Introducing Top Historian, where a decade of seasoned expertise in History teaching and department management converges to craft exceptional educational resources. Our meticulously designed materials include individual lessons, exam technique and content revision for both British and International exam boards. Let Top Historian lighten your workload without compromising on excellence, providing a seamless blend of experience and adaptability to deliver top quality History with maximum progress.
Introducing Top Historian, where a decade of seasoned expertise in History teaching and department management converges to craft exceptional educational resources. Our meticulously designed materials include individual lessons, exam technique and content revision for both British and International exam boards. Let Top Historian lighten your workload without compromising on excellence, providing a seamless blend of experience and adaptability to deliver top quality History with maximum progress.
A full exam technique masterclass for the new 2024 Cambridge IGCSE (0470) History Paper 1 exam
By using the methods outlined in this masterclass, our 2024 cohort of 90 students achieved an average grade of an A* on this Paper.
This lesson has been produced following the completion of the New 2024 IGCSE training course by Cambridge International Examinations for the 2024 specification (CIE).
This resource includes a 23 slide PowerPoint lesson which breaks down the demands of the 2024 IGCSE History Paper 1 and offers clear direction and specific instruction on how to craft top quality answers for all 3 Qs.
As a BONUS this lesson also includes an Essay Writing Masterclass which breaks down the components of an excellent essay into easy to follow steps - ideal for those students who struggle with academic writing and for those who’ve grasped the basics but want to improve the quality of their exam answers. In addition to this, we’ve included a SECOND BONUS in the form of a model answer for a QC essay response.
Specific content:
Slide 1 - Introduction
Slide 2 - Paper 1 Content and Assessment overview
Slide 3 - ‘What is the examiner looking for in Qa?’ and ‘test yourself’ example Qs
Slide 4 - 4 x model answer content for the test yourself questions
Slide 5 - What is the examiner looking for in Qb?
Slide 6 - ‘Golden Rules’ for the 6 marker and example Qs
Slide 7- How do I show I’m explaining and not just describing?
Slide 8 - What is the examiner looking for in Qc?
Slide 9 - What formats can the Qc essay take and example Qs
Slide 10 - Top tips for a 10 marker and advice on timings
Slide 11 - An introduction to the Essay Writing Masterclass
Slide 12 - Introductions
Slide 13 - Main body
Slide 14-17 - A full QC model answer, broken down into individual paragraphs for student analysis.
Slide 18 - How to write a great conclusion!
Slide 19- Essay pitfalls - what not to do!
Slide 22 - Homework - Test your Paper 1 skills with confidence!
Who is this lesson for?
This lesson can be used to introduce, embed or revise the key skills required to excel in CIE Paper 1 to year 10 and 11.
**Associated resources **
This masterclass is best paired with my model answer ABC question sets for KQ1, KQ2 and KQ3! (If you want a bargain, they’re even cheaper if you buy the bundle!)
These model answers are great for speeding up marking and act as ready made feedback lessons, saving you hours of planning time!
A full exam technique masterclass for the new 2024 onwards Cambridge IGCSE (0470) History Paper 2 exam. Paper 2 was the paper our 2024 cohort did best on this year! By using the methods outlined in this masterclass, our cohort of 90 students achieved an average of 76% - 12% higher than the A threshold*.
This lesson has been produced following the completion of the new Paper 4 IGCSE training course delivered by Cambridge International Examinations for the 2024 specification (CIE).
This resource includes a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation which breaks down the demands of the 2024 IGCSE History Paper 2. With over 20 question formats deconstructed, scaffolded and categorised into ‘question types’, this masterclass offers clear direction and specific instruction on how to craft top quality answers for every Paper 2 style question.
As a BONUS this lesson also includes ‘Writing like a Historian for Source Analysis’ keyword mats and classroom posters to help students develop the quality of their academic language and written communication. These resources have yielded exceptional results, particularly with supporting EAL students to develop their vocabulary and confidence using formal, academic language, as well as serving as a model of good practice to remind more proficient students to be as ambitious as possible with their written expression.
Specific content:
Slide 1 - Introduction slide
Slide 2 - Paper 2 Content and Assessment overview
Slide 3 - Paper 2 General guidance and exam advice
Slide 4 - Expert evaluation of content?
Slide 5 - Expert evaluation of provenance?
Slide 6 - Language matters - Writing like a Historian for Source Analysis
Slide 7 - Categorising the Paper 2 questions and timings advice.
Slide 8 - ‘What is the main message of Source A?’ - What the examiner is looking for and how to structure this answer.
Slide 9 - ‘What is the purpose of Source B?’ (and other variations of this Q). What the examiner is looking for and how to structure this answer.
Slide 10 - ‘Are you surprised by Source C?’ (and other variations of this Q). What the examiner is looking for and how to structure this answer.
Slide 11 - ‘How useful is Source D to a historian studying ?’ What the examiner is looking for and how to structure this answer.
Slide 12 - ‘How similar are Sources E and F?’ (and other variations of this Q). What the examiner is looking for and how to structure this answer.
Slide 13 - ‘How far do these 2 sources agree?’ (and other variations of this Q). What the examiner is looking for in this Q and how to structure it.
Slide 14 - ‘Does Source G prove Source H wrong? (and other variations of this Q). What the examiner is looking for in this Q and how to structure it.
Slide 15 - Perfecting the guaranteed essay question.
Other resources:
Pair this Paper 2 masterclass with the Paper 1 & Paper 4 masterclasses to provide a comprehensive foundation of exam technique knowledge across all 3 CIE papers.
A full exam technique masterclass for the new 2024 Cambridge IGCSE (0470) History Paper 4 exam.
By using the methods outlined in this masterclass, our 2024 cohort of 90 students averaged an A grade on this paper, with one student gaining 40/40!
This lesson has been produced following the completion of the new Paper 4 IGCSE training course delivered by Cambridge International Examinations for the 2024 specification (CIE).
This resource includes a fully adaptable 23 slide powerpoint presentation which breaks down the demands of the 2024 IGCSE History Paper 4 and offers clear direction and specific instruction on how to craft top quality answers for both questions.
As a BONUS this lesson also includes an Essay Writing Masterclass which breaks down the components of an excellent essay into easy to follow steps - ideal for those students who struggle with academic writing and for those who’ve grasped the basics but want to level-up the quality of their written responses. In addition to this, we’ve included a SECOND BONUS of a model answer to provide students with a clear example of what an excellent Paper 4 essay response should look like.
Specific content:
Slide 1 - Introduction
Slide 2 - Paper 4 Content and Assessment overview
Slide 3 - ‘What is the examiner looking for in Qa?’ and example Qs?
Slide 4 - What should a good ‘write an account’ question look like?
Slide 5 - What is the examiner looking for in Qb?
Slide 6-7 - ‘What should a good 25 mark essay contain / look like?’ and example Qs
Slide 8-9 - What is a facet?!
Slide 10 - Let’s plan one together…
Slide 11 - Writing for an A* with PEEL paragraphs
Slide 12 - How do you write a final judgement / strong conclusion for a Qb essay?
Slide 13 - An introduction to the Essay Writing Masterclass
Slide 14 - Introductions
Slide 15 - Main body
Slide 16-21 - Model paragraphs for the essay ‘Discuss the impact of Stresemann’s policies for the stability of the Weimar Republic between 1924-29 ’ (25)
Slide 22 - Essay pitfalls - what not to do!
Slide 23 - Homework - Test your new Paper 4 skills with confidence!
Who is this lesson for?
This lesson and the associated resources can be used to introduce, embed or revise the key skills required to excel in Paper 4 to year 10 and 11. The model answer and example questions are focused on the Germany depth study.
Looking for the CIE Paper 4 Masterclassfor the US depth study? Find it here, it’s our bestseller! Paper 4 Exam Technique Masterclass - USA Depth Study
How long will it take me to deliver this lesson?
Between 1-2 hours
Associated resources:
Paper 1 exam technique masterclass
Paper 2 exam technique masterclass
A full exam technique masterclass for the Edexcel History IGCSE Paper 1.
This lesson includes a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation which breaks down the demands of every question on this paper. This masterclass also provides specific instructions, writing frameworks and guidance on how to craft top quality answers for each Paper 1 question, to help your students gain the highest marks possible in their final exam.
It also includes example questions to enable students to become familiar with the format of each and an essay writing masterclass which breaks down the key principles of writing a top notch essay in a straightfoward and accessible way!
Specific content:
Slide 1 - Introduction slide
Slide 2 - Paper 1 Content and Assessment overview
Slide 3 - Structure advice and writing template for how to score 6/6 on Qa. Also includes language, tonal and content word mats for upleveling student’s academic language.
Slide 4 - Top tips for an 8 mark question (Qb) - structural guidance and example questions.
Slide 5 - Top tips for a 16 mark question (Qc) - instructions and framework
Slide 6 - Paper1, Qc Essay Writing Masterclass
Slide 7 - Introductions
Slide 8 - Main body and conclusion
Slide 9 - Modelled and colour coded examplar PEEL paragraph
Slide 10 - Essay pitfalls - what not to do!
Who is this lesson for?
This lesson can be used to introduce, embed or revise the key skills required to excel in Paper 1 to year 10 and 11. A handy lesson which can be reused again and again to embed those core skills for Paper 1 success!
Fully adaptable as a PowerPoint presentation for those who want to tweak the example questions to fit their chosen Paper 1 topics.
I understand that quality is of the greatest importance when imparting important History content and skills to your students, particularly if you’re paying for it! If you’d like to see an example of my work before you part with your hard earned money, please feel free to download my FREE EDEXCEL IGCSE HISTORY PAPER 2 MASTERCLASS to give you an indication of the top quality resources we produce.
Complementary resources:
FULL COURSE OVERVIEW - USA 1918-41 - Edexcel IGCSE History Paper 2
I am a new TES author doing my best to provide the highest quality History teaching materials. If you found this resource helpful I’d be so grateful for a review to help others find my work!
A full exam technique masterclass for the 2025 Cambridge IGCSE History Paper 2 exam focusing on KQ2 - TheLeague of Nations (0470). Paper 2 was the paper our 2024 cohort did best on this year! By using the methods outlined in this masterclass, our cohort of 90 students achieved an average of 76% (which is 12% higher than the amount needed for an A grade!)
This lesson has been produced following the completion of the New IGCSE Specification (2024) training course delivered by CIE as well as feedback from our first cohort of students!
This resource includes a 19 slide, fully editable PowerPoint presentation which breaks down the demands of the 2025 IGCSE History Paper 2. With over 20 question formats deconstructed, scaffolded and categorised into ‘question types’, this masterclass offers clear direction and specific instruction on how to craft top quality answers for every Paper 2 style question.
As a BONUS this lesson also includes 2x MODEL ANSWERS as well as ‘Writing like a Historian for Source Analysis’ keyword mats and classroom posters to help students develop the quality of their academic language and written communication.
Specific content:
Slide 1 - Introduction
Slide 2 - Paper 2 Content and Assessment overview
Slide 3 - Paper 2 General guidance and exam advice
Slide 4 - Expert evaluation of content
Slide 5 - Expert evaluation of provenance
Slide 6 - Language matters - Writing like a Historian for Source Analysis
Slide 7 - Categorising the Paper 2 questions and timings advice.
Slide 8 - ‘What is the main message of Source A?’ - What the examiner is looking for and how to structure this answer.
Slide 9 - Model answer - complete and thorough analysis
Slide 10 - Model answer - streamlined version (for a realistic impression of what a student could achieve in timed conditions)
Slide 11 - ‘What is the purpose of Source B?’ (and other variations of this Q).
Slide 12 - Model answer
Slide 13 - Model answer - streamlined version
Slide 14 - ‘Are you surprised by Source C?’ (and other variations of this Q).
Slide 15 - ‘How useful is Source D to a historian studying ?’
Slide 16 - ‘How similar are Sources E and F?’ (and other variations of this Q).
Slide 17 - ‘How far do these 2 sources agree?’ (and other variations of this Q).
Slide 18 - ‘Does Source G prove Source H wrong? (and other variations of this Q).
Slide 19 - Perfecting the guaranteed essay question.
Associated resources:
HISTORY IGCSE CIE NEW Paper 4 Exam Technique Masterclass
HISTORY IGCSE CIE NEW Paper 1 Exam Technique Masterclass
A full exam technique lesson for the Edexcel History IGCSE Paper 1. This lesson includes a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation which breaks down the demands of every question on this paper. This masterclass also provides specific instructions, examples, activities, writing frameworks and guidance on how to craft top quality answers for each Paper 1 question, to help your students gain the highest marks possible in their final exam.
Specific content:
Slide 1 - Introduction slide
Slide 2 - Paper 1 Content and Assessment overview
Slide 3 - Structure advice and writing template for how to score 6/6 on Qa. Also includes language, tonal and content word mats for upleveling students academic language.
Slide 4 -Students as examiners Qa task - students to grade 2 very different exam answers based on a typical Qa source using the mark scheme.
Slide 5 - Students to use the advice and structure template provided on the slides to have a go at writing their own response to a Qa source question. A star challenge activity is provided to stretch and challenge the most able.
Slide 6 - Top tips for an 8 mark question (Qb) - structural guidance and example questions
Slide 7 - Students as examiners Qb task - students to grade 2 different Qb exam answers and use the mark scheme to mark the answers, providing clear reasons as to why they have given the mark they have. They should then have a go at writing up their own response to a different question b, before moving onto the two star challenge activities provided.
Slide 8 - Top tips for a 16 mark question (Qc) - instructions and framework
Slide 9 - Paper1, Qc Essay Writing Masterclass
Slide 10 - Introductions
Slide 11 - Main body and conclusion
Slide 12 - Modelled and colour coded examplar PEEL paragraph
Slide 13 - Essay pitfalls - what not to do!
Slide 14 - Students as examiners Qc - Students are to carefully read the model answer provided and colour code it for the different elements of PEEL (using the example in Slide 12 as a guide). They should then use the essay structure template to plan and write their own 16 mark essay, before peer or self assessing using the mark scheme.
Slide 15 - Congratulations on completing the masterclass and final tips and advice.
**Resources included **
1x Masterclass presentation - Microsoft PowerPoint
1 x Qa Masterclass activities ( 3 mains and 1 Star Challenge) - Microsoft Word
1 x Qb Masterclass activities ( 3 mains and 2 Star Challenges) - Microsoft Word
1 x Qc Model essay (standard IGCSE ability)
1 x Qc Model essay (a more academic, detailed and ambitious variation on the above essay to inspire the most able historians - possibly closer to an AS level essay than IGCSE but a nice way to stretch and challenge the most able)
1 x Qc Structure template
1 x Edexcel Mark Scheme
This bundle consists of a minimum of 4-5 hours of content (including feedback). Each activity has been carefully designed to guarantee maximum engagement for maximum progress
A full exam technique masterclass for the new 2024 Cambridge IGCSE (0470) History Paper 4 exam.
By using the methods outlined in this masterclass, our 2024 cohort of 90 students averaged an A grade on this paper, with one student gaining 40/40!
This lesson has been produced following the completion of the new Paper 4 IGCSE training course delivered by Cambridge International Examinations for the 2024 specification (CIE).
This resource includes a fully adaptable 22 slide powerpoint presentation which breaks down the demands of the 2024 IGCSE History Paper 4 and offers clear direction and specific instruction on how to craft top quality answers for both questions.
As a BONUS this lesson also includes an Essay Writing Masterclass which breaks down the components of an excellent essay into easy to follow steps - ideal for those students who struggle with academic writing and for those who’ve grasped the basics but want to up-level the quality of their answers. As a SECOND BONUS this resource includes a model answer which will provide your students with a clear example of what an excellent Paper 4 essay response should look like.
Specific content:
Slide 1 - Introduction slide
Slide 2 - Paper 4 Content and Assessment overview
Slide 3 - ‘What is the examiner looking for in Qa?’ and example Qs?
Slide 4 - What should a good ‘write an account’ question look like?
Slide 5 - What is the examiner looking for in Qb?
Slide 6-7 - ‘What should a good 25 mark essay contain / look like?’ and example Qs
Slide 8-9 - What is a facet?!
Slide 10 - Let’s plan one together…
Slide 11 - Writing for an A* with PEEL paragraphs
Slide 12 - How do you write a final judgement / strong conclusion for a Qb essay?
Slide 13 - An introduction to the Essay Writing Masterclass
Slide 14 - Introductions
Slide 15 - Main body
Slide 16-20 - Model paragraphs for the essay ‘Discuss the impact of prohibition’ (25)
Slide 21 - Essay pitfalls - what not to do!
Slide 22 - Homework - Test your new Paper 4 skills with confidence!
Who is this lesson for?
This lesson and the associated resources can be used to introduce, embed or revise the key skills required to excel in Paper 4. The model answer and example questions are focused on the America depth study, though the principles of exam technique will be useful to any school doing the CIE History IGCSE.
Other Resources:
New Paper 4 Depth Study Full Course Review (USA)
1920s USA Revision Guide for the Paper 4 IGCSE Depth Study
Germany Paper 4 Masterclass
A full course review of the Edexcel IGCSE Paper 2 Historical Investigation A3: The USA, 1918-41, focusing on retrieval practice to maximise students revision of the America content.
This resource includes a 16 slide PowerPoint presentation which comprises a series of challenge grids (as seen in the preview) for retrieval practice of every element of the USA Historical Investigation. These can be used at the end of individual lessons as fun consolidation plenaries, turned into competitive games within revision lessons at the end of the course, or given to students to take home and self assess as homework assignments / whilst on study leave to support them in their revision of content in an active and memorable way.
**Specific content: **
Slide 1 - Introduction and title
Slide 2 - Challenge grid - 1920s Economy
Slide 3 - Challenge grid - 1920s Economy
Slide 4 - Challenge grid - 1920s Economy
Slide 5 - Challenge grid - 1920s Society
Slide 6 - Challenge grid - 1920s Society
Slide 7 - Challenge grid - 1920s Women
Slide 8 - Challenge grid - 1920s Immigration
Slide 9 - Challenge grid - 1920s Racism
Slide 10 -Challenge grid - 1920s Prohibition
Slide 11 - Challenge grid - Causes of thee Wall Street Crash
Slide 12 - Challenge grid- Impact of the Wall Street Crash
Slide 13 - Challenge grid - Hoover Vs Roosevelt
Slide 14 - Challenge grid - FDR’s First Hundred Days and the First New Deal
Slide 15 - Challenge grid - The Second New Deal
Slide 16 - Challenge grid - The impact of the New Deal
This lesson is best complemented by the** FREE** Edexcel PAPER 2 Exam Technique Masterclass which supports students in honing their Paper 2 exam skills, to maximise their progress and academic success for the 2024 exam.
I am a new TES author doing my best to provide the highest quality History teaching materials. If you found this resource, or the Paper 2 Masterclass, helpful I’d be so grateful for a review to help others find my work! TIA
This resource comprises an 80 question knowledge test based on the key information of the League of Nations. Currently used as a fact test / team quiz / revision resource for my students studying CIE IGCSE, i’ve also used it for the Edexcel IGCSE module on the League of Nations as well as for the British GCSE curriculum.
The test is broken down into the 8 segments outlined below and could be used all together as a single summative assessment or a fun team based quiz at the end of the topic. Alternatively the test could be delivered as 8 mini checkpoints throughout the course either as a starter, plenary or homework task.
Resource details:
Section A: Origins and Aims of the League of Nations (10 questions)
Section B: Power and Membership of the League of Nations (10 questions)
Section C: Organisation of the League of Nations (Main Structures, Agencies, and Commissions) (10 questions)
Section D: Successes and Failures of the League in the 1920s (10 questions)
Section E: The League’s Humanitarian Work (5 questions)
Section F: How Did the Great Depression affect the League of Nations? (5 qs)
Section G: Causes, Events, and Consequences of the Manchurian Crisis (10 questions)
Section H: Why Did Disarmament Fail in the 1930s? (5 questions)
Section I: Causes, Events, and Consequences of the Abyssinian Crisis (10 questions)
Section J: What Were the Main Reasons for the League of Nations Failure in the 1930s? (5 qs)
Great for revisiting at the end of the chapter, at the end of the whole scheme/core content, during the revision period or incorporating into a study pack before students go on study leave.
This resource also comes with a full and detailed answer sheet to speed up marking or for students to self assess with.
Associated resources:
League of Nations Revision Mindmap - IGCSE Chapter 2
FREE Treaty of Versailles Revision Mindmap
Paper 1 FULL COURSE CONTENT REVIEW - retrieval practice and content revision
NEW IGCSE Paper 1 exam technique Masterclass (CIE)
Paper 1 Chapter 2 Model Answers (CIE IGCSE, 2024 New Spec)
Packed full of exam technique, model answers, retrieval practice, revision and consolidation activities, full student-friendly breakdowns of the mark schemes and step by step guidance and clarification on every aspect of the newly modified Paper 1 specification, this bundle contains everything you need to get your students prepared and confident for the 2024 Paper 1 examination.
All materials included in this bundle have been produced following the completion of the New 2024 CIE IGCSE training course delivered by Cambridge International Examinations for the new 2024 specification.
Specific content:
1 x Cambridge (0470) IGCSE History Paper 1 Exam Technique Masterclass (20 slide PowerPoint lesson with full breakdowns of the mark scheme for each question type, as well as golden rules, structure guidance, example content, timings advice and bonus top tips. A bonus essay writing masterclass and an EXTRA model answer is included in this resource too.)
1 x Paper 1 Question bank for easy assessment creation, revision and exam practice. All 65 question templates are colour coded and correspond to each of the 6 chapters of the core content. Great to give to students to take away on study leave to support active and meaningful revision.
3 x Paper 1 core content MODEL ANSWERS for KQ1, 2 and 3. In total you will recieve: 3 x Qa responses, 3 x Qb responses and 3x Qc responses.
1 x New Paper 1 Full Course Review - Revision and Retrieval Practice for the whole Core Content of Paper 1 (21 slides of revision activities, games and practice exam Qs)
The number of activities and resources in this bundle means I am unable to break down each individual one into a description of individual slides, worksheets and activities included as I normally would. However, linked below are each of the resources as they are sold individually, with full descriptions and detailed breakdowns of the contents.
2024 Paper 1 History IGCSE Exam Technique Masterclass (CIE, 0470)
New Paper 1 Model Exam Answer set - Chapter / KQ1
New Paper 1 Model Answer set - Chapter/ KQ2
New Paper 1 Model Answer set - Chapter/ KQ3
New Paper 1 Full Course Review - Revision and Retrieval Practice
All resources are fully adaptable and customisable to suit individual teacher needs.
I understand that quality is of the greatest importance when imparting important History content and skills to your students, particularly if you’re paying for it! If you’d like to see an example of my work before you part with your hard earned money, please feel free to download my FREE PAPER 2 MASTERCLASS to give you an indication of the top quality resources we produce (with more coming soon!)
As a new TES author doing my best to provide the highest quality History teaching materials, I would be so grateful for a review if you found these resources helpful!
This resource consists of 65 PAPER 1 (A, B, C) STYLE QUESTIONS for the Cambridge History IGCSE Paper 1 core content for the 2024 June examination.
The 65 questions are divided equally between the content of Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Chapter 5 is naturally omitted as this content will be used for Paper 2 this year, and as such students will not be tested on this during Paper 1.
All materials included in this bundle have been produced following the completion of the New 2024 IGCSE training course delivered by Cambridge International Examinations for the 2024 specification.
This question bank is an excellent resource to use throughout the year for either Year 10 as you introduce those key Paper 1 exam skills or for Year 11 to revisit and revise both content and exam technique in advance of their summer exams!
Some ways in which I have used them include:
Using Question As as a snappy starter to get students to recap key content quickly.
Using Question Bs as a consolidation task/ plenary after examining or revising the key content. These are especially great for reminding students how to explain effectively in the run up to an assessment/ mock/ exam.
Using Question Cs for longer practice at extended analytical writing - either as a main task, a weekly homework or revision task for Year 11. If you’re short on time, they’re also great for drafting essay plans to get students used to carving out those 3-4 minutes in the real exam to organise their themes and main line of argument.
Selecting a batch of 3 for a ready made assessment without the hassle of trawling through past exam papers! There’s enough here to see you through the two year course and more!
This resource is best used in conjunction with the New IGCSE History Paper 1 Exam Technique Masterclass for 2024 (CIE 0470). This masterclass breaks down the Paper 1 markscheme into student friendly language that’s accessible to all, and offers step by step guidance on structure (with scaffolded writing support), content and how to hit the highest mark on every question! Bonus freebies include an **essay writing masterclass **and a model Qc answer, as well as more practice questions with mark schemes!
Fancy some model answers to go with your question bank? I’ve compiled model answers for ABC question sets for KQ1, KQ2 and KQ3! (If you want a bargain, they’re even cheaper if you buy the bundle!) They make a great assessment resource by speeding up marking and double as ready made feedback lessons, saving you hours of planning!
This resource consists of 3 sets of Paper 1 style (A, B, C) model answers for the Cambridge History IGCSE Paper 1.
By using the methods outlined in this masterclass, our 2024 cohort of 90 students achieved an average grade of an A* on this Paper.
This bundle contains:
1x A, B, C model answer for Chapter 1 - How fair was the Treaty of Versailles?
1x A, B, C model answer for Chapter 2 - How successful was the League of Nations?
1x A, B, C model answer for Chapter 3 - Why did the world go to war in 1939?
All materials included in this bundle have been produced following the completion of the New 2024 IGCSE training course delivered by CIE.
How can I use this resource?
These model answers can also be used as a high quality assessment resource by speeding up marking and doubling up as ready made feedback lessons, saving you hours of planning! They also make excellent revision resources for Year 11 to revise from prior to assessments and the upcoming summer examination, to remind themselves of the key features and qualities required to secure those top marks!
This resource is best used in conjunction with the New IGCSE History Paper 1 Exam Technique Masterclass for 2024 (CIE 0470). This masterclass breaks down the Paper 1 markscheme into accessible, student friendly language, and offers step by step guidance on structure (with scaffolded writing support), content and how to hit the highest mark on every question! Bonus freebies include an essay writing masterclass and another model QC answer, as well as more practice questions with mark schemes!
Paper 1 Whole Course Review - A series of revision tasks and practice exam Qs that span Chapters 1-6! Can be used as a revision lesson or as a bank of individual starters and review tasks to use throughout the year!
I understand that quality is of the greatest importance when imparting important History content and skills to your students, particularly if you’re paying for it! If you’d like to see an example of my work before you part with your hard earned money, download my FREE PAPER 2 MASTERCLASS to give you an indication of the top quality resources we produce.
This Paper 1 Knowledge Test Bundle covers the entire core content of the Cambridge History IGCSE (0470).
These resources have been produced following the completion of the New IGCSE Specification (2024) training course delivered by CIE as well as feedback from our first cohort of students!
Comprising over 550 questions in total, this bundle provides a knowledge test for every chapter of the core content. Each knowledge test is then broken down into subtopics so that they can be used either in their entirety at the end of the chapter as a summative assessment or low stakes quiz / revision aid OR as regular checkpoints throughout the delivery of the chapter e.g. as starters, review tasks or homework assignments.
Every knowledge test comes with a full and detailed answer sheet for ease of teacher marking and feedback. They are also perfect for giving to students to self or peer assess to save time and to get students to engage actively with the areas they need to develop,deepen their knowledge of or clarify misconceptions.
All resources in this bundle are fully editable as word documents for you to modify depending on the needs of your class.
For a full breakdown of subtopics included in each knowledge test, please visit the resources individually:
Treaty of Versailles Knowledge Test
League of Nations Knowledge Test
Hitler’s Foreign Policy Knowledge Test
Origins of the Cold War Knowledge Test
How successful was Containment Knowledge Test
The Collapse of Soviet Control in Eastern Europe
Complementary resources:
Paper 1 FULL COURSE CONTENT REVIEW - retrieval practice and content revision
NEW IGCSE Paper 1 exam technique Masterclass (CIE)
This is my second set model answers and accompanying exam paper for the 2025 CIE IGCSE exam on **KQ2 (The League of Nations) **
This resource includes:
a fully formatted source paper,
5 model answers for the questions on the paper (listed below) and
Whereas my other exam paper and set of models focused on the League’s effectiveness as a peace keeping body throughout the 1920s and 30s (found here), this resource focuses on 'How successful was the League of Nations in the 1920s?’
This lesson has been produced following the completion of the New 2024 onwards IGCSE specification training course delivered by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE).
My last exam cohort of 91 students gained an average A grade overall at IGCSE, with 91% achieving an A*-A. Paper 2 was their strongest paper.
How can I use this resource?
This resource can be used as a preparation lesson in advance of a mock exam or even for the mock exam itself since the exam paper is formatted to replicate the real IGCSE exam. The model answers can be used for students to peer or self assess in order to speed up the marking process or as exemplars to be given alongside teacher feedback to cross compare with their own to better identify areas of strength and weakness in their own answers.
Additionally, the models could be drip fed to students via in class activities to revise the demands of each question, and consolidate their understanding of how to hit every mark on the mark scheme.
What is the message of the cartoonist? Explain your answer using details of the source and your knowledge. [8]
How useful is this cartoon to a Historian studying the League of Nations? Explain your answer using details from the source and your knowledge. [8]
How similar are Sources D and E regarding the League of Nations’ actions in Corfu? Explain your answer using details from the sources. [8]
Are you surprised by this source? Explain your answer using details of the source and your knowledge. [7]
How far do these sources provide convincing evidence that the League of Nations was very successful throughout the 1920s? [9]
Associated resources
This resource is best used in conjunction with the 2025 IGCSE History Paper 2 Exam Technique Masterclass which breaks down the Paper 2 markscheme into student friendly language, and offers step by step guidance on structure, content and how to hit the highest mark on every question type! Bonus freebies include top tips for analysing content and provenance, writing like a historian keyword mats and 2 MORE MODEL ANSWERS.
A full exam technique masterclass and full paper of model answers for Key Question 5 (Cuban Missile Crisis focus) for the new 2024 Cambridge IGCSE (0470) History Paper 2 exam. Paired together, these resources provide student-friendly breakdowns of the mark scheme and step by step guidance on every aspect of the 2024 paper 2 examination.
This lesson has been produced following the completion of the new IGCSE training course delivered by Cambridge International Examinations for the 2024 specification (CIE).
Specific content:
*1 x Paper 2 Exam Technique Masterclass* - a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation which breaks down the demands of the 2024 IGCSE History Paper 2. With over 20 question formats deconstructed, scaffolded and categorised into ‘question types’, this masterclass offers clear direction and specific instruction on how to craft top quality answers for every Paper 2 style question. (Full slide by slide description available on individual resource.)
As a BONUS this lesson also includes ‘Writing like a Historian for Source Analysis’ keyword mats and classroom posters to help students develop the quality of their academic language and written communication.
1 x Model Answers Bundle - Full Paper, Cuba focus - 5 full model answers with source material provided as well as top tips and advice for every question to ensure students are hitting those top mark bands. (Full description of content on individual resource).
Other resources:
Pair this Paper 2 masterclass with the Paper 1 & Paper 4 masterclasses to provide a comprehensive foundation of exam technique knowledge across all 3 CIE papers.
A full revision run through of Chapter 1 - ‘How fair was the Treaty of Versailles?’ for the new 2024 Cambridge IGCSE (0470) History Paper 1 exam.
This lesson has been produced following the completion of the New 2024 IGCSE training course by CIE
A fully adaptable lesson which concisely yet comprehensively reviews the core content in Chapter 1. Packed with dual coding tasks, gap fills, memory games and recall activities, this lesson can be used as a teacher-led, lightning-speed run through the week before the exam, or could easily fill a double period using the tasks and revision activities included.
Also included is a BONUS A3 mind map which breaks down the key details and most salient points of the chapter in one visual, colour coded knowledge organiser. Fantastic for less-able students who struggle with note making or those high flyers who struggle to condense. These mind maps have been invaluable with my own classes in consolidating, condensing and linking together key information, and each year students comment on how useful they find them to revise from, particularly the day before and morning of the exam as a quick refresh!
Specific content:
Slide 1 - Introduction
Slide 2 - What were the consequences of WWI?
Slide 3 - Where and when did the drawing up of the ToV take place?
Slide 4 -Who were the Big Three and what did they want?
Slide 5 - What were the terms of the Treaty?
Slide 6 - Why was Germany so upset about the Treaty?
Slide 7 - What was the impact of the Treaty?
Slide 8 - Germany’s spiral of decline…what have you learned? Gap fill task
Slide 9 - Germany’s spiral of decline…what have you learned? Answers
Slide 10 - What were the reactions of the Big Three towards the Treaty of Versailles?
Slide 11 - What were the reactions of the Big Three towards the Treaty of Versailles? Answers
If you’d like to see an example of my work before you part with your money, please download my FREE EDEXCEL PAPER 2 MASTERCLASS to give you an indication of the top quality resources we produce!
Complementary resources
Chapter 1 model answers for the 2024 Paper 1 exam
Paper 1 model answers bundle (2024)
New Paper 1 2024 IGCSE History exam technique Masterclass
Paper 1 full course review - retrieval practice and content revision
A clear, comprehensive and accessible revision mind map containing the core content of Chapter 1 - ‘How fair was the Treaty of Versailles?’ for the new 2024 Cambridge IGCSE (0470) History Paper 1 exam.
This resource has been produced following the completion of the new Paper 4 IGCSE training course delivered by Cambridge International Examinations for the 2024 specification (CIE).
This resource consists of a fully comprehensive, detailed yet streamlined mind map which breaks down the key details and most salient points of Chapter 1 in a single visual, colour coded knowledge organiser. Fantastic for less-able students who struggle with note making or those high flyers who struggle to condense.
These mind maps have been invaluable with my own Year 10 and 11 classes for consolidating, condensing and linking together key information. Each year my students comment on how useful they find them to revise from, particularly the day before and morning of the exam as a quick short term memory refresh!
Complementary resources
This resource is best used in conjunction with the following exam technique masterclasses and model answers to accelerate progress and consolidate understanding:
Treaty of Versailles Knowledge Test
League of Nations Revision Mind Map
Chapter 1 model answers for the 2024 Paper 1 exam
Paper 1 model answers bundle (2024)
New Paper 1 2024 IGCSE History exam technique Masterclass
Paper 1 full course review - retrieval practice and content revision
I’m a new TES author doing my best to create the highest quality, tried and tested resources (and help alleviate teacher workload in the process!) If you found this resource, or any of my others, helpful I would be so grateful for a review to help others find my work!
A full exam technique lesson for the Edexcel History IGCSE Paper 2. This lesson includes a 19 slide PowerPoint presentation which breaks down the demands of every question in both Section A and Section B of this paper. This masterclass also provides specific instructions, examples, writing frameworks and guidance on how to craft top quality answers for each Paper 2 question, to help your students gain the highest marks possible in their final exam.
Specific content:
Slide 1 - Introduction slide
Slide 2 - Paper 2 Content and Assessment overview
Slide 3 - A summary of Paper 2, Section A
Slide 4 - Top tips for a 6 mark Q (Qa) - instructions and framework
Slide 5 - Top tips for a 6 mark Q (Qa) - example questions
Slide 6 - Top tips for an 8 mark Q (Qb) - instructions and framework
Slide 7 - Top tips for an 8 mark Q (Qb) - example questions
Slide 8 - QB structure template
Slide 9 - Top tips for a 16 mark Q (Qc) - instructions and framework
Slide 10 - Top tips for a 16 mark Q (Qc) - example questions
Slide 11 - Paper 2, Qc Essay Writing Masterclass
Slide 12 - Introductions
Slide 13 - Main body and conclusion
Slide 14 - Essay pitfalls - what not to do!
Slide 15 - A summary of Paper 2, Section B
Slide 16 - Top tips for a 6 mark Q (Qa)
Slide 17 - Top tips for an 8 mark Q (Qb)
Slide 18 - Top tips for a 16 mark Q (Qc) - breakdown of demands and example questions
Slide 19 - Top tips for a 16 mark Q (Qc) - format and structure
Who is this lesson for?
This lesson can be used to introduce, embed or revise the key skills required to excel in Paper 2 to Year 10 and 11. The example questions are focused on America for Section A and China for Section B, though the principles of the Paper 2 exam technique will be useful to any school doing the Edexcel History IGCSE. A handy lesson which can be reused again and again to embed those core skills for Paper 2 success! Fully adaptable as a Powerpoint presentation for those who want to tweak and adapt to the needs of their class!
Duration of lesson
Between 1-2 hrs for students who are new to or still developing their Paper 2 technique. You may wish to get students to apply the tips and structure guidance in the masterclass to some practice exam questions, in which case it will naturally take longer. This is a lesson you can revisit again and again for revision of Paper 2
If you are teaching the Edexcel IGCSE History course, you may also like to check out my IGCSE HISTORY PAPER 1 INTERACTIVE REVISION WORKSHOP AND MASTERCLASS which is packed full of 4-5 hours worth revision and exam technique activities including; model answers, content revision, exam practice, scaffolded planning, writing guidance and Paper 1 top tips.
This resource includes a comprehension question worksheet and teacher answer sheet for evaluating the historical references and the significance of the historical events represented in the historic Christmas film ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’.
A perfect activity for a History themed, Christmas film lesson or as part of a co-curricular History film club to consolidate their knowledge, ‘test’ the accuracy of the films’ representation of History and provide some engaging talking and discussion points afterwards!
The film takes place in America and spans the 1920s-1940s with the majority of the film centered on the 1930s. With numerous features and excellent references to the economic boom, 1920s entertainment and city life, the Wall Street Crash, the Great Depression and the impact of WWII, this film is perfect for crystalising the key concepts within any America depth study or module (especially for the IGCSE and GCSE curricula) and bringing History to life (against the backdrop of Christmas!)