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House Price Survey

House Price Survey

A data collection sheet designed to allow students to analyse the prices of various homes they may find as part of primary or secondary data collection.
Fieldsketch template

Fieldsketch template

A template that students can use to complete a field sketch whilst carrying out fieldwork. includes space to annotate using a key and important locational information.
Retail Survey

Retail Survey

A data collection sheet which helps students to compare different retail stores in a number of different economic categories.
Vegetation Survey

Vegetation Survey

A data collection sheet designed to help students record data on vegetation types, frequency of observation and height along a transect.
Beach profile survey

Beach profile survey

A data collection sheet for the recording of gradients along different sections of a beach. It includes graph paper for students to draw their beach profile alongside the data.
Types of Data

Types of Data

This brief guide highlights to students the different types of data they might like to consider in geographical research. Each data type is described and an example of use in geographical research is given.
Simpson's Diversity Index Calculator

Simpson's Diversity Index Calculator

An Excel spreadsheet which automatically calculates the final value for Simpson’s Diversity Index. A good way for students to check their long-hand working, or a way to analyse primary data for students who are not confident in their maths skills.