Using Apostrophes Escape Room
Escape from the skate park!
Explore the park, talk to the skater, get into the canteen and see if you can figure out the locker combinator to help you escape!
Practice apostrophe-based questions with this fun punctuation digital escape room. Children will need to explore the park, answering questions and solving puzzles and collecting information to escape.
This game is played completely online, no logins required. You simply give your students the game URL and they can play.
Please ask if you have any questions.
Grammar and Punctuation Escape Rooms Big Bundle
This bundle of games lets children practice grammar and punctuation skills in four fun games focusing on:
• Nouns, verbs and adjectives
• Punctuation
• Adjectives and adverbs
• Apostrophes
Shakespeare Today Complete Lesson
This download teaches children about the relevance of Shakespeare’s work today.
There is a detailed 26 slide PowerPoint explaining why Shakespeare is still relevant today, the ways his work has been used in the past and is still being used, and a detailed look at the affect he has had on our modern lives. There are also differentiated, 7 page worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. I have also included a video of my own Shakespeare lesson (using these resources) which took place online for teacher’s understanding or to show the class.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about Shakespeare’s popularity even in modern times
This download includes:
Complete 26 slide PowerPoint
7 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Lesson video
Victorian Era Shakespeare Lesson and Escape Room Bundle
This download teaches children about the Shakespeare’s popularity in the Victorian Era and then revises the learning in a fun escape room
There is a detailed 25 slide PowerPoint explaining the how Shakespeare became popular in the Victorian Era, the changes that happened to the arts at this time, and a detailed look at Queen Victoria’s love of Shakespeare. There are also differentiated, 7 page worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. I have also included a video of my own Shakespeare lesson (using these resources) which took place online for teacher’s understanding or to show the class. After the lesson the students can take part in a fun digital escape room with the knowledge they have gained.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about Shakespeare’s popularity in Victorian England
This download includes:
Complete 25 slide PowerPoint
7 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Lesson video
Online escape room
Shakespeare’s Plays Lesson and Escape Room Bundle
This download teaches children about Shakespeare’s plays and then revises the learning in a fun digital escape room
There is a detailed 24 slide PowerPoint explaining the types of plays Shakespeare wrote, looking in details at his more famous plays and discussing why his plays are still relevant today. There are also differentiated, 7 page worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. I have also included a video of my own Shakespeare lesson (using these resources) which took place online for teacher’s understanding or to show the class. After the lesson the children can take part in an online escape room.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about Shakespeare’s plays
This download includes:
Complete 24 slide PowerPoint
7 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Lesson video
Digital escape room
Marie Curie Lesson and Escape Room Bundle
Let’s learn about Marie Curie
This lesson teaches children about Marie Curie. There is a detailed 25 slide PowerPoint on her life, her achievements and facts about her. There are also differentiated, 4 page, worksheets to allow children to demonstrate their understanding. After the lesson there is a fun digital escape room to revise the learning.
This download includes:
Complete 25 slide PowerPoint
4 page worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheet for answers
Answer sheets
Online escape room
Women in History Lessons and Escape Rooms Big Bundle
This big bundle teaches children all about five important women from history, the lessons cover: Emmeline Pankhurst, Florence Nightingale, Rosa Parks, Marie Curie and Mother Teresa. Each lesson also has its own, fun digital escape room to the revise the learning from the lessons.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about these amazing women.
Shakespeare Lessons and Escape Rooms Big Bundle
This big bundle teaches children all about Shakespeare in five lessons, covering his life, his plays, the Globe Theatre, how he became popular in the Victorian Era and why he is still relevant today. Each lesson also has its own, fun digital escape room to the revise the learning from the lessons.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about Shakespeare.
This is a collection of lessons to teach children about special holidays throughout the year. Eight special holidays are included each with lesson PowerPoint and differentiated worksheets. There is also a collection of reward tags for the children to collect with a holiday theme.
Lesson in this bundle:
*Day of the Dead
*St George’s Day
*Earth Day
*St Patrick’s Day
*Special Holiday Reward Tags
Myths and Legends
English Myths and Legends Writing – Complete 4 Week Unit of Work
This download includes a complete four-week English unit on Greek myth writing. Children will analyse and discuss myth texts in different mediums and then create their own pieces of writing. Everything you need to teach the whole unit is included.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plans
- PowerPoint slides for lessons
- Myth videos and texts
- Activities for every lesson with clear progression
- Examples, prompts and templates for the activities
Spring Themed Letter Recognition and Beginner Sounds
For teaching RF.K.2 and L.K.1
Teach letter recognition with these fun Easter and Spring Themed worksheets.
Over 75 worksheets designed to help children recognise and write the letters of the alphabet as well as determine which words start with the sounds.
Awful Auntie, Making Inferences Complete English Lesson
Complete Lesson on Inference - Related to Awful Auntie by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, English lesson on the nineteenth chapter of the book Awful Auntie by David Walliams. The lesson focuses on how to infer meaning from text and find evidence for your inference.
The lesson then set the class task to write short texts which infer different meanings. The lesson uses the events in the chapter as a base. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a detailed PowerPoint to ensure children understand inference in narratives.
The class will write short texts to show different scenes and then the children will use writing frames and cloze sheets to create their own narratives. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Awful Auntie; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
Starter lesson PowerPoint
Complete lesson PowerPoint
Writing frame
Writing prompt sheet
Cloze sheet and answers
Chapter review sheets
Writing Predictions Complete English Lesson on The Midnight Gang
This download includes a complete English study lesson on the second chapter of the book The Midnight Gang by David Walliams. Teachers will get full resources and plans for teaching school children about writing predictions in the classroom. Children will read and discuss the chapter.
There is a PowerPoint to explain the activity and then practice independently. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for kids to complete to reflect on the chapter read and share their ideas. You will need a copy of the book The Midnight Gang; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
PowerPoint slides for the lesson
Chapter review sheets
Prediction sheet
Writing Emotion in Narratives, Complete English Lesson on The Midnight Gang
Complete Lesson on Writing Emotion in Narrative - Related to The Midnight Gang by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, narrative writing lesson on the fifth chapter of the book The Midnight Gang by David Walliams. The lesson focuses on how to write emotion in narrative. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a detailed PowerPoint to ensure children’s understanding of the elements of writing an emotional narrative.
The class will write a narrative together and then the children can plan and write their own using the writing frame. For lower-ability children, there is a cloze sheet to complete before attempting their own writing. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book The Midnight Gang; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
Complete lesson PowerPoint
Writing frame
Cloze sheet
Chapter review sheets
Differentiated reading comprehension cards. Three levels of texts and questions to help children with reading comprehension. This text is on Fathers Day and has questions to help children understand and draw meaning from the text.
Speaking and Listening – Mr Stink
Complete Lesson on Speaking and Listening, Taking Part in a Debate, Related to Mr Stink by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, lesson on the sixth chapter of the book Mr Stink by David Walliams. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a PowerPoint to explain the activity and then practice with speaking and listening and debating a point. Children can then plan and create a poster, before delivering their own argument. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Mr Stink; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- PowerPoint slides for the lesson
- Example Poster
- Planning sheets
- Chapter review sheets
Thanks for looking
This is the sixth lesson in my Mr Stink unit the first is here.
Thanks for looking.
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My other English products:
Complete Instruction Writing Unit
Complete Persuasive Writing Unit
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit