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The Literacy Company Shop

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The Literacy Company is a team of dedicated consultants who provide schools with support, advice and training. Our high quality resources are designed to support teachers with the delivery of the primary English curriculum.




The Literacy Company is a team of dedicated consultants who provide schools with support, advice and training. Our high quality resources are designed to support teachers with the delivery of the primary English curriculum.
Reception: The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson - Medium term English plan

Reception: The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson - Medium term English plan

Final writing outcome: To write the main events in the story This unit of work is based on The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. This modern classic is adored by children everywhere and tells the tale of a brave and clever mouse who out-wits all the creatures of the forest – including the terrifying Gruffalo. Mastery skills: • Use some of their print and letter knowledge in their early writing • Spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letter/s • Form lower-case letters correctly • Write short sentences with words with known sound-letter correspondences using a capital letter and full stop This unit also incorporates ideas for enhancing learning in Prime and Specific areas of learning for children in reception.
Y6 The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman - Medium term English plan

Y6 The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman - Medium term English plan

Final writing outcome: To write a story based on the plot of The Wolves in the Walls This unit of work is based on The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman. When wolves take over Lucy’s house, her family flee in fear. It’s up to Lucy to put the wolves back in their place and reclaim her home. Mastery skills: – Identify the audience for and purpose of writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models – Describe settings, characters and atmosphere – Integrate dialogue to convey character and advance the action – Link ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices Short writing opportunities to develop mastery: – Monologue – Diary entry – Letter – Poster – Report
Y5 Rain Player by David Wisniewski - Medium term English plan

Y5 Rain Player by David Wisniewski - Medium term English plan

Final writing outcome: A Mayan folk tale – a sequel to the Rain Player This medium term plan is based on Rain Player by David Wisniewski. The ancient Mayan tale of a boy who must defeat the Rain God in a game of pok-a-tok to save his village from a terrible drought. Great for linking to a topic on the ancient Maya civilization. Mastery skills: – Identify the audience for and purpose of the writing – Select appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning – Integrate dialogue to convey character and advance the action – Link within and across paragraphs using a wide range of devices Short writing opportunities to develop mastery: – Setting description – Diary entry – Instructions/Explanation – Character description – Poetry
Y4 Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo - Medium term English plan

Y4 Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo - Medium term English plan

Final writing outcome: Write a further adventure for Beowulf This unit of work is based on Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo. A retelling of the classic tale of Beowulf’s quest to reek revenge on the monster Grendal. Great for linking to a topic on Anglo Saxons. Mastery skills: – Variety of verb forms used correctly and consistently including the progressive and the present/past perfect forms – Use Standard English forms for verb inflections – Organise paragraphs around a theme (using fronted adverbials to introduce or connect paragraphs) – Use and punctuate direct speech (using dialogue to show the relationship between characters) Short writing opportunities to develop mastery: – Descriptive writing – Letter – Diary entries
Y3 The Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo - Medium term English plan

Y3 The Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo - Medium term English plan

Final writing outcome: To write a version of Cinderella story with a new god This unit of work is based on The Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo. The original Cinderella story set in ancient Egypt – Rhodopis is slave whose beautiful rose-red slipper is stolen by a falcon. By chance her slipper ends up in the hands of the Pharoah who sets out to find its owner. Great for linking to a topic on Ancient Egypt. Mastery skills: – Organise paragraphs around a theme – Create settings, characters and plot in narratives – Express time, place and cause using conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions – Use of present perfect form of verbs – Introduce inverted commas to punctuate direct speech Short writing opportunities to develop mastery: – Setting description – Diary entry – Character profile
Y2 The Tin Forest by Helen Ward - Medium term English plan

Y2 The Tin Forest by Helen Ward - Medium term English plan

Final writing outcome: To write a story based on The Tin Forest This unit of work is based on The Tin Forest by Helen Ward & Wayne Anderson. The story of an old man working in a junkyard tidying up the rubbish, dreaming of a better world; from the rubbish he creates a magnificent wonderland. Mastery skills: – Write sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command – Use subordination (using when, if, that, or because) – Use expanded noun phrases to describe and specify Short writing opportunities to develop mastery: – Instructions – Postcard/letter – Poetry – Recount – Report
Y1 The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle - Medium term English plan

Y1 The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle - Medium term English plan

Final writing outcome: To write an information leaflet about plants This medium term plan is based on The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The fascinating journey of a tiny seed’s journey across hazardous landscapes to find a suitable place to grow. Mastery skills: – Re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense – Join words and phrases using and – Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop or question mark – Add suffixes where no change is needed to the root of the word e.g. –ing, –er, –est Short writing opportunities to develop mastery: – Facts – Labels – Captions – Poster – Lists
Christmas Planning Y1 Y2

Christmas Planning Y1 Y2

We would like to add some Christmas cheer by sharing our free Christmas performance project resource, based on the beautiful book Dasher by Matt Tavares. The resource contains five fully planned and resourced sessions followed by suggestions for a week’s worth of activities building towards a class performance. Includes adaptations to suit EYFS.
Christmas planning Y5 Y6 - Dasher by Matt Tavares

Christmas planning Y5 Y6 - Dasher by Matt Tavares

We would like to add some Christmas cheer by sharing our free Christmas performance project resource, based on the beautiful book Dasher by Matt Tavares. The resource contains five fully planned and resourced sessions followed by suggestions for a week’s worth of activities building towards a class performance.
Christmas planning Y3 Y4 - Dasher by Matt Tavares

Christmas planning Y3 Y4 - Dasher by Matt Tavares

We would like to add some Christmas cheer by sharing our free Christmas performance project resource, based on the beautiful book Dasher by Matt Tavares. The resource contains five fully planned and resourced sessions followed by suggestions for a week’s worth of activities building towards a class performance.
English Home Learning - Year 6

English Home Learning - Year 6

High-quality English resources for reading and writing home learning to meet the demands placed upon schools due to school closures or year groups having to isolate. The pack provides everything you will need to provide 10 sessions of home learning. The activities are based around our texts ‘Martha’s Suitcase’ and ‘The Amazing Rhinoceros’ and cover writing and reading skills for year 6. These units are also perfect for pupils absent from school or to support learning as a homework package. • Engaging reading and writing activities to last for 2 weeks • High quality texts included in the package • Supportive subject knowledge for parents • Short bursts of independent activities clearly linked to key skills Objectives: Reading Distinguish between fact and opinion Summarise the main ideas from more than one paragraph Writing Enhance meaning through selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary Use modal verbs and adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility Use brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis
English Home Learning - Year 5

English Home Learning - Year 5

High-quality English resources for reading and writing home learning to meet the demands placed upon schools due to school closures or year groups having to isolate. The pack provides everything you will need to provide 10 sessions of home learning. The activities are based around the Grimm’s fairytale ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and cover writing and reading skills for year 5. These units are also perfect for pupils absent from school or to support learning as a homework package. • Engaging reading and writing activities to last for 2 weeks • High quality texts included in the package • Supportive subject knowledge for parents • Short bursts of independent activities clearly linked to key skills Objectives: Reading Evaluate authors’ language choice, including figurative language Summarise the main ideas from more than one paragraph Writing Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely Describe settings, characters and atmosphere Integrate dialogue to convey character and advance the action Use of inverted commas and other punctuation to punctuate direct speech
English Home Learning - Year 4

English Home Learning - Year 4

High-quality English resources for reading and writing home learning to meet the demands placed upon schools due to school closures or year groups having to isolate. The pack provides everything you will need to provide 10 sessions of home learning. The activities are based around the text ‘Magical Places’ (containing extracts from classic novels The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan) and cover writing and reading skills for year 4. These units are also perfect for pupils absent from school or to support learning as a homework package. • Engaging reading and writing activities to last for 2 weeks • High quality texts included in the package • Supportive subject knowledge for parents • Short bursts of independent activities clearly linked to key skills Objectives: Reading Draw inferences (inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions); justify with evidence Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination Identify main ideas from paragraphs Writing Use Standard English forms for verb inflections Indicate possession by using the possessive apostrophe with plural nouns Recognise the difference between plural and possessive ‘s’
English Home Learning - Year 3

English Home Learning - Year 3

High-quality English resources for reading and writing home learning to meet the demands placed upon schools due to school closures or year groups having to isolate. The pack provides everything you will need to provide 10 sessions of home learning. The activities are based around our text ‘The Snow Child’ and cover writing and reading skills for year 3. These units are also perfect for pupils absent from school or to support learning as a homework package. • Engaging reading and writing activities to last for 2 weeks • High quality texts included in the package • Supportive subject knowledge for parents • Short bursts of independent activities clearly linked to key skills Objectives: Reading Draw inferences (inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions) and justify with evidence Discuss words and phrases that capture the Writing Use conjunctions and adverbs to express time, place and cause Use a or an according to whether the next word begins with a vowel or consonant In narratives, create characters, settings and plot Use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
English Home Learning - Year 2

English Home Learning - Year 2

High-quality English resources for reading and writing home learning to meet the demands placed upon schools due to school closures or year groups having to isolate. The pack provides everything you will need to provide 10 sessions of home learning. The activities are based around our text ‘All about Cats’ and cover writing and reading skills for year 2. These units are also perfect for pupils absent from school or to support learning as a homework package. • Engaging reading and writing activities to last for 2 weeks • High quality texts included in the package • Supportive subject knowledge for parents • Short bursts of independent activities clearly linked to key skills Objectives: Reading Answer and ask questions Read non-fiction books that are structured in different ways Explain and discuss their understanding of books, poems and other material Writing Use co-ordination (and/but) Add ‘-ly’ to turn adjectives into adverbs Use commas to separate items in a list
English Home Learning - Year 1

English Home Learning - Year 1

High-quality English resources for reading and writing home learning to meet the demands placed upon schools due to school closures or year groups having to isolate. The pack provides everything you will need to provide 10 sessions of home learning. The activities are based around the fairytale of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and cover writing and reading skills for year 1. These units are also perfect for pupils absent from school or to support learning as a homework package. • Engaging reading and writing activities to last for 2 weeks • High quality texts included in the package • Supportive subject knowledge for parents • Short bursts of independent activities clearly linked to key skills Objectives: Reading Become familiar with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales Retell stories and consider their particular characteristics Make inferences on the basis of what is being said and done Participate in discussion about what has been read to them Writing Join words using and Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop Use capital letters for names of people Sequence sentences to form short narratives (link ideas or event by pronoun)
Reading and Writing Home Learning for EYFS

Reading and Writing Home Learning for EYFS

High-quality English resources for reading and writing home learning to meet the demands placed upon schools due to school closures or year groups having to isolate. The pack provides everything you will need to provide 10 sessions of home learning. The activities are on the theme of ‘Minibeasts’ and cover writing, reading and communication and language skills for early years 40-60 months. These units are also perfect for pupils absent from school or to support learning as a homework package. • Engaging reading and writing activities to last for 2 weeks • High quality texts included in the package • Supportive subject knowledge for parents • Short bursts of independent activities clearly linked to key skills Objectives covered: Reading Hear and say the initial sound in words Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet Begin to read words and simple sentences Read some common irregular words (‘tricky words’) Writing Begin to break speech down into words Segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together (Write CVC words) Write labels and captions
Year 6 - Literacy Learning from Home: Poetry

Year 6 - Literacy Learning from Home: Poetry

A selection of materials to engage Year 6 children with speaking, listening and writing activities linked to learning poetry when working from home in the event of school closure due to the Coronavirus outbreak. These are available to download free of charge. We hope that you find this resource useful. In addition, for each year group we have created a selection of spelling, writing and poetry activities linked to a variety of engaging themes. Some require pupils to complete their own research to use in their own writing and others use images and video clips to inspire. The Literacy Company is a team of dedicated consultants who provide schools with support, advice and training. Please get in touch via our social media if there are any additional resources you would like us to look into producing during this period of uncertainty.
Year 5 - Literacy Learning from Home: Poetry

Year 5 - Literacy Learning from Home: Poetry

A selection of materials to engage Year 5 children with speaking, listening and writing activities linked to learning poetry when working from home in the event of school closure due to the Coronavirus outbreak. These are available to download free of charge. We hope that you find this resource useful. n addition, for each year group we have created a selection of spelling, writing and poetry activities linked to a variety of engaging themes. Some require pupils to complete their own research to use in their own writing and others use images and video clips to inspire. The Literacy Company is a team of dedicated consultants who provide schools with support, advice and training. Please get in touch via our social media if there are any additional resources you would like us to look into producing during this period of uncertainty.
Year 4 - Literacy Learning from Home: Poetry

Year 4 - Literacy Learning from Home: Poetry

A selection of materials to engage Year 4 children with speaking, listening and writing activities linked to learning poetry when working from home in the event of school closure due to the Coronavirus outbreak. These are available to download free of charge. We hope that you find this resource useful. In addition, for each year group we have created a selection of spelling, writing and poetry activities linked to a variety of engaging themes. Some require pupils to complete their own research to use in their own writing and others use images and video clips to inspire. The Literacy Company is a team of dedicated consultants who provide schools with support, advice and training. Please get in touch via our social media if there are any additional resources you would like us to look into producing during this period of uncertainty.