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Describing division lesson - KS1 stem sentences
Maths slides and worksheet for explaining the parts of a division question. Lesson includes lots of stem sentences

Apostrophes and commas lesson - Year 2
Apostrophes and commas lesson for Y2.
Includes simple introduction to apostrophes for possession and commas used in a list.

Christingle worksheet
Simple Christingle worksheet - explain the parts of a Christingle.
Includes learning objective.

Christian prayer powerpoint
Christianity - prayer powerpoint. KS1/ LKS2 based.
Discusses what prayer is/ why Christians pray. Gets children to reflect on why and what they might pray for and why.

Christmas escape room - KS1 (End of term activity)
A Christmas ‘Elf of the Shelf - Escape room challenge!’. Perfect for end of term activities.
Easily editable to fit your current or recent topics - works well for KS1 - Year 2/ High Y1 / Year 3 (easily adaptable for though!)
4 part escape room that can be completed individually/ pairs/ groups.
Part 1 - English related
Part 2 - Maths related
Part 3 - Science related
Part 4 - General knowledge.

Simple maps lesson and worksheet
LO: To be able to make simple maps
Powerpoint and worksheet.
Powerpoint - all about parts of the UK and fun facts.
Worksheet - to try and draw the UK adding in the different countries and capitals.