different characters in the story. It comes in an editable word format and a PDF format.
This is a writing unit based on the book The Viewer by Shaun Tan. Suitable for Year 5 or 6 children. Includes a PDF of the text too. We completed it as 9 lesson but could extend or shorten it. Focuses on teaching and practising key skills in the context of the text (basic puncuation recap, commas for lists, contractions) before planning and writing their own assessable setting description of one of the settings from the text.
Worksheets, planning, additional resources and SMART resources included
This is writing frame to support a lesson focused on creating a wanted poster for the Highway Rat. It features lines for writing on, space for an image and space for a reward. It comes in an editable word format and a PDF format.
This is a activity based on The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. It focuses on labeling the Highway Rat with adjective phrases in preparation for writing a description of him. It comes with 2 versions; an editable word version and a PDF.
This is a planning outline for week 2 of teaching from The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. It includes an outline, N.C links, tasks and inputs details.
This is a simple story map to be used to support the teaching of The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. It features images from the text and supporting phrases.
This is an editable sheet that supports children researching an animal before creating a poster, report or booklet about it. I have used this successfully in KS1, linked to different topics.
This is a tracking sheet for KS1 Mathematics, using the standards from the Interim Framework. It has been really useful for me to track student’s progress and as evidence at moderation.
This is a tracking sheet for writing assessments, using the KS1 Interim Framework Statements. It is set out in three sections. I find this really useful for tracking children’s progress throughout the year and is a great document to have to hand for moderation.
This is a week’s worth of planning, resources and SMART boards for The Twits by Roald Dahl. I have planned this for my Year 2 class but it could be adapted easily. It focuses on meeting the Twits and describing them, with a SPaG activity too. It all comes in word and PDF format.
This is a pack of 4 lessons focusing on using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions linked to The Storm Whale by Benji Davies. It works well with Year 2 pupils, towards evidencing the interim framework. It comes in an editable word and PDF format.
This is a vocabulary activity based on The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. The task to find and record the definitions of 5 interesting words from the text. There is then a challenge to write some sentences using this vocabulary. There are two versions included; an editable word version and a PDF.