During subtraction week, we carried out 3 activities.
We used the ‘Playdough Smash’ laminated sheet to make blobs of playdough up to 10. Then we used whiteboard pens to write subtraction number sentences. When children took numbers away, they smashed the playdough then counted to see how many were left.
We used the purse and the 10 frame to pay for items in the shop. We started with 10p (1p in each square) the we took pennies away to find out how much we had left.
We used the differentiated worksheets to cross out the objects to see how many were left.
2D Shape Scarecrow
Early Years Maths / Numeracy
I usually do this task in Autumn Term as part of our topic ‘Harvest’.
Children need to cut out 2D shapes.
Glue 2D shapes to make a scarecrow.
Then children need to colour in a block diagram to show which / how many shapes they have used.
I’ve included the Word document (editable) and a PDF copy.
Toys - Money - Year 1
I cut the pictures out and put them in the role play area. Children paid for the toys using plastic coins.
£ British money
Valentine’s Day - Numeracy Provision
Activity mats for the numeracy area in the provision.
Children need to make the correct number of hearts out of play dough.
Children need to build a tower of cubes to match the number on the heart.
Hearts on numbers - order numbers