A sentence starter and connectives mat to support learners with literacy.
Created in particular for KS3 but could be used with a variety of year groups.
A template for creating work booklets for any subject.
I've used them for primarily Opening Minds (used to teach PSHE, Citizenship and RE), along with a few for GCSE Geography and KS3 Humanities Homework.
Simply outline the success criteria on the first page. I would then highlight the criteria achieved in one colour and the criteria to attempt to progress in another. Thus reducing marking workload.
For each lesson, change the title and L/O and add any information, activities or required resources.
Includes opportunities for DIRT, reflection and self-assessment.
Resources for teaching map skills to year 7 covering a range of skills
Activities have been collated from a variety of free resources over the years - I'm sharing this SoW to help others with planning and resourcing. If there is work of yours I will happily credit it in the resource description, just let me know.
Topics covered
Longitude and latitude
4 and 6 figure grid references (some resources adapted from https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/4-and-6-figure-grid-references-6373196)
Map symbols
Scale (some resources adapted https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/what-is-scale-6169040 and https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/scale-drawing-and-maps-6280918)
18 ideas for marking, feedback and DIRT
Clearly presented and ready for a CPD session.
Lots of ideas to improve feedback and reduce time spent marking.
A 6 hour scheme of work to teach students key map and atlas skills.
Lesson 1 - Locating cities
Lesson 2 - Latitude and Longitude
Lesson 3 - Choropleth Maps
Lesson 4 - Map symbols, 4 figure Grid References and Describing Routes (can also include scale)
Lesson 5 - 6 Figure Grid References
Lesson 6 - Interpreting Maps
For the rest of the resources visit https://mrshumanities.com/2016/11/15/zombie-apocalypse-atlas-and-map-skills-sow/
This is a work in progress and has been created through collaboration with a number of teachers from both geography and history as part of online collaboration.
Criteria may well change once the new GCSE grade descriptors are produced fro Geography and History but this is a starting point for others in the blue.
This isn't definitive and is just an outline for assessment until greater detail has been provided by exam boards.
A 6x6 grid for encouraging students to get to know one another. Great for year 7 forms or new form groups.
How to use
Students need dice. In pairs they roll the dice to determine the cell coordinates.
A student then asks the question in the cell and the other/s answer it.
It could be printed off and laminated or simply displayed using a projector.
A selection of cards for positive and negative behaviour.
I print the positive behaviours on green and the ones for negative behaviour on red.
The negative behaviour cards rather than tell the pupil what they are doing wrong give the instruction for the alternative action that is expected.
e.g. If they are talking over the teacher, card says listen when others speak.
If a pupil recieves 3 red cards a sanction is issued.
If a pupil recieves 3 green cards a reward is issued.
This is my first attempt at writing a Humanities SOW having just progressed into a new role. Feedback would be appreciated. Planning for a 5 week term.
SOW on the History of Entertainment.
Looks at pastimes of the Romans, the Middle Ages and the Victorians followed by modern day entertainment and the significance of the internet.
Looks at a variety of historical skills over the term.
Some ideas developed from http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/History-of-Fun-SOW-dh-6066147/, with thanks. A number of links within the SOW to other great resources from other contributors.
Add some fun to lesson planning with Teaching and Learning Secret Missions. In this pack are 50 secret mission cards to develop creativity and good practice.
Ideal for T&L coordinators, ITT or PGCE mentors and Heads of Departments.
Can be applied to a variety of subjects and key stages.
Lesson designed after this Winters storm surge to get the pupils think about coastal management in the UK. Used after a lesson on coastal management techniques, pupils used their knowledge to make a decision on how to manage the coastline.
Revision Booklet
This editable guidance booklet will support learners in their revision of a variety of subjects.
The booklet includes general approaches to develop retrieval practice and revision strategies with links and space to explain to students how they can apply the strategy to your subject area. All ideas are supported by research.
The booklet is editable in order for teachers to customise to their subject area.
Powerpoint and card sort on the different types of pollution.
This was designed for a Set 3 group with a wide range of abilities (right from 2a to 5c) and they loved the Simpson theme throughout the lesson.
The card sort was given to the pupils as just the images, types of pollution and the sources then as the higher ability completed it they were given the effects to sort.
The lower ability students were given very simple effect cards with two or three words on each but I'm unable to find that document to add to the resource
A lesson on characteristic features of Britain and the British culture.
Differentiation - Card sort activity with characters to stretch and challenge the more able.
A survey for pupils to complete before planning a new SOW for Humanities. Could be adjusted to apply to just History or Geography.
Pupils to identify their agreement with a statement about subject content and learning styles to help with planning for Humanities.
A checklist for pupils to use to assess their understanding of the learning outcomes for Oceans on the Edge Edexcel Spec B (Linear).
I have taken each point from the Edexcel exemplar SOW and organised it for the pupils to consider their understanding of each learbning outcome to identify where further revision/help is needed.