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Early Years / Foundation Phase 💜

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Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...




Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...
Guided Reading - KS1

Guided Reading - KS1

I use these worksheets during my guided reading sessions with Year 1. We make predictions about the front cover, then half way through, and then just before the end. We then reflect on what we predicted. The skimming task is differentiated. The focus is on phase 2 and 3 tricky words. My children highlighted the words in different highlighter pen as it was clearer for them to count the words at the end. Guided Reading Literacy KS1 Year 1
Listening Experiment - Reception

Listening Experiment - Reception

You will need to get 4 pots. Put 1 pasta shell in one, 2 in another, 3 in another and 4 in the last one. Label them a, b, c, d. The children will need to shake the pot and predict how many pasta shells there are in each pot. They will then open the pot to see how many shells are in the pot, to compare their prediction with the result. Reception Early Years Experiment Music Predictions x3 differentiated worksheets
Sort Natural and Man-Made Sources of Light KS1

Sort Natural and Man-Made Sources of Light KS1

Year 1 Science Topic - Light 3 Differentiated Worksheets - Lower, Middle and Higher Worksheet, plus a word mat. Children needed to discuss sources of light during the introduction. Then, we sorted the pictures of sources of light into two hoops, whether they were natural or man-made. We then completed the worksheets.
KS1 Science - Ears/Hearing Experiment

KS1 Science - Ears/Hearing Experiment

Year 1 Science - Hearing/Ears This was a part of our science topic ‘The Senses’. We completed these 3 differentiated worksheets/anticipation grids to activate prior knowledge. Half way through our topic, we completed the ‘expanding statements’ as children had a better understanding of hearing. We then completed the beaker experiement. Children predicted what the beakers would sound like when struck when they were full and empty. We had been learning about low and high pitch.
Supertato - KS1 (Theme - Superheroes)

Supertato - KS1 (Theme - Superheroes)

Year 1 - Theme of Superheroes. Read the story Supertato. DT project - design and make a Supertato. We used the TASC wheel to structure the project. Letter from the Evil Pea - I left ‘bad messages’ from the Evil Pea around the school. Whoever read these messages turned bad. My TAs were mixing up all of the toys, and sitting on the tables. The children were in shock at first! Then, someone decided to make posters that had good messages on them to turn everyone back good. We focused on what ‘good’ and ‘bad’ meant.
My Year

My Year

This was an end of year task. Children write about what they have enjoyed, their favourite memory, what they are good at, what they need to get better and what they want to be when they are older. They also draw a picture of themselves.