A KS3 lesson exploring the debate to whether religion is a cohesive or divisive force in the world. This could be spread over two or three lessons. Students thoroughly enjoy the investigation as it involves aliens!
A KS3 lesson designed for Year 8 exploring the five pillars of Islam. There are both lower ability and higher ability versions, along with differentiated resources, included that can be easily adapted to meet the needs of your class.
Lesson 3 - Hindu beliefs about reincarnation
Lesson 4 - Life after death in Ancient Egypt
Both lessons are designed for mixed ability Year 8 classes but come complete with differentiation for SEN, EAL and G&T.
This set of lessons is designed for AQA AS Sociology and for use with the orange AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. This lesson is complete with PowerPoint and accompanying resources. PowerPoint covers two lessons.
This booklet covers all topics for Families and Households and follows a PEEAL structure for essay writing (Point, Evidence, Explain, Analysis, Link). Each topic includes an exam question, item, model paragraph and space for students to write their own additional two practice model papragraphs.
This set of lessons is designed for AQA AS Sociology and for use with the orange AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. These lessons are complete with PowerPoints and accompanying resources.
L1 Defining the Family
L2-3 Is the Nuclear Family Universal?
These lessons are designed for AQA A2 Sociology and for use with the blue AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. The independent learning pack can be completed independently by students over 2-3 lessons or delivered as a PowerPoint. There is also an additional accompanying handout.
These lessons are designed for AQA A2 Sociology and for use with the blue AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. The independent learning pack can be completed independently by students over 2-3 lessons or delivered as a PowerPoint. There is also an additional accompanying homework handout.
These lessons are designed for AQA A2 Sociology and for use with the blue AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. The independent learning pack can be completed independently by students over 2-3 lessons or delivered as a PowerPoint.
This set of lessons is designed for AQA Sociology and for use with the blue AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. Each lesson comes complete with lesson PowerPoint and accompanying resources e.g. essay plans, worksheets, handouts.
This set of lessons is designed for AQA AS Sociology and for use with the orange AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. These lessons are complete with PowerPoints and accompanying resources. PowerPoints cover at least two lessons. Lesson 1 is designed in a flipped learning style which requires students to have read the homework handout and made notes prior to the lesson.
This revision lesson is designed for Year 13 in order to re-cap and revise the Families and Households topic. This lesson is designed for AQA A Level Sociology and for use with the orange AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. This lesson is complete with PowerPoint and accompanying resources.