Vocabulary Ninja is dedicated to developing high-quality resources that bring to life all aspects of the curriculum! Vocabulary is our core passion, but we have also created some highly effective numeracy, spelling and grammar products.
Vocabulary Ninja is dedicated to developing high-quality resources that bring to life all aspects of the curriculum! Vocabulary is our core passion, but we have also created some highly effective numeracy, spelling and grammar products.
Welcome to the The Comprehension Dojo by Vocabulary Ninja! Much like a standard Dojo, The Comprehension Dojo is a place where reading skills can be acquired, practised, and in time…mastered! This time with a fabulous short text about RAF: 100 Years of Protecting British Skies!
We all know it is nearly impossible to fit in everything we need to in a school day, and reading often ends up becoming the poor relation in terms of time spent. The Comprehension Dojo will help schools embed reading skills into foundation subject and topic subjects, as well as increase topic subject knowledge. Win, Win!
Comprehension Dojo packs have been created to give pupils opportunities to learn and master essential reading retrieval skills that they will encounter in KS1 and KS2 SATs. Questions have been designed to closely match SATs questions.
In the packs you will find a high-quality non fiction or fiction text and 8 different reading retrieval activities, based on the 8 core comprehension skills. These can all be printed and easily turned into a handy booklet. All answers have been provided too, reducing teacher workload!
Eight Essential Comprehension skills:
Fill in the Gap
Find and Copy
Multiple Choice
True or False
Welcome to the The Comprehension Dojo by Vocabulary Ninja! Much like a standard Dojo, The Comprehension Dojo is a place where reading skills can be acquired, practised, and in time…mastered! This time with a fabulous short text about Anne Frank.
We all know it is nearly impossible to fit in everything we need to in a school day, and reading often ends up becoming the poor relation in terms of time spent. The Comprehension Dojo will help schools embed reading skills into foundation subject and topic subjects, as well as increase topic subject knowledge. Win, Win!
Comprehension Dojo packs have been created to give pupils opportunities to learn and master essential reading retrieval skills that they will encounter in KS1 and KS2 SATs. Questions have been designed to closely match SATs questions.
In the packs you will find a high-quality non fiction or fiction text and 8 different reading retrieval activities, based on the 8 core comprehension skills. These can all be printed and easily turned into a handy booklet. All answers have been provided too, reducing teacher workload!
Eight Essential Comprehension skills:
Fill in the Gap
Find and Copy
Multiple Choice
True or False
Welcome to the The Comprehension Dojo by Vocabulary Ninja! Much like a standard Dojo, The Comprehension Dojo is a place where reading skills can be acquired, practised, and in time…mastered! This time with a fabulous short text about 2018.
We all know it is nearly impossible to fit in everything we need to in a school day, and reading often ends up becoming the poor relation in terms of time spent. The Comprehension Dojo will help schools embed reading skills into foundation subject and topic subjects, as well as increase topic subject knowledge. Win, Win!
Comprehension Dojo packs have been created to give pupils opportunities to learn and master essential reading retrieval skills that they will encounter in KS1 and KS2 SATs. Questions have been designed to closely match SATs questions.
In the packs you will find a high-quality non fiction or fiction text and 8 different reading retrieval activities, based on the 8 core comprehension skills. These can all be printed and easily turned into a handy booklet. All answers have been provided too, reducing teacher workload!
Eight Essential Comprehension skills:
Fill in the Gap
Find and Copy
Multiple Choice
True or False
Welcome to the The Comprehension Dojo by Vocabulary Ninja! Much like a standard Dojo, The Comprehension Dojo is a place where reading skills can be acquired, practised, and in time…mastered! This time with a fabulous short text about the year of Christmas! Exploring the Nativity, food, Santa, music and much more…
We all know it is nearly impossible to fit in everything we need to in a school day, and reading often ends up becoming the poor relation in terms of time spent. The Comprehension Dojo will help schools embed reading skills into foundation subject and topic subjects, as well as increase topic subject knowledge. Win, Win!
Comprehension Dojo packs have been created to give pupils opportunities to learn and master essential reading retrieval skills that they will encounter in KS1 and KS2 SATs. Questions have been designed to closely match SATs questions.
In the packs you will find a high-quality non fiction or fiction text and 8 different reading retrieval activities, based on the 8 core comprehension skills. These can all be printed and easily turned into a handy booklet. All answers have been provided too, reducing teacher workload!
Eight Essential Comprehension skills:
Fill in the Gap
Find and Copy
Multiple Choice
True or False
Picture Processor by Vocabulary Ninja is a terrifyingly simple, yet tremendously terrific resource! Each Picture Processor pack has 10 unique images and the associated SPaG / GaPS strands you want pupils to explore and generate.
This bundle contains 29 different packs to inspire your learners!
29 Packs x 10 pages = 290 separate activities!
Once the Picture Processor has broken the image down into its smaller components, we can put them back together in the form of a super sentence.
Developing the following grammatical aspects:
Noun Phrases
Fronted Adverbials
Re-build into a Super Sentence!
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.
The Picture Processor resource is so simple, yet so effective. Each Picture Processor pack contains 10 images on 10 different pages. The Picture Processor then breaks down each picture into it’s SPaG components! These can then be put back together again to create a super sentence! Each SPaG component box is designed with the Power of Three in mind, so only three words can fit. Quality not quantity. The picture is there to inspire the words and grammatical aspects.