AS A level Physics Edexcel. Simple starter experiment and question to gauge prior knowledge. Principle of moments. Practice questions and answers. Centre of mass and experiment / practical to find it for a non-uniform object. Advanced moments including situations with two unknowns, when the pivot has to be chosen, use of resolving and 6 mark written question with example answer. Description and example of a couple.
This content will take at least two lessons.
AS A level Physics Edexcel chapter 1 rectilinear motion. Everything your students will need for SUVAT and projectiles. Great for A/A* students. Complete powerpoint for entire sequence of learning. This took my classes 6 lessons.
Section 1: Deriving the SUVAT equations and introductory questions with worked solutions /answers.
Section 2: Step by step guide for completing Core Practical 1 “determine the acceleration of a freely falling object” using light gates, free fall apparatus, and G-ball. Instructions to get students to figure out how to complete each part of the experiment and complete the correct analysis. Check list for a perfect practical write up.
Section 3: Complex problems including using resolving in SUVAT and projectiles that do no start and end at the same point. Complete worked examples for both and 10 difficult multi-step questions with worked solutions.
AS A level Physics Edexcel. Drawing free body diagrams. Resolving vectors into horizontal and vertical components. Finding resultant vectors using trigonometry and scale diagrams for perpendicular and non-perpendicular vectors. Worked solutions to practice questions and answers to questions.