Comprehensive guided reading plans to support Born to Run by Michael Morpurgo. The plans include response activities and detailed guided reading questions covering a range of assessment foci for the entire book.
Comprehensive guided reading plans to support The Bad Beginnings by Lemony Snicket. The plans include response activities and detailed guided reading questions for the entire book.
Comprehensive guided reading plans to support My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece by Annabel Pitcher. The plans include response activities and detailed guided reading questions covering a range of assessment foci for the entire book.
An old man relies on his family to look after him as he ages and becomes less able. His son isn’t as kind as he could be but his grandson soon teaches his parents a lesson in caring that they will never forget. This comprehensive pack includes: A fully scripted assembly including an introduction and reflection with key questions throughout, A presentation (PDF) complete with engaging images, A set of Key Word cards to enhance understanding, A reward certificate. Themes explored include: family, support, friendship, thoughtfulness.
During Tudor times, your daily life would differ, depending on how wealthy you were. The daily lives of poor Tudors would start very early in the morning and be spent working or finding food. Daily life for rich Tudors would be more relaxed, with leisure time throughout the day.
This ready-to-teach lesson plan pack comes complete with:
*A full lesson plan including success criteria, activity instructions and suggested order of use;
*A scripted story with a supporting presentation to enhance delivery, worksheets, slides, visual tools and other teaching materials for learning and engagement;
*Individual Learning Contract incorporating a range of higher order thinking skills and essential skills to promote independence and self directed learning;
*The exploration of key language skills for cross curricular teaching through cloze and other extended language activities.
Comprehensive guided reading plans to support Charlotte's Web by E B White. The plans include response activities and detailed guided reading questions covering a range of assessment foci for the entire book.
Comprehensive guided reading plans to support Carrie's War by Nina Bawden. The plans include response activities and detailed guided reading questions covering a range of assessment foci for the entire book.
Comprehensive guided reading plans to support Dear Olly by Michael Morpurgo. The plans include response activities and detailed guided reading questions for the entire book.
This bundle contains all you need to teach My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece by Annabel Pitcher. Complement the comprehensive guided reading plans with our independent learning contracts / response activities. Lesson activities incorporate the use of higher order thinking skills and essential skills, activities enhance the links between reading and writing the the development of key language skills. We’ve even done the teaching for you - the children simply follow our QR codes for detailed guides on how to complete the learning activities. You’ll never hear “I don’t know how to do this” again!
Bethany is going to church and tells us about all the things she sees there.
This ready-to-teach junior lesson plan pack comes complete with:
*A full lesson plan including learning intentions and success criteria, activity instructions and suggested order of use;
*A guided story with a supporting presentation to enhance delivery and understanding, worksheets, slides, visual tools and other teaching materials for learning and engagement;
*Guided lesson activities incorporating a range of higher order thinking skills and essential skills;
*Quiz and Fact/Fiction/Opinion activities
*The exploration of key language skills for cross curricular teaching through extended language activities.
This ready-to-teach lesson plan pack comes complete with:
*A full lesson plan including success criteria, activity instructions and suggested order of use;
*A scripted story with a supporting presentation to enhance delivery, worksheets, slides, visual tools and other teaching materials for learning and engagement;
*Individual Learning Contract incorporating a range of higher order thinking skills and essential skills to promote independence and self directed learning;
*The exploration of key language skills for cross curricular teaching.
Comprehensive guided reading plans to support Holes By Louis Sachar. The plans include response activities and detailed guided reading questions for the entire book.
Comprehensive independent learning contracts / response activities for Hero on a Bicycle by Shirley Hughes. Lesson activities incorporate the use of higher order thinking skills and essential skills, activities enhance the links between reading and writing the the development of key language skills. We've even done the teaching for you - the children simply follow our QR codes for detailed guides on how to complete the learning activities. You'll never hear "I don't know how to do this" again!
Comprehensive guided reading plans to support Wonder by R J Palacio. The plans include response activities and detailed guided reading questions for the entire book.
Explore life in this island country through the eyes of a young boy living in Bridgetown. His name is Christopher and he is writing to his pen-friend. This ready-to-teach lesson plan pack comes complete with:
*A full lesson plan including success criteria, activity instructions and suggested order of use;
*A scripted story with a supporting presentation to enhance delivery, worksheets, slides, visual tools and other teaching materials for learning and engagement;
*Individual Learning Contract incorporating a range of higher order thinking skills and essential skills to promote independence and self directed learning;
*The exploration of key language skills for cross curricular teaching
The Tudors lived over 500 years ago. They ruled over England and Wales from 1485 to 1603. It was an exciting time with many changes taking place which we explore in this pack. This ready-to-teach lesson plan pack comes complete with:
*A full lesson plan including success criteria, activity instructions and suggested order of use;
*A scripted story with a supporting presentation to enhance delivery, worksheets, slides, visual tools and other teaching materials for learning and engagement;
*Individual Learning Contract incorporating a range of higher order thinking skills and essential skills to promote independence and self directed learning;
*The exploration of key language skills for cross curricular teaching through cloze and other extended language activities.
Comprehensive independent learning contracts / response activities for Carrie's War by Nina Bawden. Lesson activities incorporate the use of higher order thinking skills and essential skills, activities enhance the links between reading and writing the the development of key language skills. We've even done the teaching for you - the children simply follow our QR codes for detailed guides on how to complete the learning activities. You'll never hear "I don't know how to do this" again!
Comprehensive guided reading plans to support Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer. The plans include response activities and detailed guided reading questions covering a range of assessment foci for the entire book.
Comprehensive independent learning contracts / response activities for Born to Run by Michael Morpurgo. Lesson activities incorporate the use of higher order thinking skills and essential skills, activities enhance the links between reading and writing the the development of key language skills. We've even done the teaching for you - the children simply follow our QR codes for detailed guides on how to complete the learning activities. You'll never hear "I don't know how to do this" again!
We provide fully scripted school assemblies for all your assembly needs. From religious festivals to international days, social and emotional stories to countries and their national days, class assembly scripts to famous people, we have already done the hard work for you!
Our comprehensive packs contain:
* A full script with questions throughout
* A PowerPoint (PDF) complete with visuals
* A set of key word cards - great for display!