
Rugby World Cup Time Zone Activity
Use the interactive tool to find the start times for the world cup games in different countries.

Rugby World Cup Country Fact File
A quick geography activity where children can research a country that is in the Rugby World Cup. They can either do an individual fact file or compare 2 countries.

Rugby World Cup 2023 Resource Hub
Download a RWC 2023 teaching Resource Hub in association with NLDRFU (The Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire & Derbyshire (NLD) RFU) and The Prep School Teacher (that is me!)

Rugby World Cup 2023: Around the World in 20 Countries
Information and videos about the countries involved in the Rugby World Cup 2023
The video will not work in a PDF but click the titles and it will take you tow the videos on Youtube
Click the Blooket logo to find a game to play with your class.

NLDRFU: Rugby World Cup 2023: Make a presentation lesson
Make a presentation about the countries in the Rugby World Cup.
Resources made in association with the NLDRFU. NLDRFU support age grade rugby for players from ages 6 to 18 across Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire.

NLDRFU: Rugby World Cup 2023 Weather Investigation
A Rugby World Cup 2023 themed lesson on weather/climate
Resources made in association with the NLDRFU. NLDRFU support age grade rugby for players from ages 6 to 18 across Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire.