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Talk Show Role Play (ESL/ELA Speaking Activity!)
A simple and versatile role play activity which can be used with any reading book. In small groups, students work together to create their own talk show to demonstrate their knowledge of an assigned chapter/scene. On the back of the worksheet, students have space to brainstorm and write a dialogue before acting it out in front of the class.
Depending on your own personal teaching situation, you may need to explain to students what a talk show is. I recommend showing your class a short clip from Ellen Degeneres or Oprah Winfrey on YouTube and pointing out that the traditional talk show follows a simple Question & Answer format (usually with a fun introduction and conclusion which fits the host’s personality). You could instruct groups to elect one student to be the host and the other students to represent characters, or all group members could act as hosts and discuss the book from an outsider perspective - it’s up to you to modify the activity to suit your text!
Make sure to leave a comment below if you download this product and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or doubts. Happy teaching!

The Rose that Grew from Concrete by Tupac Shakur (ESL Suitable!)
This product includes a printable student handout as well as a detailed, step-by-step instruction guide for teachers.
After completing a warm-up activity (photo included with lesson plan), students will review common poetic devices and work together to create their own examples. Then, students will listen to several different readings of Tupac Shakur’s famous poem ’ The Rose that Grew from Concrete’ before having the chance to analyze the artist’s work on a deeper level. Instructions for how to access the external sources have been included in the lesson plan.
To wrap up the activity, students will watch an short video advertisement based on Tupac’s poem and complete a free response in their writing journals about what they see in the film. Total teaching time is between 60-90 minutes, depending on whether you conduct the final part of the lesson as an in-class or at-home assignment.
This is a lesson I have used with 14-15 year old ESL students at the B1-B2 English level; however, it would also work well with native English speakers between 7th-10th grade. If you have any questions or doubts, please don’t hesitate sending me a message! Happy teaching everyone!

Thanksgiving Speaking Activity (ESL/ELA Role Play Bundle Pack!)
Role play activities are one of the best ways to encourage English Language Learners to practice their speaking skills. This pack includes six different Thanksgiving themed scenarios. Each scenario comes with task cards for Student A, Student B, and Student C and has been carefully written in order to make it possible to do the activity using either groups of two or three.
If your students are anything like my teenagers, you might find they need an extra little push to stay on-task during these types of activites! One possible solution could be giving them a copy of my ‘Role Play Graphic Organizer’ which you can find here:
This not only helps my students plan their dialogue, but also encourages them to practice their writing skills since I always collect this paper after the activity has finished!
In my experience, I am able to complete a role play activity (allowing time for prep, practice, and presentations) in a class of 20-25 students within a one hour class period if I require roughly 1-2 minutes of speaking. If I want a more detailed dialogue (3-5 minutes), then I allow one class period for planning and a second class period for practice/presentations.
Please don’t hesistate to message me if you have any questions or doubts, and don’t forget to leave a comment below if you download this product!

Thanksgiving Creative Writing Activity (ESL Suitable!)
This is a set of five creative writing prompts I use with my teenage ESL students (would also be perfect for the upper primary or middle school ELA classroom!) as a fun way to discuss Thanksgiving traditions and celebrations. My students are at a B1-B2 English level, and this type of activity normally fills an entire 55 minute lesson by giving students 30 minutes to write, 10-15 minutes to peer-critique with a partner for grammar/vocabulary mistakes, and the remaining time for sharing. I often allow students to choose which prompt they would like to answer; however, you could select one prompt for all students if you want a more structured activity!
Make sure to leave a comment below if you download this product and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or doubts. Happy Thanksgiving!

Mystery Character Guessing Game (Physical Descriptions - ESL)
What better way to learn new languages than a student-approved, printable version of this classic table game?! This fantastic activity is perfect for ESL/foreign language students to practice asking and answering questions using the grammatical structure "he/she has/hasn’t got _____ " while also reviewing vocabulary of physical features which is commonly seen on the Starters and Movers Cambridge Exams.
In this printable, you will receive:
-Complete detailed instructions
-Game set for two players (two game boards + one copy to be cut into character cards)
-Game pieces or dry-erase markers are NOT INCLUDED!
*This printable was originally formatted to be printed on A4 paper, but will also print on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Please make the proper adjustments in your settings before printing the document, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you are having issues printing this product! For best results, you should plan on laminating the game boards and individual character cards.

World Conquest Game ("There is/There are" - ESL)
This is a simplified variation of a classic world conquest board game that I use to teach my ESL students the grammatical structure “there is” versus “there are” while also reviewing vocabulary words commonly seen on the Starters and Movers Cambridge English Exams. In this printable, you will have:
-Complete detailed instructions
-Five sheets of 10 vocabulary flashcards (50 cards in total)
-One copy of the map of Europe (in English)
-Game pieces or dry-erase markers are NOT INCLUDED!
*This printable was originally formatted to be printed on A4 paper, but will also print on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Please make the proper adjustments in your settings before printing the document, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you are having issues printing this product! For best results, you should plan on laminating the game board and individual vocabulary cards.

Genre Change Up (ESL/ELA Speaking & Creative Writing Activity)
In this fun & dynamic activity, students work together in small groups to choose film of their choice and then re-do it in a different genre (i.e. Toy Story as a horror film). This product includes a checklist style handout for students as well as a graphic organizer to help keep students on-task while writing their dialogue. The final part of this activity involves students performing their chosen scene in class and/or video taping it for homework.
When introducing the activity, I recommend showing your class the video clip "Shrek But in 7 Different Genres " on YouTube or one of the many other great edits done by the Youtuber ‘Editing is Everything’. As you watch the video clip, you can review film genre vocabulary. In the past, I have found success by having the students work in groups of three with one 55-minute class period to choose a film and write a dialogue and then a second 55-minute period to act out the scenes in front of their classmates (25 students), but you can easily modify the activity to adjust for different class sizes or time constraints!
Make sure to leave a comment below if you download this product and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or doubts. Happy teaching!

Role Play (Play Script) - Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer I give to my middle & high school ESL students to help them organize their ideas before doing a theatrical performances in class. This two-sided handout is great for the ESL/ELA classroom and is the perfect addition for any role play style speaking activity such as my “Thanksgiving Role Play Bundle Pack”!
Make sure to leave a comment below if you download this product and feel free to contact me with any questions or doubts. Happy teaching everyone!