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Cloning and Genetic Modification with Haribo
A simple activity to model cloning and genetic engineering using Haribo starmix. Student instructions are included. May also wish to buy some flumps. Ensure lab is clean and advisable to wear gloves. I found the smaller Haribo starmix bags to be better as the students can handle these. Must check there are two eggs or have a supply of spare eggs. Get students to describe the process back to you as a plenary. Enjoy.

Circuits and Models
Students can use models to describe difficult concepts relating to electricity. Also covers circuit symbols and series and parallel circuits. Assessment opportunities throughout.

DNA to Amino Acid to Protein Activity
Transcription and Translation activity simplified for low to moderate ability or high ability starter activity. Turn a strand of DNA into a sequence of Amino Acids then translate these into a protein. Extension activity explores the effects of mutations and the beneficial or limiting effects of this. Students could explain what they have done for a plenary.

Space and Scale Modelling Activity
Introduces students to the vastness of Space. Students create a scale for the planets using the space data. Good opportunity for numeracy and practical if you can get hold of some play-dough (recipe included).

Emulsion Practical Activity
Students will learn to give examples of emulsions and will perform a practical activity to determine the best agents to create an emulsion. Basic ingredients needed and could be performed in plastic cups (test tubes are best). The worksheet allows students to structure their research and also self assess it at the end.

Environmental Science
Presentations considering sustainability and energy sources. Includes a debate about using vegetable oil to fuel our cars.

Elements to Atoms and the Periodic Table
2-3 engaging lessons that make learning the periodic table more accessible. Ideal for low to middle ability groups. Students begin with finding the location of elements in the periodic table using the grid references (print 2 slides per sheet to keep costs low and have couple of examples of elements to hand - Zinc, Copper, Carbon, Aluminium). Students then learn about the structure of atoms and link this to the layout of the periodic table. Students finish by drawing atoms and consolidating learning through a game of Atom Trumps.

Exam revision activity Edexcel C1 Flip Cards Differentiated and Extension
Flip cards to promote memory recall of the C1 chemistry topic. Ideal preparation for spotting areas of weakness and independent guided study. Students line out the cards and answer the question flipping the card to check the answer. Students MUST return to the start if they get the answer wrong (this is key to consolidating prior learning). Slide 3 is an extension activity where students come up with the questions to the answers provided. PRINT ONE COPY of slides 1-2 on both sides of A4. CHECK THAT THE BOXES LINE UP and adjust if required by moving one of the tables accordingly. Now print your class set and let the kids cut them out because this ensures a calm start to the lesson.

The body's senses Practical activity and Worksheet
Starter worksheet identifying the body's senses. Extension activity linking animals to their heightened senses. Practical activity requires two pronged hair pins and worksheet provided.

Revision activity - Presenting information in a range of formats
Tape the sheets to a small box (dice). Students choose a topic and roll the dice to determine how to present their information. Adapt slide two with your own topics.

B2,C2,P2 Quiz Exam prep Last minute recap
Question of sport number round style Quiz. Answer 3 key points from each topic image. People tend to recall facts and key information in 3's so it promotes memory. Can also be carried out as a test where students will not see the answers (using the test version included in this sale). The students could then self assess using thee quiz version.

Worksheets supporting Collins KS3 History Christendom, Magna Carta, Black Death, Norman Conquest
Worksheets to supplement the popular Collins KS3 revision book or stand alone research activity. Consolidate learning with these worksheets and make it feel more like a lesson than a reading exercise. Chapter 1 Britain 1066 - 1509 topics: The Norman Conquest, Christendom and the Crusades, Magna Carta, The black Death, The Peasants Revolt. Please give 5 star and I will upload Chapter 2.

C1 Mind Map and Flip cards Last minute revision
Topic identifiers and thought provoking images. Use for Edexcel C1 topic. Designed to be printed on A3 paper. Print flip cards on A4 paper backed up (check alignment on first copy). Students cut these out and test themselves and others. Students must start again if they make a mistake (this aids recall). The final flip cards are blank for higher level learners to suggest the questions to the answers provided.

B1, C1, P1 Flip Card Revision Activity
Covering most aspects of the Edexcel B1, P1 C1 topics. This simple activity engages and encourages students to recall key words and identify areas of weakness. Includes free Quiz and Test activity. Probably 3-4 lessons worth of activity. Have fun...

Career Planning, Career pathways, Setting well formed outcomes
A useful presentation and activity to plan career and education pathways. Students can visually map out the route needed to achieve their desired career. Students can test their outcome goal by checking that it is well formed and doesn't conflict with other areas in their life. Includes exemplar careers in STEM to support those who have no career choices.

Worksheets supporting Collins Geography KS3 book. Ideal Homework Physical Characteristics
Worksheets supporting chapter 1 of the Collins revision guide. Ideal as homework task or complete lesson. Topics include: Physical characteristics, Human characteristics Data collection, Geological timescales and plate tectonics. Answers are included.

History Quiz Christmas theme 2018
History Quiz covering topics including: Norman Conquest, Christendom, Magna Carta, Black Death, Interregnum, Industrial Revolution. Ideal for end of term activity. Loosely linked to Christmas. The Quiz will run itself so the teacher can join in the festivities. This fact based activity can also act as a revision lesson for these topics.

2018 GCSE Science interactive Revision Bundle
6 PowerPoint files each containing a tutorial on the 2018 spec most difficult topics including sample exam questions. This can be delivered as a lesson, a self guided revision activity or ICT cover lesson. Ideal for tutoring students online. Topics include: Limiting Reactants, Modelling the Atom, Homeostasis, Electromagnet, pressure and Excretion in humans. Links to the solo taxonomy to ensure progress is being made and new spec exam questions to assess student progress.

Maths Revision 2018 Core + Foundation + Activity + Cover lesson
GCSE Maths revision PowerPoint activity (Core and foundation - some higher to stretch) may be teacher or self guided or even cover lesson. Most GSCE topics covered with example questions and answer reveal. Interactive format, dyslexia friendly screen / font. Students can recognise questions from pricture prompts.

New AQA Triolgy Diagnostic Chemistry, Biology and Physics
Microsoft PowerPoint required! (PowerPoint online not supported) 150 assessment questions to assess competence in the new AQA Trilogy specification. If Macros are enabled the assessment will mark itself and suggest areas that need developing. Feedback can be printed and used for extension work, independent learning or homework. Hard copies of the assessment have been provided in case the ICT lets you down or you need this for a cover lesson with a non science specialist. I hope this saves you lots of marking and identifies areas your students are weak.