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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
Why did Persia invent the first highways and courier service?

Why did Persia invent the first highways and courier service?

Persia invented the world's first highways (although previous civilisations prepared the infrastructure) and the first courier system that allowed messages from the king to the satraps to pass back and forth quickly. The roads facilitated military conquest and control of the empire and facilitated trade across the empire. This source-based homework task is designed to facilitate student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III
What contribution did Vietnamese women make to the war effort?

What contribution did Vietnamese women make to the war effort?

The role of Vietnamese women (both North and South) in supporting the war effort was crucial, yet is barely recognised. They were guerrilla fighters, nurses, agricultural workers, merchants as well as continuing to support their families in the absence of their partners. This source-based homework task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Modern History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Peace and Conflict Option C: Conflict in Indochina 1945-1975 Students will come to an understanding that the Vietnam War affected every aspect of everyone's life during the time period. Sometimes our misfortunes are simply due to the time and place in which we live.
How did the Viet Cong use guerilla warfare to defeat a superior force?

How did the Viet Cong use guerilla warfare to defeat a superior force?

Problem solving and enquiry-based learning is the core of this source-based homework task on the employment of guerrilla warfare by the Viet Cong to defeat the militarily and technologically superior US forces in the Vietnam War. This task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Modern History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Peace & Conflict Option C: Conflict in Indochina 1945-1975
Who was Tyrtaeus?  What were the themes of his poetry?

Who was Tyrtaeus? What were the themes of his poetry?

Tyrtaeus was a poet in the 7th century BCE who wrote verse extolling war, militarism and the Spartan government. His poems were recited in syssition and at other public events. He wrote soon after the Messenian Wars when Sparta crushed and enslaved the Messenian people. This homework task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Ancient Societies Option F: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC
What do we know about Persian agriculture and land ownership?

What do we know about Persian agriculture and land ownership?

Our knowledge of agriculture and land ownership within the Achaemenid Persian Empire is extensive and is due to written evidence (predominately by contemporary Greek writers) and reliefs at Persepolis showing agricultural produce being given as gifts and tribute to the king. This source-based homework task is designed for the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
Who was Alkman?  Why was his poetry so very 'un-Spartan'?

Who was Alkman? Why was his poetry so very 'un-Spartan'?

A Spartan poet? It almost seems unbelievable that a society renowned for its excessive militarism should have a poet, especially one who wrote of love and the colour of women's hair, the beauty of wildflowers and dancing. Yet Alkman's poems inspired the Spartans so much that they were spoken by bards in the syssition and at religious festivals where young girls would dance to his words. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Societies Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra
Conflict in Indochina Terms & Concepts

Conflict in Indochina Terms & Concepts

This activity includes a mix and match of key terms and concepts in the topic Conflict in Indochina and use of the terms and concepts in a simple activity It is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Peace and Conflict Option C: Conflict in Indochina 1945-1975.
The military advantage of the opposing sides

The military advantage of the opposing sides

This is a cloze activity that details the different military approaches taken by the Viet Minh and their allies the Viet Cong on one side versus the military strategies and tactics taken by the United States and allies on the other side during the Vietnam War. It is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Peace and Conflict Option C: Conflict in Indochina 1945-1975.
What were the consequences of Vietnamese victory against the French?

What were the consequences of Vietnamese victory against the French?

French defeat at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 was a surprise to everyone except the Viet Minh who had carefully planned their response to the French selection of a supposedly impregnable site for a showdown with the Viet Minh. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Peace and Conflict Option C: Conflict in Indochina 1945-1975.
The Last Shah

The Last Shah

This is a worksheet and answers to go with the BBC Documentary The Last Shah. . The video covers the period from the military coup against the Qajar Dynasty by Reza Pahlavi in 1926 through to the death of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Last Shah, in 1980. The video is available on YouTube.
How did the 1918-19 Influenza Epidemic affect Australians?

How did the 1918-19 Influenza Epidemic affect Australians?

The 'Spanish' Influenza Epidemic of 1918-19 arrived late in Australia and with reduced virulence compared to the rest of the world. However, when it did arrive the nation was already preparing formal and informal responses. It made a significant impact on individual lives, on society in general and on business and the economy. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus Stage 5 Topic 5: The Globalising World The task can also be used as background for: Topic 6: The Roaring Twenties
Does Cyrus II deserve the epithet "the Great"?

Does Cyrus II deserve the epithet "the Great"?

Cyrus II expanded a small empire to become a multi-cultural empire through leadership of a highly successful army. He also gained support of conquered peoples through his respect for local customs and use of existing leadership. He initiated the satrapal system of government, established religious tolerance and economic reforms. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III
How did Darius I administer such a large empire?

How did Darius I administer such a large empire?

Darius I administered his huge, multicultural empire through good governance, the selection of loyal satraps, the use of taxation to pay for bureaucracy and the military, the standardisation of laws and weights and the use of the army to maintain control and order. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia from Cyrus II to Darius III It can also be used as part of Historical Societies Option D: Persia in the time of Darius I and Xerxes
What do Pompeii's mosaics tell us about life in Pompeii?

What do Pompeii's mosaics tell us about life in Pompeii?

Magnificent works of art created by expert tradesmen for the wealthy residents of Pompeii, the mosaics of Pompeii give us clues about the creation of the works and the lives of both the tradesmen and mosaic owners. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Core: Cities of Vesuvius - Pompeii and Herculaneum
Who were the royal Persian women?  What powers did they possess?

Who were the royal Persian women? What powers did they possess?

Royal Persian women included the king's mother, wives, family members, concubines, courtesans and entertainers such as musicians and dancing girls. They wielded much influence on the king and on policy-making. They were also involved in intrigues including horrific acts of violence. They could own and manage land, attended battles as camp-followers and performed acts of public significance. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III It can also be used as part of Historical Societies Option D: Persia in the time of Darius I and Xerxes
Crossword & Word Search - Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III

Crossword & Word Search - Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III

This resource includes: + Crossword + Crossword solution + Word Search + Word Search solution for the topic 'Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III' and is designed for the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Period: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III
The Australian Labor Movement 1900-1914

The Australian Labor Movement 1900-1914

The largest pressure group in Australian politics in the period 1900-1914, the Australian Labor Movement lobbied for improved worker rights and conditions. This activity involves a passage that can be read as a class and then discussion as to whether the statements are true or False. It is part of the topic Making a Nation. Australia 1900-1914.
How did Artaxerxes II maintain control of an empire in revolt?

How did Artaxerxes II maintain control of an empire in revolt?

Every potential leader thinks they can do better than the leaders currently in control. Those who don't may be looking for an opportunity to gain greater power, control or wealth. This was certainly the case in the Achaemenid Persian Empire under Artaxerxes II who struggled to control satraps seeking autonomy, ethnic groups fighting for independence and national groups uncomfortable with being under the control of a foreign power. This source-based homework task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III
What was the composition of the Persian army?

What was the composition of the Persian army?

The Persian army was the ancient world's equivalent of a multi-national peace force: it maintained the (Persian) world order by employing a core of Persian and Median infantry and cavalry as well as mercenaries from the corners of the empire - Arab camel-riders and bowmen, Cypriot and Egyptian naval ships, Central Asian and African tribesmen using scimitars, short swords & slings, Greek bowmen from the satraps of Asia Minor and Indians equipped with chariots, bows and short swords. This source-based homework task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III