This lesson and supporting resources provide an extremely detailed account of sound design sound and sound FXs throughout the original Star Wars films. It covers an introduction into what sound design is and how it is creatively used to bring films to life. It then looks at all the imaginative methods used by the major sound designer for Star Wars, Ben Burtt, and how he developed some of the most iconic sounds in all of film and ultimately won an Academy Award.
This lesson would be a great addition to anyone learning about the history of film making and audio production and how the two mediums work together. It would also work along with the History of Sound in Video Games bundle. Moreover is also part of the “Music and Sound Design in Films - MEGA LESSON BUNDLE” -This covers the full comprehensive history of the development of sound in film from 1890 all the way to modern surround sound cinemas. Moreover, the resources covers the use of Music and Sound in films, the different forms that this takes and the full development of Foley and Sound FXs.
This lesson and resource covers the development of sound FXs within the Star Wars film with 21 detailed slides in total. It also comes with great examples throughout to aid learning and embedded links to YouTube, thus providing an excellent addition to support the presentation.
All material, presentations and worksheets, within this resource has been recently updated and now includes links to online ‘Distance Learning’ versions through Google Slides™. This allowing extra flexibility and continued support if students are learning and engaging from outside the classroom at home.
This resource also comes with a Listening skill classroom task, that can be completed alongside the lesson/presentation and integrated videos, and will aid learning and revision for learners. This classroom task comes in a “No Style”, black and white print out or an attractive, “Styled” version to help engage learners.
This resource also comes with an infographic resource to aid learning. This covering some interesting facts on sound design and how sound is used with all of films.
This lecture and supporting resources covers all the major elements for recording Electric Guitar within a studio. The lesson is provided with detailed explanations and methods for how to record the Electric Guitar, popular techniques and microphones to use. This would be a great lecture to work through for any practical, recording lesson and closely ties in with Bundle “How to Record…Everything! Along with the lecture/presentation there is a “styled”, eye-catching recording checklist for students to follow along during a practical lesson. This outlines the three different recording methods listed within the lecture/presentation and also suggests some alterations to try and test during the session.
Finally, there is a Lesson Worksheet, this also detailing the different recording methods but also has a number of questions for the student to complete after the recording.
This is great for develop listening skills and also ensuring the student is analytical of their recording. It is also a really good follow up lesson after the practical recording lesson.
Finally, there is a homework research/task sheet to help develop student vocabulary and investigate further some of the common terms used, this also comes with an answer-sheet for easy marking.
This lecture and supporting resources covers all the major elements for recording Acoustic Guitar within a studio. The lesson is provided with detailed explanations and methods for how to record the Acoustic Guitar, popular techniques and microphones to use.
Along with the lecture/presentation, there is a useful infographic to aid with learning and help student remember common tones found from around the guitar when recording. Moreover, a recording method check-sheet for learners to work through while in class. As well as a exercise sheets to help with listening skills that links closely with recordings.
Finally, there is a homework research/task sheet to help develop student vocabulary and investigate further some of the common terms used.
This infographic on music Note Duration would provide an excellent addition to any student learning musical note lengths and rhythm. The Note Duration infographic covers all common Note and Rest lengths, their full name and symbols used within musical notation. All Note values come with audio examples to support and aid learning, as well as an image of the note when inputted into computer music software. This is great for learners who are starting to write and compose music using software for the first time.
Finally, the resource also has a great interactive classroom exercise or task. Cutout cards allow students to match correct Notes, Rests, Names and Beat values together and sum up everything they have learnt.
In this package:
INFOGRAPHIC – Music Note Duration (.pdf)
INFOGRAPHIC – Music Note Duration (.png)
INFOGRAPHIC - Music Note Duration (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
WORKSHEET – CUTOUT-Note Duration (.png)
WORKSHEET - CUTOUT-Note Duration (.pdf)
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
AUDIO-Note Duration-80bpm
IMAGES-Note Duration image examples (.png)
The History of Boy Bands lesson and supporting resources provide an extremely detailed account of Boy Bands and the development of this genre throughout Pop Music history. It covers from very early “Dop-Wop” groups in the 1920s and 1930s all the way through to the modern boy bands, K-Pop and TV talent contests. The material in this resources would easily cover 2 to 3 lessons over roughly 2 weeks.
The presentation covers the development of Boy Band music and how this changed over time with a total of 27 slides. Moreover, there are over 20 embedded videos throughout the lesson linking to YouTube and providing an excellent addition to the resource.
This resource also comes with 2 classroom task worksheets that can be completed along side the lesson/presentation and integrated music links to listen through and use with the classroom exercises.
‘The presentation also come in video form to aid learning and can also be used a revision tool to help students.
In this package:
PRESENTATION – History of Boy Bands (.pdf High quality)
PRESENTATION – History of Boy Bands - COMPRESSED(.pdf compressed quality)
PRESENTATION – History of Boy Bands - (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
VIDEO – Revision video of the presentation to aid learning and help with student learning.
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
WORKSHEET – History of Boy Bands - Task 1
WORKSHEET – WORKSHOP-History of Boy Bands-Task 2-Listening Skills
This lecture and supporting classroom resources is part of the History of Popular Music package and Full Library. It covers the rise of Heavy Rock music genres and later Metal music. The lesson/presentation comes with three classroom tasks and exercises, a really useful infographic to aid in student learning and embedded YouTube links throughout the presentation.
Covered in 1970s-80s Music-Heavy Rock:
Heavy Rock Outline
“The Beginning” of Heavy Rock styles and music
Jimi Hendrix
Developing the genre
Black Sabbath
Other Artists
The golden Age of Heavy Rock
Who Invented Heavy Rock? (YouTube video link)
What makes Heavy Rock music – all the parts
Famous Artists from Heavy Rock and Metal (with YouTube embedded links!)
Popular sub-genres of Metal
In this package:
PRESENTATION – Heavy Rock-1970s-80s Music (.pdf High quality)
PRESENTATION – Heavy Rock-1970s-80s Music (.pdf compressed quality)
PRESENTATION – Heavy Rock-1970s-80s Music (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
VIDEO – Revision video of the presentation to aid learning and help with student learning.
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
INFOGRAPHIC - BRIEF History of Heavy Rock (.pdf High quality)
INFOGRAPHIC - BRIEF History of Heavy Rock (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
Classroom Worksheet-Artists Research – TASK ONE (.pdf)
ANSWERS: Classroom Worksheet-Artists Research – TASK ONE (.pdf)
Classroom Worksheet-Artists Research detailed essay – TASK TWO (.pdf)
Classroom Worksheet-Heavy Rock +Metal sub-genre Research – TASK THREE (.pdf)
Explore the heartbeat of music with our enlightening teaching resource infographic! Uncover the nuances of rhythmic feel, from the precision of straight beats to the syncopated groove, swung rhythms, and the laid-back allure of half-time. This visual guide provides a dynamic map for understanding and distinguishing these essential elements. Ideal for educators and music enthusiasts, it’s a rhythmic journey that transcends genres.
This Resource would be really useful for any student or teacher working within a Music or Music Technology department, but also extremely valuable and convenient for home/self-study revision. The e-book also comes in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, allowing it to be used alongside other resources within a lesson.
In this package:
INFOGRAPHIC – Guide to Rhythm (.pdf)
INFOGRAPHIC – Guide to Rhythm (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
These Rhythm Flash Cards would be a really useful addition to student’s studying music Composition, Arranging and Listening Skills. All the rhythms come with audio examples at two different tempos, as well as .pdf and .png files so they can be printed or copied into a range of formats to aid learning.
In this package:
HD – High Quality- Rhythm Flash Cards: .pdf file
PRINTOUT HD – High Quality - Rhythm Flash Cards: .pdf file
Images - .png image files of all rhythms (Square)
AUDIO – .mp3 rhythm examples at 70bpm
AUDIO – .mp3 rhythm examples at 100bpm
** UAL Level 2 Unit 8, Level 3 Units 8, 12 and 13-BUNDLE**
This massive BUNDLE of assignments, assessments briefs and supporting resources covers four full, end of year assignments for the UAL courses at Level 2 and Level 3, first and Second year.
This Resource is to be used along with additional evidence a learning center would like to collect from the student. It is the Centre’s responsibility to ensure it covers and meets their requirements and standards.
This assignment brief and supporting classroom resources are aimed especially for the UAL – Level 3 Second year “Extended Diploma in Music Performance & Production”, Final Project Unit 13.
They provide an excellent guide to structuring and student evidence for this unit and the other final unit for the extended diploma, Unit 12.
This Resource is to be used along with additional evidence a centre would like to collect from the student. It is the Centre’s responsibility to ensure it covers and meets their requirements and standards.
In this package:
ASSIGNMNET – Unit 13 – Full brief covering all criteria and learning aims (.pdf)
ASSIGNMNET – Unit 13 – Full brief covering all criteria and learning aims
(.pdf compressed for smaller storage)
INFOGRAPHIC - Outline of Unit 13 - UAL
WORKSHEET – TASK 1-Project Context Outline-Template .docx
EXAMPLE -TASK 1-Project Context Outline-Technology Student
WORKSHEET -TASK 1-SWOT Analysis-Template
INFOGRAPHIC - TASK 1-What is Primary and Secondary Research
WORKSHEET - TASK 2-Research Log and Bibliography-Template
EXAMPLE-TASK 2-Research Log and Bibliography
WORKSHEET - TASK 3+4-Diary-Problem Solving-Template
WORKSHEET - TASK 3+4-Risk Assessment-Equipment List-Template
WORKSHEET - TASK 3+4-FULL Risk Assessment-Template
EXAMPLE-TASK 3+4-FULL Risk Assessment
EXAMPLE-TASK 3+4-Equipment Setup Plan
TASK 3+4-Financial Records-Template
TASK 3+4-Recording+Setup Plan-Template
WORKSHEET - TASK 7-Evaluation and Reflection Log-Template
WORKSHEET - TASK 7-Evaluation Worksheet-Template
The Music Tempo lesson and Infographic is a great introduction to learning about music tempo speeds for young learners. It is one of many explaining a wide range of basic features for Music and Musical Theory. This is a great way to get younger learners to remember common tempo speed and link these with fast to slow animals.
The infographic is a lifelong tool you will use again and again. Along with a very interactive lesson where words, Tempo Speeds and Animals are linked. Moreover, there is a Worksheet that can be used for Homework or as a class exercise.
Posters and Infographics are an extremely useful tool to aid learning and can motivate students to learn a specific topic. They can help learners to focus on a certain idea, fact, event or process. They are convenient both for pupils and teachers as they help students to absorb the material faster.
In this package:
INFOGRPAHIC – (.png file)
INFOGRPAHIC – (.pdf file)
CUTOUT – lesson exercise
WORKSHEET – Classroom lesson to support Infographic and “Cutout Exercise”.
The Music Tempo lesson and Infographic is a great introduction to learning about music tempo speeds for young learners. It is one of many explaining a wide range of basic features for Music and Musical Theory. This is a great way to get younger learners to remember common tempo speed and link these with fast to slow animals.
The infographic is a lifelong tool you will use again and again. Along with a very interactive lesson where words, Tempo Speeds and Animals are linked. Moreover, there is a Worksheet that can be used for Homework or as a class exercise.
Posters and Infographics are an extremely useful tool to aid learning and can motivate students to learn a specific topic. They can help learners to focus on a certain idea, fact, event or process. They are convenient both for pupils and teachers as they help students to absorb the material faster.
In this package:
INFOGRPAHIC – (.png file)
INFOGRPAHIC – (.pdf file)
CUTOUT – lesson exercise
WORKSHEET – Classroom lesson to support Infographic and “Cutout Exercise”.
Empower your music education journey with our comprehensive teaching resource; an engaging infographic and worksheet duo on crafting SMART targets and goals. Tailored for musicians, this resource guides you through the art of setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives. Whether you’re a student or educator, this dynamic tool ensures your musical aspirations are focused and attainable. Elevate your study strategies and musical progress with this essential resource designed for success in the realm of music education.
This really useful infographic covers the key areas for setting targets and developing skills over time using the SMART Target system. This resource would be a really useful addition to students studying music performance or technology and want to set themselves targets to achieve.
It also comes with a lesson activity to be used alongside the infographic so learners can start planning their own target using S.M.A.R.T. Infographics distil complex information into visually digestible formats, aiding memory retention and comprehension. Their engaging visuals enhance understanding, making them a valuable tool for efficient studying. With a blend of concise text and eye-catching graphics, infographics simplify concepts, making it easier for learners to grasp and retain key information in a shorter span.
In this package:
INFOGRAPHIC – Music SMART Targets (.pdf)
INFOGRAPHIC – Music SMART Targets (.png)
INFOGRAPHIC - Music SMART Targets (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
WORKSHEET – Setting my Music SMART Targets (.pdf)
WORKSHEET - Setting my Music SMART Targets(.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
Embark on your audio-mixing journey with our insightful teaching resource infographic! Perfect for beginners, this visual guide demystifies the art of audio mixing, offering a clear starting point for creating polished recordings. From balancing levels to understanding basic processing, this infographic provides a roadmap for budding audio engineers. Equip yourself with fundamental knowledge and unleash your creative potential.
This infographic covers the important, major stages of any mix-down after a recording has finished. It provides a really simple step guide to remember when beginning a mix. This resource would be a really useful addition to students studying Music/Audio Production, studio recording and any music technology.
Infographics are an extremely useful tool to aid learning and can motivate students to learn a specific topic. They can help learners to focus on a certain idea, fact, event or process. They are convenient both for pupils and teachers as they help students to absorb the material faster.
In this package:
INFOGRAPHIC – Stages of MIXING (.pdf)
INFOGRAPHIC – Stages of MIXING (.png)
INFOGRAPHIC - Stages of MIXING (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
INFOGRAPHIC - Compression Input/Output (.jpeg)
This really useful infographic, covers the key areas music is comprised of and made from. This resource would be a really useful addition to student’s studying music composition, Arranging and Listening Skills.
The resource comes as HD pictures, ready for printing, a HD eBook and a compressed, small file eBook, great for saving to mobile devices for revision and study.
In this package:
HD – High Quality eBook
Compressed, small file eBook (used for student revision)
HD - .png images
Embark on a musical safari with our captivating teaching resource poster/infographic! Decode the language of notes on the treble and bass clef using the power of memorable animal associations for each line and space. This innovative guide transforms musical notation into a playful journey, making learning both enjoyable and effective. Ideal for educators and students, it’s a whimsical tool to seamlessly remember and understand the placement of notes.
Do-Re-Mi with Animals poster is one of many explaining a wide range of basic features of Music and Musical Theory. This is a great way to get a younger learner to remember notes on the keyboard and apply this to begin to learn the notes on the Stave for a treble Clef. See more of my teaching resources like this HERE!
Posters are an extremely useful tool to aid learning and can motivate students to learn a specific topic. They can help learners to focus on a certain idea, fact, event or process. They are convenient both for pupils and teachers as they help students to absorb the material faster.
In this package:
POSTER – A2 (42 x 59.4 cm .png)
POSTER – A2 (42 x 59.4 cm .pdf)
POSTER - POWERPOINT (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
Revolutionize your soundscapes with our teaching resource poster spotlighting the art of audio EQ on diverse instruments! Unleash the potential of electric guitars and drums by mastering the nuances of equalization.
Posters are an extremely useful tool to aid learning and can motivate students to learn a specific topic. They can help learners to focus on a certain idea, fact, event or process. They are convenient both for pupils and teachers as they help students to absorb the material faster.
This really useful poster covers the full range of important aspects found within Audio EQ:
Acoustic Guitar EQ Settings
Electric Guitar EQ Settings
Vocals EQ Settings
Kick Drums EQ Settings
In this package:
POSTER – A2 (42 x 59.4 cm .png)
POSTER – A2 (42 x 59.4 cm .pdf)
POSTER - POWERPOINT (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
Delve into the sonic realm with our comprehensive teaching resource ebook! Uncover the intricacies of essential audio effects—compression, EQ, reverb, noise gates, and more. This digital guide is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering in-depth insights into each effect’s application, parameters, and creative possibilities. Perfect for audio enthusiasts and producers, it’s a roadmap to mastering the art of sound design. Elevate your skills, shape your signature sound, and transform your productions with this indispensable ebook.
This Resource would be really useful for any student or teacher working within a Music or Music Technology department, but also extremely valuable and convenient for home/self-study revision. The e-book also comes in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, allowing it to be used alongside other resources within a lesson.
What’s Covered:
What is Dynamic Range and why do we need to control it?
Threshold control and what it does
Ratio and the amount of compression
Gain and the Output Level
Attack, Release and Auto controls on an Audio Compressor
Knee and how it works
Peak and RMS settings
What is Side Chaining?
De-essing and how to use
Ducking FX and how to use
Parallel Compression and the New York Mix technique
Link to FREE TUTORIAL VIDEO on compression
EQ and Controlling Frequency:
How is EQ used in Live and Studio settings
The Frequency/Audio Spectrum
Human Hearing bands
Parametric EQ and how it works
Graphic EQ and how it works
Different types of EQ Filters
Reverb and adding “Space” to a Mix:
What is Reverb and how does it work?
Early Reflections explained
When to add Reverb
The many types of Reverb
Spring and Plate
Reverse Reverb
Hall Reverb
Reverb Control Parameters
Noise Gates:
What is an Audio Noise Gate?
Noise Gate Parameters
Side Chaining with Gates
In this package:
eBOOK – Common Audio FXs-eBOOK (.pdf)
eBOOK – Common Audio FXs-eBOOK (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
Master the art of audio mixing with our comprehensive teaching resource poster, your visual guide to the heart of music production! Dive into essential concepts, from balancing tracks to crafting impactful soundscapes. Explore the intricacies of EQ, compression, and spatial effects, learning how to achieve sonic perfection.
Posters are an extremely useful tool to aid learning and can motivate students to learn a specific topic. They can help learners to focus on a certain idea, fact, event or process. They are convenient both for pupils and teachers as they help students to absorb the material faster.
This really useful poster covers the full range of important aspects found within Audio Mixing:
What is Mixing?
Dynamic Balance
Mixing Placement and the Stereo-field
Depth – Reverb
Tonal Balance – EQ and where to start.
POSTER – A2 (42 x 59.4 cm .png)
POSTER – A2 (42 x 59.4 cm .pdf)
POSTER - POWERPOINT (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)
Embark on a sonic journey with our teaching resource poster dedicated to the power of audio MIDI in music production!
Posters are an extremely useful tool to aid learning and can motivate students to learn a specific topic. They can help learners to focus on a certain idea, fact, event or process. They are convenient both for pupils and teachers as they help students to absorb the material faster.
This really useful poster covers the full range of important aspects found within MIDI:
What is MIDI?
Important things to remember
What is Happening with MIDI?
Common MIDI Instruments
MIDI Facts
In this package:
POSTER – A2 (42 x 59.4 cm .png)
POSTER – A2 (42 x 59.4 cm .pdf)
POSTER - POWERPOINT (.pptx PowerPoint - read-only)
GOOGLE SLIDES™ - Resource sheet with links to Digital Learning version of material (.pdf)