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The Reading Agency's Shop

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At The Reading Agency we work every day towards a world where everyone is reading their way to a better life. We mean everyone - from toddlers to children to young adults, prisoners and older people - irrespective of age or economic background. We believe that reading can tackle life's big challenges, from social mobility to mental health - and we're determined that no one is left behind as we strive towards realising our vision.




At The Reading Agency we work every day towards a world where everyone is reading their way to a better life. We mean everyone - from toddlers to children to young adults, prisoners and older people - irrespective of age or economic background. We believe that reading can tackle life's big challenges, from social mobility to mental health - and we're determined that no one is left behind as we strive towards realising our vision.
The Big Friendly Read, Summer Reading Challenge 2016 . Celebrating Roald Dahl 100

The Big Friendly Read, Summer Reading Challenge 2016 . Celebrating Roald Dahl 100

Fantastic resource pack of fun, creative ideas and activities to inspire schools, children and families to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge 2016 - at a library near you, in the summer holidays. This year, libraries everywhere are celebrating 100 years of the world’s favourite storyteller Roald Dahl and the Summer Reading Challenge 2016 is called THE BIG FRIENDLY READ. There is no other free reading challenge that involves so many children, introduces families to their library, encourages children to choose books freely and independently and is endorsed by parents, teachers and the Department for Education. Pupils of all ages love it! Partner with your local library for this well-loved reading for pleasure programme! Inspire and encourage your pupils to take part before the holidays and celebrate and reward your pupils who completed the Challenge after the holidays. Great for end of term lessons and lessons with your new class. Keep them reading in the holidays!
Back to School Reading Resources

Back to School Reading Resources

Great set of start - of- term resources to get pupils thinking and talking about their favourite books, as well as celebrating their participation in the Summer Reading Challenge at their local library. Worksheets, display posters, lesson plans and top tips.
Summer Reading Challenge 2017, Animal Agents

Summer Reading Challenge 2017, Animal Agents

Fun, creative ideas and activities to inspire schools, children and families to take part in Animal Agents, the Summer Reading Challenge 2017. There is no other free reading challenge that involves so many children, introduces families to their library, encourages children to choose books freely and independently and is endorsed by parents, teachers and the Department for Education. Pupils of all ages love it! The Challenge is a brilliant reading initiative for your pupils which is free to your school and helps to keep up all the good work that you and your pupils have done during the academic year. Partner with your local library for this well-loved reading for pleasure programme! Inspire and encourage your pupils to take part before the holidays and celebrate and reward your pupils who completed the Challenge after the holidays. Great for end of term lessons and lessons with your new class. Keep them reading in the holidays! • The Summer Reading Challenge is intrinsically inclusive and can contribute to the achievement of all your pupils, including pupils with special educational needs, disadvantaged pupils and the most able • It enhances and supports your school’s reading policy and your mission for all children to read widely and often • It prevents the tendency for children’s reading to dip over the holidays • The Challenge helps to support the social and cultural development of your pupils in a fun, creative and child-directed way, promoting British values • It encourages comprehension skills such as using imagination and empathy to explore a text beyond the page • It develops a growth mindset for children who take part • The Challenge allows children to become more independent in their reading when choosing books • It allows children to master aspects of reading through using pertinent and specific vocabulary when talking about books • The Challenge can help to close the gap for disadvantaged pupils • It takes place at your local library and is a brilliant opportunity for extra curricular activity within your local community, to foster family literacy and home-school links • The Challenge supports the successful transition between year groups and stages It's fun! It's free! It's local!
Summer Reading Challenge 2015 Record Breakers

Summer Reading Challenge 2015 Record Breakers

Fantastic resource pack of fun, creative ideas and lesson activities to inspire children to take part in the 2015 Summer Reading Challenge - Record Breakers - at a library near you, in the summer holidays. This year's theme is based on the Guinness World Records. Pupils of all ages love it! Partner with your local library for this brilliant reading for pleasure initiative. Inspire and encourage your pupils to take part before the holidays and celebrate and reward your pupils who completed the Challenge after the holidays. Great for end of term lessons and lessons with your new class. Keep them reading in the holidays!
'Chocolate!' reading group or book club pack

'Chocolate!' reading group or book club pack

'Chocolate, Sweets and Treats' activity pack for book clubs and reading groups or whole classes. Originally created for the 50th anniversary of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Ideal for National Chocolate Week, Roald Dahl Day or World Book Day. Fun and creative ideas. Suitable for KS1 and KS2 - all stages of reading. Not yet running a book club in school? See the accompanying guide to setting one up. Activity ideas, guidance, templates and useful links.
 Christmas reading group or book club packs

Christmas reading group or book club packs

Winter and Christmas activity packs for book clubs and reading groups or whole classes and library lessons. Fun and creative ideas for book-related activities. Quizzes, games, templates. Suitable for KS1, KS2 and Y7 and 8 - all reading abilities. Not yet running a book club in school? See the accompanying guide to setting one up. Activity ideas, guidance, templates and useful links.
Shakespeare Week 2016

Shakespeare Week 2016

Fantastic pack of resources and activities for Shakespeare Week 2016. Produced by The Reading Agency www.readingagency.org.uk for shakespeareweek.org.uk/ Details of books for young people about Shakespeare, and retellings of his plays, plus ideas for discussion and fun activities for reading groups or in class. Not yet running a book club ? See the accompanying guide to setting one up in school.
Summer Reading Challenge 2020 : Silly Squad resources and information for schools

Summer Reading Challenge 2020 : Silly Squad resources and information for schools

The Summer Reading Challenge, presented by The Reading Agency and funded by Arts Council England, encourages children aged 4 to 11 to set themselves a reading challenge to help prevent the summer reading ‘dip’. For the Summer Reading Challenge 2020, we are asking everyone to get silly. The theme for the Challenge is “Silly Squad”- a celebration of funny books, happiness and laughter, featuring bespoke artwork from award-winning children’s author and illustrator, Laura Ellen Anderson. This folder includes an Assembly PowerPoint, a Teacher Toolkit, activity sheets and lots of guidance for how schools can get involved in the Summer Reading Challenge. You can find more information on our School Zone on the Summer Reading Challenge website: https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/school-zone-src.
Reading Well for Children : Information for Schools and resources

Reading Well for Children : Information for Schools and resources

Reading Well is a national scheme supporting people to understand and manage their health and wellbeing using helpful reading. Reading Well for children provides quality-assured information, stories and advice to support children’s mental health and wellbeing. Books have been chosen and recommended by leading health professionals and co-produced with children and families. The booklist is targeted at children in Key Stage 2 (aged 7-11), but includes titles aimed at a wide range of reading levels to support less confident readers, and to encourage children to read together with their siblings and carers. The books are available to borrow from your local library. Selected titles are also available to borrow as e-books and audiobooks. Visit your local library website to find out how to join the library and access books electronically. You can find out more on the Children’s Reading Well website: https://reading-well.org.uk/books/books-on-prescription/children. You can find other general resources including social media assets and overviews here: https://reading-well.org.uk/resources.
How reading can promote writing for pleasure article

How reading can promote writing for pleasure article

We believe that through reading a wide variety of books and texts, children can improve their vocabulary and grow more confident with their own writing ability. To help you with this, we have collated a host of resources and useful websites that you can use with your students for their creative writing.