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Reception Assessment for learning outcomes for the Summer term of White Rose Maths Scheme & ELG
A comprehensive but simple to follow assessment tool to assess children’s attainment against the expected outcomes for Summer of White Rose Maths Scheme for Reception, linked to Development Matters:
To 20 and Beyond
First, Then, Now
Find My Pattern
On the Move
The assessment is easy to follow, with step by step instructions and questions, with all resources needed to assess children’s understanding of the intended learning outcomes of the Summer units.
This assessment pack includes:
Individual assessment record to record individual answers
Instructions for carrying out the assessment
Links the questions to the appropriate Development Matters statements for easy tracking
Resources to carry out the activities
Group assessment record
Year 2 - Maths - TAF Consolidation (Working Towards)
A 7 lesson recap of the 7 statements required for a child to achieve working towards the end of Key Stage 1 in Mathematics.
These are designed to be a recap input lesson, followed by an independent activity.
These lessons provide the full evidence required to assess a child as Working Towards in Mathematics based upon the Teacher Assessment Framework. As a result, this is a useful tool for confirming assessment, filling gaps in evidence due to absence etc and gathering evidence for finalising teacher assessments and internal and external moderation.
Similar will also be uploaded for Working At and Greater Depth.