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Drama Activities to build Resilience
A PowerPoint with 8 drama games chosen to build resilience in learners. Including an introduction about what resilience is, how it can be built and linked to each activity.
Can be delivered as a lesson or activities can be taken and dropped into exsisting lessons.
Activities can be adapted for KS3, 4 and 5 learners.
PowerPoint is editable.
One Word document resource that can be used with the ‘Favourite Things’ activity.

Drama Retrieval Practice starter activity
Retrieval Practice suitable for KS3 learners, matching Drama terms to their definitions.
A PowerPoint resource that can be added to the start of practical lessons as a starter activity for retireval practice.
A Word document version that can be used as a starter in written / cover lessons for retrieval practice.

Revision Guide: Woyzeck Knowledge Organiser
A revision guide for Woyzeck by Georg Buchner. Designed to be used for Edexcel A level Component 3 (but can be adapted for other uses)
Editable PowerPoint (13 slides) that covers the following:
Social, historical, Political context
Plot summary and Characters
Original Performance Conditions
Developing a director’s concept – theatrical elements and key scenes
Practitioner summaries of Brecht, Artaud and Punchdrunk
Exam questions
Answer structure
Sentence starters
Developing a director’s concept blank sheets: General ideas, Key scenes, Examples

Revision Guide: Accidental Death of an Anarchist Knowledge Organiser
A revision guide for Accidental Death of an Anarchist by Dario Fo. Designed to be used for Edexcel A level Component 3 (but highly adaptable for other exam boards)
Editable PowerPoint (13 slides) that covers the following:
Social, historical, Political context
Plot summary and Characters
Theatrical styles
Commedia Dell’arte
Exam questions 3 & 4
Answer structure Q3 (Performer)
Answer structure Q4 (Designer)
Sentence starters
Blank sheets for capturing general design ideas and developing a design concept

Revision bundle: The Crucible Knowledge Organiser and worksheets
A revision bundle for The Crucible by Arthur Miller including a PowerPoint knowledge organiser, student booklet and blank worksheets to help students organise their thier knowledge and revise effectively.
PowerPoint resource (14 editable slides) covering:
GCSE Drama (Edexcel) overview (although this can be removed or adapted for other exam boards)
Component 3 overview with exam timings
Key vocabulary
Setting and Historical Context
Character descriptions
Characterisation (for key characters) Useful for the As a Performer / As a director questions in the Edexcel Drama exam
Costume suggestions linked to context
Design suggestions linked to context (briefly covering set, lighting and sound)
PDF booklet (10 A4 pages) with the above (except the GSCE overview)
PDF booklet(10 A4 pages) with the above - blank - for students to complete in lessons or for revision

Theatre History Timeline Display & PowerPoint
A PowerPoint and PDF version of an 8 page theatre history timeline that includes the following, with a brief explanation:
Greek Theatre
Roman Theatre
Medieval Theatre
Noh Theatre
Renaissance theatre
Commedia dell’arte
Restoration Theatre
British Pantomime
Comic Opera
Antonin Artaud
Bertolt Brecht / Political Theatre
Broadway Musicals
Experiemental / avant-garde Theatre
Jerzy Grotowski
Modern Musicals
Peter Brook
Augusto Boal
In Your Face Theatre
Kneehigh Theatre Company
Theatre de Complicite
Frantic Assembly
Punchdrunk Theatre Company
PowerPoint is editable. PDF is best for printing.