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The Teaching Coach

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The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources. You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources. If you can't see what you need, you can email me at: theteachingcoach@hotmail.com.




The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources. You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources. If you can't see what you need, you can email me at: theteachingcoach@hotmail.com.
Senior Leadership SLT | Interview Preparation | Prioritisation Task | In Tray Guidance and Example

Senior Leadership SLT | Interview Preparation | Prioritisation Task | In Tray Guidance and Example

In this resource you will find guidance on a Senior Leadership prioritisation in tray task. This guidance goes through the purpose of an in tray like this, including why they’re used, how to ace them and things to avoid! This document also provides an example prioritisation task for you to practice prior to the interview. This is a great way to prepare for a very popular in tray task on an assistant principal/SLT interview. Please note: this resource DOES NOT include a worked example of the answers - this is because there is no correct answers for a priorisation task - you only need to make informed and educated decisions and justify your answers clearly.
How to...analyse data - Pastoral Leader - Interview - CPD - Data Analysis and Progress Achievement

How to...analyse data - Pastoral Leader - Interview - CPD - Data Analysis and Progress Achievement

In this resource, I detail a guide to analysing data as a pastoral leader. This is perfect for practice for an interview setting as data analyse if often given as an in tray excerise or great as CPD/support for a new head of year/head of house etc. This resource is 4 detailed pages including: a list of key terms often used in data analysis and their definitions - perfect for those new to data a step by step guide to analysing data including what sub-groups to explore, what questions to ask of the data, what gaps to look for - especially from a pastoral perspective a list of suggested actions for an action plan from a pastoral perspective plenty of top tips on how to approach this task in an interview or in a new pastoral appointment Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach You can also subscribe to my mailing list: https://theteachingcoach5.wixsite.com/theteachingcoach/blank-page
Student Panel Questions - Interview Preparation - Advice and Guidance

Student Panel Questions - Interview Preparation - Advice and Guidance

In this resource, you will find a PDF which includes several pages of guidance on student panels in teaching interviews. This is not limited to any specific job role and is intended to be good guidance for any post. It contains top tips, guidance as well 60 questions which you might get asked on a student panel on interview. Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Form Time - Learning Walk - Quality Assurance Document Template

Form Time - Learning Walk - Quality Assurance Document Template

This resource is a PDF template for form time quality assurance. It includes a tick box column for key aspects of form time including: student behaviours literacy and numeracy + speaking skills behaviour and enviroment student stretch and support It also includes an area for strengths and areas for development as well as space for comments. Please follow me on: facebook.com/teachcoach
40 Ideas for Heads of Year - Heads of House - Rewards Behaviour Attendance

40 Ideas for Heads of Year - Heads of House - Rewards Behaviour Attendance

This booklet contains 40 ideas for Heads of Year to improve attendance and behaviour/rewards for their year group, providing both quick suggestions and long term ideas for improving behaviour and attendance for your year group. It contains 45 pages and lots of great ideas. You can also find my 2nd booklet of this series here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/40-ideas-for-heads-of-year-leadership-in-and-out-of-school-booklet-resource-cpd-development-12396568. Booklet 2 focuses on ideas for leading your tutors, working across school and working externally. Please make sure you follow me on: facebook.com/teachcoach
Head of Department Application Letter Writing Pack | Head of Curriculum Area | Supporting Statement

Head of Department Application Letter Writing Pack | Head of Curriculum Area | Supporting Statement

NEW FOR 2024: Head of Department Application Letter Template Pack This resource pack includes: a two page outline of the role of Head of Department a three page Head of Department application example letter three pages of suggested sentences to help write/improve your own letter for the role This is NOT an exhaustive letter or overview of the role of Head of Department You should never copy a template, but should always write your own letter when applying to a position. Remember to research the policies of the school if necessary and include examples of your own experience.
Head of Department - Curriculum Lead Interview and Application Bundle

Head of Department - Curriculum Lead Interview and Application Bundle

5 Resources
In this bundle, you will find: an application letter/supporting statement letter for Head of Department to help you write your perfect letter 3 sets of interview questions for the Head of Department role including 40+ questions you may be asked in the formal interview a set of student panel questions - a frequent part of Head of Department interviews
Parental Concern Complaint Letter  In Tray Exercise | Head of Year Pastoral Interview

Parental Concern Complaint Letter In Tray Exercise | Head of Year Pastoral Interview

In this resource, you will find a detailed guide for answering a parental concern letter when presented as an in-tray task at a pastoral leader interview. This is a common task on pastoral interviews and is usually under timed conditions! This includes an example letter and a detailed breakdown of how to answer this type of letter. This also includes lots of top tips for completing this task and how to structure your letter. Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
In Tray Exercises - Guidance Advice - Pastoral Head of Year Interview Bundle

In Tray Exercises - Guidance Advice - Pastoral Head of Year Interview Bundle

8 Resources
In this resource you will find resources to help you prepare for in tray tasks at a Head of Year interview. an overview of in trays you can expect on a Head of Year/pastoral role interview - this covers 10 tasks you might be asked to tackle a detailed guide on how to analyse data as a Head of Year 2 x example progress/attainment data analysis tasks 1 x example attendance data analysis task a detailed guide on how to respond to a parental complaint letter in tray task a detailed guide on how to complete a prioritisation task guidance on a gold fish bowl task
Assistant Deputy Head of Year Application Covering Letter | Supporting Statement

Assistant Deputy Head of Year Application Covering Letter | Supporting Statement

This resource includes a five page example application letter for the role of Assistant/Deputy Head of Year. This mentions a variety of ideas including attendance, behaviour, data and parental relationships and can be used to create your own letter. Please note: this is not an exhaustive let but a great starting place for writing your own application. Please follow me on: facebook.com/teachcoach
Data Analysis Task |  In Tray Exercise | Head of Year Pastoral Interview Bundle

Data Analysis Task | In Tray Exercise | Head of Year Pastoral Interview Bundle

3 Resources
In this bundle, you will find 3 resources all of which are designed to help you practice and develop your understanding of analysing data in preparation for a Head of Year/Pastoral Leader interview. A frequent in tray task for these interviews is data analysis and improvement planning. You will find: 2 x practice data task with hints and tips on how to complete A detailed guide to analysing data as a Pastoral Leader These 3 documents will give you a great way to develop your understanding of data and how to improve progress as Head of Year. Please follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
CPD Lead | Teaching and Learning Coach | Teaching Mentor Application Covering Letter

CPD Lead | Teaching and Learning Coach | Teaching Mentor Application Covering Letter

In this resource, you will find a 4 page example teacher coach/teaching mentor/CPD lead application letter or supporting statement. These are usually roles which lead on coaching teachers and offering teaching and learning support for staff within school and are often internal positions. These may also be staff who lead on CPD, who audit CPD needs within school and work as a team with the SLT link for learning and teaching. This letter is useful if you are applying for any of these roles and should give you a great starting point. This resource is full of ideas for your own letter and is a great base for writing your own application. I always recommend making sure your own letter fits descriptions for roles and never send a blanket letter to schools or for internal positions. Please make sure you follow me on facebook: facebook.com/teachcoach
Assistant Deputy SENDCo SENCo | Example Supporting Application Covering Letter

Assistant Deputy SENDCo SENCo | Example Supporting Application Covering Letter

This resource is an assistant or deputy SENCo application covering letter or supporting statement. This template is 4 pages long and full of ideas which you could use. Please note: covering letters should not exceed 2 pages in length. This once is designed to be used as an example and should be edited to suit your specific post and the job description sent to you for your application. I never recommend sending blanket templates for prospective roles and always advise an application is tailored to you and the school. Please consider following: www.facebook.com/teachcoach
Head of Department - Curriculum Area  Interview Questions Bundle

Head of Department - Curriculum Area Interview Questions Bundle

3 Resources
This resources includes all three sets of interview question from my shop - this includes 45 questions you may be asked on a Head of Department/Faculty or Curriculum Area interview. These are compiled from much research and experience of middle leadership. Please ensure you follow me on: facebook.com/teachcoach
15 Questions to Ask Your Interviewer - Teaching Interview Support and Guidance

15 Questions to Ask Your Interviewer - Teaching Interview Support and Guidance

In this resource, I detail 15 questions you can ask of your interviewer at the end of your teaching interview to help you understand more about the school and the role. This is a great resource to make sure you are fully prepared for your interview and have some great questions to put your interviewer on the spot! Please make sure you follow me on facebook: facebook,com/teachcoach
Head of Year Overview - Key Job Description Roles Responsibilities

Head of Year Overview - Key Job Description Roles Responsibilities

This is a document compiled from various Head of Year job descriptions, as well as my own knowledge of what is required of Heads of Year as they move through the year groups. I have also included an overview of the characteristics often associated with Heads of Year. This is a document compiling other sources of information and so is not an ‘original’ from me - simply compiled to help others. It is helpful if you are considering what a Head of Year role might include. However, it is important to remember all roles are different and each school will view the role differently. Please follow me on: https://www.facebook.com/teachcoach/