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Beach Use Survey

Beach Use Survey

A template data collection sheet for students wishing to study how different groups of people might use a beach and the impact this will have.
Clone Town Survey

Clone Town Survey

A remake of the Clone Town Survey designed by the New Economics Foundation. This data collection sheet helps students to examine their high streets to see to what extent they are full of chain or independent stores.
Risk Assessment - Beach Survey Tasks

Risk Assessment - Beach Survey Tasks

This risk assessment serves as a guide to the kind of considerations one might need to make when carrying out survey tasks on a beach. It is not to be taken as a completed document and teachers should edit and tailor the content to suit the particular circumstances of their individual fieldwork location.
Risk Assessment - Street Surveys

Risk Assessment - Street Surveys

This risk assessment serves as a guide to the kind of considerations one might need to make when carrying out survey tasks on a street. It is not to be taken as a completed document and teachers should edit and tailor the content to suit the particular circumstances of their individual fieldwork location.
Risk Assessment - River and Pond Surveys

Risk Assessment - River and Pond Surveys

This risk assessment serves as a guide to the kind of considerations one might need to make when carrying out survey tasks in a river or pond. It is not to be taken as a completed document and teachers should edit and tailor the content to suit the particular circumstances of their individual fieldwork location.
Risk Assessment - Woodland Survey Tasks

Risk Assessment - Woodland Survey Tasks

This risk assessment serves as a guide to the kind of considerations one might need to make when carrying out survey tasks in a woodland. It is not to be taken as a completed document and teachers should edit and tailor the content to suit the particular circumstances of their individual fieldwork location.