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Patterns and Sequences

Patterns and Sequences

A full lesson on sequences and patterns. It start by looking at finding missing terms, moves on to the nth term of a sequence before moving on to applying nth term algebra to problems involving pictures.
Proportion and best value lesson (inc loop cards)

Proportion and best value lesson (inc loop cards)

A full lesson on proportion and the unitary method including a range of differentiated questions on proportion and best value. It also includes a thoughts and crosses activity and 2 different plenaries. There is also a copy of the loop cards I printed off for the pupils to work on. I have included instructions on the slides of where to click to show the questions please deleted them off before you use it.
Pythagoras' Theorem Lesson

Pythagoras' Theorem Lesson

Here is a complete lesson on Pythagoras' theorem with included assessment opportunities and printable differentiated worksheets on the IWB. Extension tasks using Pythagoras to find perimeters and areas of shapes too. There is a quality activity which I printed out where pupils have to role 2 dice to select the base and height of a right angled triangle then use the information to calculate the hypotenuse. I have included teacher hints on the slides which need deleting out because there are a lot of things that need clicking or pulling out. Enjoy!
Area and Perimeter of a triangle

Area and Perimeter of a triangle

A full lesson with learning plan and IWB (smart notebook) on area and perimeter of traingles. Contains differentiated questions and printable progress and plenary cards and a nice sorting activity depending on whether they are given its area or perimeter.
Thoughts and Crosses - Algebraic Fractions

Thoughts and Crosses - Algebraic Fractions

An activity for pupils to play in pairs based on blooms or a way to provide differentiated questioning to pupils. Just as in normal noughts and crosses pupils need to make a line of 3, but instead of nought and crosses they must write their answer in a noughts and crosses grid. As an extension for those who finish I get them to work as a pair to complete the rest of the grid.
Calculating Volumes of Prisms

Calculating Volumes of Prisms

A top quality lesson on finding the volume of a prism! The lesson contains a variety of different activities including a bingo game, a connect 4, a differentiated worksheet and a whole class game. All solutions are included along with all printable resources and a learning plan. As always an unrivalled quality of IWB with teacher hints included (these need deleting before you use it) that should allow you to make the most of this lesson. Hope you and your pupils enjoy the lesson.
Division Battleships

Division Battleships

Split the class in half the teams take it in turns answering questions from their side of the board. The first team to find the 5 ships hidden under their squares wins. This one is basic mental division facts ideal for KS2 and low attaining KS3 class, mainly single digit divisions.
Percentage Increase and Decrease (Multiplier Method)

Percentage Increase and Decrease (Multiplier Method)

Here is a full lesson on calculating a percentage increase and decrease using the multiplier method. It recaps converting between decimals and percentages, it looks at using the multiplier method to find a percentage before moving onto percentage increases and decrease using the multiplier method. It contains examples, questions, a true or false activity, a differentiated worksheet, a plenary and all solutions are included on the slides. Hope it helps and I hope you enjoy teaching it!
Areas of Compound Shapes Made From Rectangles

Areas of Compound Shapes Made From Rectangles

Here is a full lesson on calculating the areas of compound shapes made from rectangles. The lesson contains examples, spot the error task, a differentiated worksheet. All answers included on the slides. Hope it helps and have fun teaching!
Finding Percentages of Amounts

Finding Percentages of Amounts

Here is a lesson I delivered as a reintroduction to percentages of amounts to a group of foundation students. Contains Lesson plan, Loop Cards and the Smart notebook. I have included teacher hints to help people find things on the slides but please delete these out. Includes an extension on percentage increase and decrease. Enjoy! Feedback and improvements welcome!
GCSE 10 Problems to Solve Worksheet

GCSE 10 Problems to Solve Worksheet

A collection of 10 problems complete with solutions which I used with some high ability Y9 pupils. Good lesson starter. It gave them all something to think about and work on in small groups.
Area and Perimeter

Area and Perimeter

A smartboard file with area and perimeter questions. Nice plenary at the end with pupils having to sort sorts into two boxes on area and perimeter.
Finding Areas of Compound Shapes

Finding Areas of Compound Shapes

This is a complete lesson on calculating the area of compound shapes. It is a great introduction to compound area starting by looking at counting squares before moving onto rectangles and triangles before then compound areas. It also contains a nice thoughts and crosses activity on area and a fantastic functional problem.
Areas of Circles Team Activity

Areas of Circles Team Activity

Here is an activity I used to consolidate finding areas of circles 'Usain's Insane Circle Race'. Pupils answer questions to move their runner down the track. My pupils loved it! Feel free to switch the picture of me.
Designing Maths Top Trumps

Designing Maths Top Trumps

Here is a set of blank top trump cards on pop stars on pop stars along with a rating sheet. Pupils had to complete the rating sheet ranking each star out of 20 on various categories then design questions on the cards which had the same answer as the rating. Swapping card sets with another group at the end to play each others games. I used them for BIDMAS/BODMAS but they could also be used for anything such as percentages, fractions, rounding or basic number.
Similar Triangles (Height of a building)

Similar Triangles (Height of a building)

Here is a lesson on similar triangles where pupils need to calculate scale factors. It starts with pupils using it to calculate the height of a building and looking at some examples. Before pupils trying some differentiated questions then applying the skills to 2D and 3D objects. I have included teacher hints on the IWB showing where to click things please delete these out.
KS3 Maths: Algebra Activity - Function Machines

KS3 Maths: Algebra Activity - Function Machines

Think of a number (algebraic proof)This is a collection of resources I made for a lesson to introduce the idea of algebraic proof to a year 7 class. I gave prep sheet for homework, then we completed proof as class. Using 'blob and dot algebra' then real algebra. Pupils then made their own puzzles and a poster. They really enjoyed it!