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Welcome to my shop! I am an RE specialist so much of what you will find here is used for the RE classroom. Check back frequently for further uploads. Please message me with any questions etc.




Welcome to my shop! I am an RE specialist so much of what you will find here is used for the RE classroom. Check back frequently for further uploads. Please message me with any questions etc.
Akhirah (Life after death) - Islam

Akhirah (Life after death) - Islam

Seventh lesson in GCSE AQA Islam beliefs paper. This lesson looks at the shared belief in Islam of life after death. The lessons addresses the question of “is there life after death” and then sets out to investigate Islams answer. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print.


Fifth lesson in scheme of work aimed at KS3 focusing on what philosophy is. Students will study study famous philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and consider how their thoughts and teachings are relevant to the modern world. Lessons are designed with non subject specialists in mind to be able to pick up and teach. Relevant information is on screen and task information is one screen also. Lesson includes all relevant resources ready to print.
Predestination - Islam

Predestination - Islam

Sixth lesson in GCSE AQA Islam beliefs paper. This lesson looks at the Islamic belief in the idea that Allah is in total control (Al-Qadr) and the role that free will plays int he lives of Muslim. The lesson works towards answering a number of GCSE style questions. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print.
What is artificial intelligence?

What is artificial intelligence?

First lesson of four focusing on introducing pupils to artificial intelligence and the ethics around it. This lesson focuses on examples of AI that students may not understand, key words to be used throughout the unit of work and gives the students a chance to debate how essential AI is to everyday life.
Nature of God - Islam

Nature of God - Islam

Fourth lesson in GCSE AQA Islam beliefs paper. This lesson looks at what Muslims believe Allah to be like and works towards the GCSE exam focusing on two makers. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print.
Development of artificial intelligence

Development of artificial intelligence

Second lesson of four focusing on introducing pupils to artificial intelligence and the ethics around it. This lesson allows pupils to discover the origins of AI and highlights the influence of Alan Turing. The lesson also gets pupils to think about the limits to AI by suggesting thing that people once thought “That will never happen”
Five roots of Usual ad-Din. Shi'a Islam

Five roots of Usual ad-Din. Shi'a Islam

Second lesson in GCSE AQA Islam beliefs paper. This lesson looks at the five main beliefs in Shi’a Islam and how they influence Muslims. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Tawhid - Islam

Tawhid - Islam

Third lesson in GCSE AQA Islam beliefs paper. This lesson looks at the shared belief in Islam of Tawhid and the oneness of Allah. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Introduction to religion, peace and conflict.

Introduction to religion, peace and conflict.

First lesson for GCSE AQA Religion, peace and conflict paper (Theme D). This lesson focuses on the four key ares of Peace, Justice, Forgiveness & Reconciliation and how they are at work in the real world. Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
What is philosophy?

What is philosophy?

First in scheme of work aimed at KS3 focusing on what philosophy is. Students will study study famous philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and consider how their thoughts and teachings are relevant to the modern world. Lessons are designed with non subject specialists in mind to be able to pick up and teach. Relevant information is on screen and task information is one screen also. Lesson includes all relevant resources ready to print.
The future of artificial intelligence.

The future of artificial intelligence.

Final lesson of four focusing on introducing pupils to artificial intelligence and the ethics around it. Students will consider how far AI can go, the coffee test, real life examples of AI in use today and then consider the fictional future of AI seen in the Terminator film series.
Treatment of criminals.

Treatment of criminals.

Fourth lesson for GCSE AQA Religion, crime and punishment paper (Theme E). This lesson focuses on the contrasting way criminals are treated in the UK and Norway . Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Risalah (Prophethood) - Islam

Risalah (Prophethood) - Islam

Eigth lesson in GCSE AQA Islam beliefs paper. This lesson looks at the importance of prophets in Islam, their role and some examples. The lesson builds towards answering a range of GCSE questions. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides and resources to use if you have time in lesson.
Reasons for war

Reasons for war

Third lesson for GCSE AQA Religion, peace and conflict paper (Theme D). This lesson explores reasons why wars begin in the first place, the consequences of war and sets students up to begin learning about the just war theory in the following lesson. Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Just war theory

Just war theory

Fourth lesson for GCSE AQA Religion, peace and conflict paper (Theme D). This lesson covers the just war theory, its conditions and its strengths and weaknesses. Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Reasons for crime.

Reasons for crime.

Second lesson for GCSE AQA Religion, crime and punishment paper (Theme E). This lesson focuses on the the reasons why crimes are committed in the first place… Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.


Fifth lesson for GCSE AQA Religion, crime and punishment paper (Theme E). This lesson focuses on the importance of forgiveness and specific religious teachings on the subject. Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Pacifism and peace-making

Pacifism and peace-making

Seventh lesson for GCSE AQA Religion, peace and conflict paper (Theme D). This lesson focuses on the concept of peace making looking specifically at the real life example of Hacksawridge and the beliefs of Desmond Doss. Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Crucifixion - Christianity.

Crucifixion - Christianity.

Sixth lesson for GCSE AQA Christianity beliefs paper. This lesson focuses on the belief that crucifixion of Jesus. Students learn about crucifixion and why the Romans used it as a form of execution. Students then think about why Jesus died and apply their knowledge to an exam question. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Just war theory

Just war theory

Third lesson in scheme of work focusing on religion, peace and conflict. These lessons look at a number of different aspects of war including the causes, the moral aspect of going to war, pacifism, weapons of mass destruction and the just war theory. This lesson introduces students to the concept of the just war theory. Students should understand what it is and how it is applied to war to ensure that going to war can be morally acceptable. This is a complete lesson that has been designed with non subject specialists in mind so that it is fairly easy to pick up and teach. Lesson includes differentiated tasks, work sheets, on screen task management board and relevant information.