Teach your students about Greek gods and goddesses and religion, with this 17 slide powerpoint lesson. They can learn about the 14 main Gods and their family tree, each with pictures and fun facts as well as key facts about the Ancient Greek religion.
Content included?
Key facts about Religion
Comparisons to modern day religion
Meaning of Religion to the Ancient Greeks
The Olympian gods family tree
Overview of the 14 main Greek Gods and Goddesses
-Main information sources for Religion and Gods (e.g. literature, art etc.)
Covers the following topics in the German GCSE.
The topics included are:
Daily Life
Travel and Tourism
International Affairs
Specific Exam Boards
A template presentation to help achieve that all important 9 at GCSE.
32 easily understandable powerpoint slides
It includes
Top tips and tricks from a student who achieved 100/100 in their GCSE DT NEA
Examples of what to write
All the key information to include from from exploring the design contexts to CAD to modifications
Sections Inside
The design contexts
The design briefs
Product analysis
Consumer and expert research
Considerations (social, moral, ethical)
Final design CAD and orthographics
Timelines (e.g. Gantt Chart and manufacture plan)
Evaluataion and modifications
With this portfolio presentation,I received a 9 (A*) in my Design and Technology(DT) GCSE as well as100/100 in the the practical task. With this presentation, you too could achieve my results.
My project was chosen as the exemplar by the exam board for the next year .
This easily comprehendable and fully editibale full set of notes for Seperating Mixtures for GCSE Chemistry, is perfect as a summary of the lesson or notes for individual revision purposes.
This Includes:
Diagrams and pictures of all Processes
Methods + General Process
Key points of techniques
Apparatus needed
Specific Exam Boards
6 pages of German revision questions with sample answers for culture and identity.
Revise your German vocabulary and grammar by writing out answers to questions surrounding culture and identity.
These will help for aural, writing and comprehension practice.
Division worksheet for KS1 and KS2 with a fun layout.
Good use as a class game / starter (how many can you do in 3 minutes)
use of times tables up to 10
contains answers
45 questions
Set of word Problems across 2 sheets with worked answers detailing multiple methods.
Sheet 1 : Consists of addition and subtraction word problems
Sheet 2: Consists of division and multiplication word problems. These Problems can also be completed using addition and subtraction (both methods shows in answers)
This resource is great as an activity in the classroom or homework practice. It can also equally be used as a started activity to recap word problems covered in the previous lesson.
The questions are of varying difficulty level.
These worksheets provide an excellent opportunity to practice 2 digit column addition.
The worksheets come in increasing difficulty
Worksheet 1 - All answers are less than 100
Worksheet 2 - All answers are more than 100
Worksheet 3 - Mixed Practice of 2 digit column addition. Some answer are more than 100 and some less.
Each worksheet has 20 questions complete with answers.
There are 60 questions in total complete with answers.
Ideal for students of all levels to practice and improve their skills.
8 pages of German revision questions with sample answers for school.
Revise your German vocabulary and grammar by writing out answers to questions surrounding school life, identity and the school system.
These will help for aural, writing and comprehension practice.
Fully editable notes in the form of an essay plan with structured paragraphs for ‘Winter Swans’ by Owen Shears.
The resource includes notes on:
literary and language techniques
quote analysis
Fully editable notes in the form of an essay plan with structured paragraphs for ‘Neutral Tones’ by Thomas Hardy.
The resource includes notes on:
literary and language techniques
quote analysis
This easily comprehendable and fully editibale full set of notes for Atomic Structure and Electron configuartion for GCSE Chemistry, is perfect as a summary of the lesson or notes for individual revision purposes.
This Includes
Diagrams and pictures
The subatomic Particles
The timeline of Atomic Models
Experiments to test for specific models
The Niels Bohr ‘Planetary Model’
Electrons configuration in the atom
Specific Exam Boards
This easily understandable and fully editable resource covers Identity questions you may receive in the German Aural of writing exam. However it is also very useful for general revision, reading and listening.
Specific Exam Boards:
Perfect for beginners to learn how to sew a half circle skirts. It can be done by hand or with a sewing machine.
Diagrams and pictures to help illustrate
Explanation of different skirt designs
Key knowledge to help understand patterns
Instructions to make your own pattern
Taking measurements for your skirt
Instructions both compatible for a sewing machine and hand sewing
This resource will work very well if you are sewing at home by yourself or as a preliminary worksheet at a sewing club.
45 division maths questions with remainders. Aimed at primary school students.
Displayed in a fun and colourful way.
Can be used as a game/ starter (e.g. how many questions can you do in 5 minutes)
45 questions
Solutions/ answers to all questions
mix of questions including ones with remainders
Covers the topic of Nucleotides and nucleic acids as part of the OCR A-Level in a fully comprehensive way.
The resource is designed in alignment with the specification and includes all the information you need to know for the exam.
It includes a presentation that can be used
in class
for revision as notes
Extra notes are also included.
Content Includes
structure of nucleotides
Phosphodiester bonds
ADP and ATP structure and role
Semi-Conservative DNA replication
Nature of genetic code
Transcription and translation.
This easily comprehendable and fully editabale full set of notes for Elements, Compounds and Mixtures for GCSE Chemistry, is perfect as a summary of the lesson or notes for individual revision purposes.
This Includes:
Diagrams and pictures
Key Definitions
What makes atoms different to each other
Special Cases for bonding
Difference between compounds and molecules
Specific Exam Boards
This easily understandable and fully editable resource covers Identity questions you may receive in the German Aural of writing exam. However it is also very useful for general revision, reading and listening.
Specific Exam Boards:
4 pages of German revision questions for school.
Revise your German vocabulary and grammar by writing out answers to questions surrounding school and the school system.
These will help for aural, writing and comprehension practice.