All resources
Thank you LSA
I made this for an end of year gift for my LSA
School Ready Poster
This poster can be printed for displays or added to parent packs.
Birth to Five Matters: Understanding the World
This document has been taken from Birth to Five Matters, to make it a smaller tool to use for planning and tracking coverage.
Birth to Five Matters: Literacy
This document has been taken from Birth to Five Matters, to make it a smaller tool to use for planning and tracking coverage.
Birth to Five Matters: Expressive Art and Design
This document has been taken from Birth to Five Matters, to make it a smaller tool to use for planning and tracking coverage.
Birth to Five Matters: Maths
This document has been rewritten using Birth to Five Matters, to make it a smaller and easier tool for planning and coverage use.
Birth to Five Matters: Communication and Language Development
I have condensed the original document down, to make it a more workable tool when planning or tracking coverage.
Pull up Chart
Used to log when children’s pull-ups have been changed or checked.
Discrimination, Inclusion and Diversity in Early Years
Training tool, what it is, effects, impact and value.
Ethical Dilemma in Early Years
What is an ethical dilemma in early years? Explanation, example, duty of care, laws and policy to support this.
Risky Play
What is risky play, how can we encourage risky play and its benefits.
Speech, Language and Communication Poster
Speech, Language and Communication poster, how we promote SLC development and activities to try.
School Ready Poster
This poster can be added to parent packs, given out to staff, added to displays.
Reading Record
Keep track of books sent home to parent/ carers.
Nursery Week
This can be laminated and used as a visual aid, letting staff know whats is happening each day. Good for team communication at a glance.
Maths in Everyday Life
A visual aid to help support staff, parent/carers with maths in everyday life.
Common Childhood Illness poster
Common Childhood Illness poster, made using NHS information.
Challenge Us poster
Use this poster to let parent/ carers know what the children are learning, also can be added to classroom door to encourage other adults to challenge the children on learning.
Bottle Feeding Poster
Poster to give a visual aid for new parents or nursery staff.
Nursery Setting Objective
Setting objectives for team and individual