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How to draw a Treble Clef
Learn how to draw a Treble Clef on the stave. A trace and practice worksheet.
One visual worksheet briefly exploring instruments that read music in the Treble Clef.
PDF format.

Rhythm Clapping Sheet
A one page sheet with 10 x 2 bar (measure) rhythms.
Students can write the counting underneath each rhythm and then tick off each rhythm as they learn how to perform it.

Keyboard Pictures
11 Variations of keyboard pictures - great for students learning to play the keyboard.
Life size variation for students to rest on a piano/keyboard to help with note indentification.

Bass Clef Story - FREE Worksheet
Bass Clef Story - a fun way to reinforce bass clef notes. Students fill in the missing words by reading the bass clef notes to complete the story.
This sheet focuses on the five lines and four spaces of the bass clef (G - A).
Answer sheet included.
If you like this product, please check out “Bass Clef Stories”

How to Draw A Bass Clef - Music Distance Learning
Learn how to draw a Bass clef on the stave. A trace and practice worksheet.
One visual worksheet briefly exploring instruments that read music in the Bass Clef.
PDF format.

Peter and the Wolf Memory Game - FREE
Peter and the Wolf Memory Game - bright colorful cards to print.
Laminate for a lasting resource.
Several versions included.
Single image per page
8 images per page
Versions with character / instrument names and without names.
If you like this product please check out
Peter and the Wolf 11 Handouts and 17 Worksheets

Music Information Sheet
A music information sheet with Notes and Rests table, notes of the Treble and Bass Clef and 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 Time Signatures.

Origami Piano - Free printable template & instructions
Origmai Piano - fun folding activity for your students.

Free Music Chatterbox Activity
A fun activity to reinforce students knowledge of note and rest values.
Folding instructions included.

Circle of 5ths
FREE Circle of 5ths sheets.
Files included
Circle of 5ths Major Keys - color and B&W
Circle of 5ths Major Keys Bass Clef - color and B&W
Circle of 5ths Major and minor keys 1 - color and B&W
Circle of 5ths Major and minor keys 2 - color and B&W
Circle of 5ths Major Keys Treble and Bass Clef - color and B&W

How To Draw Music Notes and Rests
Booklet / Worksheets to introduce how to draw notes and rests.
Options to include or exclude Semiquaver notes and rests.
Notes and rests to trace, and to draw on their own.
Demonstrates the position of rests and notes on the five lines of the stave.
Can be printed as a booklet (8 pages) or used as individual worksheets.
American and English versions of note/rest names
Files in PDF format.

Christmas Hidden Message Word Search - A Treble Clef Notes Activity
Christmas Hidden Message Word Search - A Treble Clef Notes Activity
A fun christmas worksheet based on treble clef notes. Students find the treble clef words in the word search to reveal a hidden christmas joke.
Answer sheet included.

Music Rhythmic Dice Composition
Are you looking for a FUN way to introduce composition? Have students print, cut and stick together the rhythmic dice and roll away to create a composition.
There are three different levels of dice from simple crotchet (quarter notes) and quavers ( eighth notes) to more complex semiquaver (sixteenth note) rhythms. Alternatively, students can create their own dice using the blank template.
This task can be used to reinforce time signatures, by writing compositions in different time signatures. Rhythms can be performed using percussion or body percussion. The concept of dynamics could also be used.
Files are in PDF format.

Christmas Hidden Message Word Search - A Bass Clef Notes Activity
Christmas Hidden Message Word Search - A Bass Clef Notes Activity.
Print & Go, No Prep Worksheet. A fun way to reinforce reading bass clef notes.
A fun christmas worksheet based on bass clef notes. Students find the bass clef words in the word search to reveal a hidden christmas joke.
Answer sheet included.

Music Stem Direction - Which Way?
Two worksheets that explains music note stem direction with questions. Each available in English and American terminology.

Music - Women In Rock Word Search with a Hidden Message
Music - WOMEN IN ROCK word search puzzle contains 14 female rock artists.
Students will find each of the female rock artists in the word search. After they find all the words, they copy the unused letters to reveal a fact about one of the women.
ANSWER sheet is also included.
COLOR and printer friendly B&W.
Great for Music Centers, Early Finishers, Substitute teachers, Fun Puzzles, Distance Learning.

Music - Women In Pop Word Search with a Hidden Message
Music - WOMEN IN POP word search puzzle contains 15 female pop artists.
Students will find each of the female pop artists in the word search. After they find all the words, they copy the unused letters to reveal a fact about two of the women.
ANSWER sheet is also included.
COLOR and printer friendly B&W.
Great for Music Centers, Early Finishers, Substitute teachers, Fun Puzzles, Distance Learning.

Christmas Carol Hidden Joke Word Search
A fun Christmas Carol Word Search with a hidden joke for students to discover.
Find the missing words from each Christmas Carol Title in the word search. The remaining letters spell out a fun christmas joke.
Word Bank version and Answer sheet included.

Treble Clef Christmas Puzzle
A fun christmas puzzle to reinforce students knowledge of treble clef notes.
Solve each treble clef word. Match the word to the letter from the alphabet list and fill in the answer to solve the christmas joke.
Answer sheet included.

Christmas Carols Crossword Puzzle
A fun christmas carols crossword.
Students find the missing word of christmas carol titles to complete the crossword.
Word bank version and answer sheet included.