
GCSE Coasts Revision Test Questions with Re-teach slides
A revision PowerPoint to cover every aspect of the GCSE AQA Coasts specification (and also aligns with other specifications).
The PowerPoint has 10 questions for students to sit as a test before completing. Then go through the revision PowerPoint to help students self assess against their answers and take notes to improve their answers / identify focus areas to study.
Includes video links to relevant BBC coasts videos throughout
This PowerPoint is a supplementary tool to the Big Geography Knowledge Test Paper 1 as available on here at TheExamAttic

Big Geography Knowledge Tests for GCSE - Physical & Human AQA Specific
10 Knowledge Tests for Six Physical Geography Topics and Data Skills
10 Knowledge Tests for all aspects of Human Geography Paper 2
Knowledge Test Re-Teach Booklet (Paper 1) with case study exam practice
Knowledge Test Answer Booklet (Paper 1)
This is the ultimate knowledge test for GCSE Physical & Human Geography. The knowledge tests can be used as seperate tests at 10 minutes each or compiled to make one bumper geography knowledge test.
Read on…
Teach to the Top? Stretch and Challenge
The most efficient way to ensure students can access Grade 9’s is that they have complete content coverage of all knowledge required by the GCSE specifications. Gaining some marks in ALL questions in their paper will gain students a higher grade than getting full marks in some sections and none in others.
Fill the knowledge gaps
Each test has complete topic coverage and results can be used to identify topic areas which students need to focus on for their own revision.
The re-teach booklet gives students an opportunity to fill gaps after each test and focus on their key case study question associated with that topic area.
Knowledge OF Skills
80% of these tests focus on content knowledge whilst 20% concentrates on the KNOWLEDGE required to answer data questions. Describing a trend or relationship is not just a skill - there is knowledge required to be able to access these questions
Physical Topics included
Tectonic Hazards
Weather Hazards
Climate Change
Tropical Rainforest
Hot Deserts
Coastal Landscapes
River Landscapes
Human Topics
Entire specification coverage of
Urban Issues and Challenges
Changing Economic World
Challenge of Resource Management
Good luck to your super Year 11 Geographers. Your’e hard work and resourcefulness is their gain, but its time to get them revising and put the cognitive load onto themselves.

Migration, Identity & Sovereignty - Enquiry 4 Knowledge Organiser GCE EdExcel Geography
This is a complete knowledge organiser for Enquiry 4 of the Migration, Identity & Sovereignty unit of the EdExcel Geography Specification.
Share with students as an at-a-glance, concise revision tool for the upcoming examinations.
Knowledge is organised by each section of the specification and includes updated statistics for 2015 - 2019 where possible. All 9 sections of the specification for Enquiry 4 are included.
Students can read through the case study knowledge and explanations related to each part of the specification.
Share this with students at the start of your course to draw on as you progress with teaching of your course
This individual knowledge organiser for Enquiry 4 contains 2 sides of concise knowledge, organised by specification to help your students learn at-a- glance.

Migration, Identity & Sovereignty - Enquiry 1 Knowledge Organiser GCE EdExcel Geography
This is a complete knowledge organiser for Enquiry 1 of the Migration, Identity & Sovereignty unit of the EdExcel Geography Specification.
Share with students as an at-a-glance, concise revision tool for the upcoming examinations.
Knowledge is organised by each section of the specification and includes updated statistics for 2015 - 2019 where possible. All 9 sections of the specification for Enquiry 1 are included.
Students can read through the case study knowledge and explanations related to each part of the specification.
Share this with students at the start of your course to draw on as you progress with teaching of your course
This individual knowledge organiser for Enquiry 1 contains 2 sides of concise knowledge, organised by specification to help your students learn at-a- glance.