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A or An

A or An

This product includes 3 sheets in which the students have to find the words that take ‘a’ and put a circle around them and find the words that take ‘an’ and put an underline. You can use this activity as a handout or laminate it and have your students write their answers using a whiteboard marker.
Counting in fives with feet

Counting in fives with feet

Have your students count the children’s feet to count in fives. Print the sheets with the children and feet on an A4. You can either have your students use either velcro or bluetack to attach the feet.
Subtract 10 FlashCards (11-20)

Subtract 10 FlashCards (11-20)

Print these flashcards on an A4 paper and laminate. These flashcards include numbers from 11 to 20 and they’re always subtracting 10. Have your students use their whiteboard marker to cross out the fish then count the remaining and write the answer.
1-12 Times Tables Strips/ Charts

1-12 Times Tables Strips/ Charts

Times Table Strips/ Charts - Multiplication tables from 1-12. These will become valuable resources in your classroom or at home! You can print, laminate them and put a hole at the top or bottom and put a key ring to use it as a multiplication fan.
BeeBot Arithmetic Activities

BeeBot Arithmetic Activities

For this activity you will need a mat with at least the numbers from 1-9. This product includes a 4 page activity which includes easy subtraction, addition and making 10 sums which total always to less than 9. There is also included an activity in which the students have to find shapes with curved or straight lines only, count them, and move the BeeBot on the number they get. The last activity includes numbers to which the children have to write the instructions.
Alphabet Letters

Alphabet Letters

This activity was designed to be used with alphabet cereal. The students have to find the first letter of the word of the picture shown and put it on the line to continue the word.
Greater than Smaller than Flashcards

Greater than Smaller than Flashcards

These flashcards are a great way to teach greater than and smaller than. Laminate and cut them across the line and distribute to children. You can also include velcro to stick the crocodile greater/ smaller than if you wish. This item includes 36 different greater than examples and again 36 different smaller than examples.


Have your students match contractions to the words which create them. This can be done by placing the new shortcut word on the cloud and have your students write with a whiteboard marker on the wooden board the two words that create it. Students can either slide the contraction on the cloud or else use blue tack or velcro. This activity pack includes 58 different contraction words. Content: Picture of the bunny 58 different contractions
Action Dice

Action Dice

This resource includes 3 action dice templates which can be easily printed on A3 or A4 cardstock and used during the lessons. They are a fun way to introduce the topic Verbs into the curriculum. They can also be used during Circle Time. This resource also includes the actions individually and can be printed on A4 paper and then cut and stuck to a small box and used as a dice. The Actions on the Dice are the following: Spin in a circle Jump 5 times Flap your arms like a bird Stamp your feet 6 times Wiggle your hands Clap your hands 3 times Dance for 30 seconds Wave at 3 of your friends Hop 4 times on one foot Hug one friend Make an angry face Gallop like a horse March in place Do a Forward Roll Whistle Play your guitar Sing for 10 seconds Squat for 4 times Hula Hula Dance for 10 seconds


Give hands to this cute bunny by looking for the matching contractions. Have your students match contractions to the words which create them. This can be done by placing the new shortcut word on the wooden board and find the two words that create it so the students can give hands to the bunny. Students can either slide the correct words in their place or else use blue tack or velcro. This activity pack includes 58 different contraction words. Content: Picture of the bunny 58 different contractions Hands for the bunny with the different words which create the contractions.
Domino Patterns

Domino Patterns

This is a set of 2 worksheets that use dominoes as a model for number bonds. Students simply need to look at the cloud and check the total then count how many dots on one side. They then have to fill in the other side of the domino to make up the total.
End of Year Certificates

End of Year Certificates

This cute and fun End of Year Certificate will have your students with a big smile on their faces on their last day of school. This product is available in word format and jpg format. Therefore you can even opt to edit it using Photoshop or any program you wish. When printing from word make sure you convert it to PDF first. This product is available for first, second, third, fourth,fifth and sixth graders.
Getting to know each other - About me

Getting to know each other - About me

This pack is ideal for the first weeks in school when teachers and students are still getting to know each other. This is a nice way to help the students express themselves and telling others about themselves. This pack includes a handout in which the students have to write/ draw about themselves. Students will love the idea that they have to measure their height and put their finger print on paper. It is also a nice way to encourage students to talk to each other and help each other to fill the paper. Also in the pack there is included posters with a quote saying that we are each unique and beautiful at the same time. The posters are included both in colour and black and white. At last the pack includes pictures of kids holding a circle. The students can be encouraged to write/draw what they like, what they wish or something else that reflects them. This lesson/ craft can be easily integrated into the theme Myself. Hope you like :) Don’t forget to follow me! :)
Domino Addition

Domino Addition

This is a set of 3 worksheets that use dominoes as a model for addition sentences. Each worksheet contains 10 problems showing a picture of a domino. Students simply need to count how many dots in all and fill in the addition sentence and then write the sum’s answer. Therefore students need to complete all missing numbers to solve.
Domino Subtractions

Domino Subtractions

This is a set of 3 worksheets that use dominoes as a model for subtraction sentences. Each worksheet contains 10 problems showing a picture of a domino. Students simply need to count how many dots in all and fill in the subtraction sentence and then write the sum’s answer. Therefore students need to complete all missing numbers to solve.
Counting Fireflies

Counting Fireflies

This product has been created for younger children who are still learning to count from 1-12. The students will be given a handout with a jar and then they have to stick fireflies on it according to the number on their jar. It inlcudes the fireflies in colour and also in black and white.
My First Sounds Booklet

My First Sounds Booklet

This A5 booklet includes 14 pages and is aimed to help students recognise the first letter of a word. This booklet includes all the letters of the alphabet with different pictures representing each letter. Each page includes 2 letters, and each letter includes pictures with the letter marked and some which are not. The students have to colour the pictures with the highlighted letter only. Some pages include a picture and the word the others just a picture to prompt the students to think about the pictures. If one wishes, these pages can be easily printed on A3 paper so the pages are printed as A4.