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Chris Barclay's Shop

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Features of my lesson plans for KS3 and KS4 maths include sub-dividing topics into steps so that students develop one skill at a time, colour coded diagrams and explanations, worked solutions and putting the maths into real-life contexts. I am also focusing on different types of problem-solving questions and on questions where different topics are combined, say shape and algebra, probability and algebra, proportion and area. I welcome feedback and am open to suggestions for new lesson topics.




Features of my lesson plans for KS3 and KS4 maths include sub-dividing topics into steps so that students develop one skill at a time, colour coded diagrams and explanations, worked solutions and putting the maths into real-life contexts. I am also focusing on different types of problem-solving questions and on questions where different topics are combined, say shape and algebra, probability and algebra, proportion and area. I welcome feedback and am open to suggestions for new lesson topics.
Sample Spaces

Sample Spaces

This resource is for KS4 students. It consists of a lesson presentation and worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter and worked solutions to the questions. The starter asks students to number the possible outcomes from two events. The idea of using a table to represent the sample space is then introduced as is the ability to extract probabilities from the table. The first question on the worksheet is structured to lead students through the process. Subsequent questions are unstructured.
Volume to Money Contextual Problems

Volume to Money Contextual Problems

This resource is for all KS4 students and teaches them how to tackle a common GCSE problem solving question. This lesson teaches students to tackle problems involving measuring a volume, calculating the number of items required and the cost of purchasing these items. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes examples and fully worked solutions for the questions on the worksheet. The lesson is structured so that students start with easier two-stage problems involving finding volume and then cost, before tackling the harder three-stage questions.
Adding and Multiplying Probabilities

Adding and Multiplying Probabilities

This resource is for KS4 students. It follows on from ‘Listing Outcomes’. It consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter, examples and worked solutions to all questions on the worksheet. This lesson teaches KS4 students to list possible outcomes and to learn when to add probabilities and when to multiply the number of probabilities. The first questions on the worksheet are traditional spinner and dice type questions. The later questions are real-life situations.
Hidden Simultaneous Equations

Hidden Simultaneous Equations

This resource is for KS4 students, who struggle with algebra. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter and worked solutions to all questions on the worksheet. The lessons teaches students how to solve problems involving two shopping baskets and their costs. The questions are NOT turned into algebraic equations. Instead students are taught how to solve the problems through argument. The lesson is structured, starting with questions where one basket has only one sort of item and ending with questions where both baskets need to be multiplied.
Surface Area to Money Problems

Surface Area to Money Problems

This resource is for all KS4 students and teaches them how to tackle a common GCSE problem solving question. This lesson teaches students to tackle problems involving measuring a surface area, calculating the number of items required and the cost of purchasing these items. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes examples and fully worked solutions for the questions on the worksheet. The lesson is structured so that students start with easier two-stage problems involving finding surface area and then cost, before tackling the harder three-stage questions.
Games of Profit and Loss

Games of Profit and Loss

This resource is for high ability KS4 students. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter and worked solutions to all questions on the differentiated worksheet. The lesson teaches students to calculate the expected revenue and costs from games of chance such as ‘The Crown and Anchor’. They can then estimate the expected profit or loss.
Missing Probabilities Exhaustive Events

Missing Probabilities Exhaustive Events

This resource is for KS4 students. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. the presentation includes worked solutions to the questions on the worksheet. The lesson revises finding missing probabilities and takes students into the concept of exhaustive and non-exhaustive events.
Probabilities and Two-way tables

Probabilities and Two-way tables

This resource is for KS4 students. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter and worked solutions to all the questions on the worksheet. The starter is revision of completing two-way tables. Students then learn to find probabilities from two-way tables. They then learn how to construct two-way tables from text and then to find probabilities.
Area of Curved Shapes

Area of Curved Shapes

This resource is for KS4 students. It consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation consists of a starter and worked solutions to all the questions on the worksheet. The starter involves finding the area of a semi-circle and a quarter-circle. Students then find the area of more complex shapes by separating composite shapes into shapes with known formulae for their area or by subtracting the area of one shape from another.
Missing Observation from the Mean

Missing Observation from the Mean

This resource is for KS3 students. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter and worked solutions to the questions on the worksheet. The starter revises finding the mean from a set of observations. Students then learn how to find the missing observation using the mean that they are given. There are a couple of extension questions, including one for which students need to use all three averages to find a set of observations.
Comparing Full Prices

Comparing Full Prices

This resource is for KS4 students who are working towards the Foundation paper. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. Worked solutions to the worksheet are included. Students learn to compare prices by calculating the full price when offers involve instalments, discounts and prices are quoted before VAT is applied.
Fraction and Percentage Discounts

Fraction and Percentage Discounts

This lesson is for KS4 students. Finding percentages and fractions of amounts are revised and then used to find the total costs of packages after fractional and percentage discounts have been subtracted. Worked solutions to the worksheet are included.
Scale Drawings with Bearings

Scale Drawings with Bearings

This resource is for core and advanced ability KS4 students. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter and worked solutions to the questions on the worksheet. The lesson starts by considering scale drawings to be similar shapes whose lengths are measured in different units. The lesson then proceeds on how to construct a scale drawing with angles given as bearings, before considering how to measure and interpret the lengths and angles measured off the diagram. The worksheet starts with two simpler questions, then two questions with accompanying diagrams before finishing with several questions where the student is expected to interpret the text in order to draw the scale diagram. Teachers may wish to limit core ability students to the first four questions, leaving the others as extension. Advanced students will be challenged by the expectation that they translate text into a diagrams.
Deconstructing Frequency Tables to find Averages and Range

Deconstructing Frequency Tables to find Averages and Range

This lesson is for KS3 students. Before teaching students how to find the averages from frequency tables, I get them to deconstruct some tables, that is listing the raw data and using that raw data to find the averages and range. Worked solutions to the worksheet is included.
KS3 Algebraic Proof

KS3 Algebraic Proof

These two lessons are for capable KS3 students. Start with ‘1. Algebraic Proof Introduction’ and the accompanying handouts and then continue with ‘2. Algebraic Proof Multiples’ and its worksheet. Students are introduced to the idea of letting any number be n and to finding expressions for consecutive numbers, odd and even numbers. Students then find expressions for sums and products and finally learn how to prove that such an expression is a multiple of a specified number.
KS3 Algebraic Proof Extension

KS3 Algebraic Proof Extension

This resource follows on from ‘KS3 Algebraic Proof’. The resource consists of two lesson presentations and accompanying worksheets or handouts. The idea of algebraic proof is extended to include any two numbers and not just consecutive numbers. This is in the lesson ‘3. Any Two Numbers’ with the accompanying worksheet. Work done in this lesson is then used in ‘4. Sometimes Always Never’ with its accompanying activity. The lesson presentations contain worked solutions for all activities and questions.
Functional Problems involving Volume

Functional Problems involving Volume

The resource is for KS4 students. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes examples and worked solutions to all the questions on the worksheet. The functional problems involving volume include stacking smaller boxes in a larger box, finding into which category packages fall and evaluating cost.
Solving Circular Linear Equations Graphs

Solving Circular Linear Equations Graphs

The resource is for KS4 students. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter and worked solutions to all the questions on the worksheet. Students learn how to solve simultaneous equations where one is linear and the other that of a circle USING GRAPHS. (There is another version using algebra). The worksheet is structured. Students are first given both line and circle, then one or the other and finally neither.
Linear and Quadratic Equations Graphs

Linear and Quadratic Equations Graphs

The lesson is for KS4 students. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter and worked solutions to all the questions on the worksheet. Students learn how to solve simultaneous equations where one is linear and the other quadrilateral USING GRAPHS. (There is another version using algebra). The first question on the structured worksheet gives students both the straight line and a quadratic graph. Later questions expect students to draw the straight line graph.
Linear Quadratic Simultaneous Equations

Linear Quadratic Simultaneous Equations

This resource is for high ability KS4 students. The resource consists of a lesson presentation and a worksheet. The lesson presentation includes a starter and three fully worked examples. Students learn how to solve simultaneous equations where one is linear and the other quadratic USING ALGEBRA. (There is another version using graphs).