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Environmental Quality Survey (1-5 score)
A template Environmental Quality Survey for students to use in the field. The first page has predefined fields and on the second page students can create their own survey categories.
Ideal High Street Survey
Based on a 2018 YouGov poll into what people might think of as an ideal high street, this data collection sheet provides a framework for students studying this topic.
Risk Assessment - Beach Survey Tasks
This risk assessment serves as a guide to the kind of considerations one might need to make when carrying out survey tasks on a beach. It is not to be taken as a completed document and teachers should edit and tailor the content to suit the particular circumstances of their individual fieldwork location.
Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient Significance Table
A full significance table for use with the Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient. This version shows five different levels of significance.
Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient
A comprehensive guide to one of the most commonly used statistical tests in geography. As well as highlighting the value of Spearman’s Rank and the parameters needed for its correct use, this guide also provides a step-by-step set of instructions and a worked example showing how it can be used to analyse questionnaire data.A comprehensive guide to one of the most commonly used statistical tests in geography. As well as highlighting the value of Spearman’s Rank and the parameters needed for its correct use, this guide also provides a step-by-step set of instructions and a worked example showing how it can be used to analyse questionnaire data.
Sampling Strategies
A guide to the main types of sampling strategy and how they might be used within geography fieldwork.
How to calculate the carbon content of trees
A field guide that walks students through the calculations needed to work out the rough carbon content of a variety of tree species.
Urban Accessibility Survey
A survey designed to allow students to collect data on how easy it is to navigate and use an urban space when one has limited mobility or a disability.
Data Collection Recording Sheets for Geography Fieldwork
A compendium of 44 of the most common data recording sheets used in geography fieldwork. Easy to copy and use multiple times with students in the field and covering a wide variety of topics that suit all secondary key stages.
Cailleux Index Survey
A data collection sheet to help students investigate pebble size and roundness as part of a geography fieldwork investigation.
Using Statistics in A Level Geography
A forty page book designed to show A Level Geography students how they can use statistics in geographical research, and especially in their NEA (Independent Investigation). The guide contains information on how students might choose a particular statistical test and then goes into detail about twelve of the most commonly used tests.
For each statistical test there is a section which:
- describes how the statistical test works
- gives a range of examples of research angles that might use that statistical test
- provides a step-by step guide, showing students how to carry out that particular statistical test through a worked example
Where necessary, significance tables or critical value tables are also included.
Environmental Quality Survey (Bipolar Score)
A template Environmental Quality Survey for students to use in the field. The first page has predefined fields and on the second page students can create their own survey categories.
Urban regeneration fieldwork resource collection
A collection of ten resources to help teachers specifically plan and carry out urban regeneration fieldwork with their students.
Urban Localism Survey
Based on the concept of the ‘15 minute city’, this data collection sheet supports students assessing how sustainable and liveable an urban space might be.
Structuring the NEA Report
A guide to how one might structure the write up of the Non Examined Assessment in Geography.
Risk Assessment - River and Pond Surveys
This risk assessment serves as a guide to the kind of considerations one might need to make when carrying out survey tasks in a river or pond. It is not to be taken as a completed document and teachers should edit and tailor the content to suit the particular circumstances of their individual fieldwork location.
Risk Assessment - Woodland Survey Tasks
This risk assessment serves as a guide to the kind of considerations one might need to make when carrying out survey tasks in a woodland. It is not to be taken as a completed document and teachers should edit and tailor the content to suit the particular circumstances of their individual fieldwork location.
How to present piecharts in ArcGIS
A step by step guide for those new to ArcGIS.
Forty Minute Fieldwork: Infiltration
A fieldwork lesson plan based on infiltration.
How to draw a land use map in ArcGIS
A step by step guide for those new to ArcGIS.