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WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!




WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!
Year 5 Science:Model solar system

Year 5 Science:Model solar system

This is a FREE example of one of our lesson packs. In this lesson pack, pupils will learn the order of the planets by building their own version of the solar system using just paper, scissors and glue. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation explaining what a planet is A printable template to make the solar system A printable mnemonic Two guided reading spreads: Interview with a Martian (sort of!) and the sensational scientist Nicolaus Copernicus We hope you enjoy using this resource and we’d be really grateful if you could leave us a review. We also have lots more top-quality teaching resources available in our TES resource shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/WhizzPopBang. Your school can also subscribe to access to our entire collection of science resources via our website. We’ve just launched a new individual membership option so teachers can access all of our amazing resources for just £20 for the whole year.
Year 2 Harvest Mice Reading comprehension

Year 2 Harvest Mice Reading comprehension

This is a FREE example of one of our science-based reading comprehensions, ideal for cross-curricular learning. This guided reading pack includes: Question sheets differentiated using our magnifying glasses key. One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. An answer sheet showing the objective for each question, which is taken from the reading national curriculum. The text for you to print. We hope you enjoy using this resource and we’d be really grateful if you could leave us a review. We also have lots more top-quality teaching resources available in our TES resource shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/WhizzPopBang. Your school can also subscribe to access to our entire collection of science resources via our website. We’ve just launched a new individual membership option so teachers can access all of our amazing resources for just £20 for the whole year.
Year 5  Reading Comprehension – The Wright Brothers

Year 5 Reading Comprehension – The Wright Brothers

This is a FREE example of one of our science-based reading comprehensions, ideal for cross-curricular learning. This guided reading pack includes: Question sheets differentiated using our magnifying glasses key. One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. An answer sheet showing the objective for each question, which is taken from the reading national curriculum. The text for you to print. We hope you enjoy using this resource and we’d be really grateful if you could leave us a review. We also have lots more top-quality teaching resources available in our TES resource shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/WhizzPopBang. Your school can also subscribe to access to our entire collection of science resources via our website. We’ve just launched a new individual membership option so teachers can access all of our amazing resources for just £20 for the whole year.
Yr2 reading science: Amelia Earhart

Yr2 reading science: Amelia Earhart

This biography text for year 2, describes the life of Amelia Earhart. She was the first women to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and worked tirelessly to promote the future of aviation for female pilots. Her first experience of ‘flying’ was when she engineered a rollercoaster in her garden! This downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
Year 4 Science Reading: poo scientist

Year 4 Science Reading: poo scientist

In this interview text for year 4 , linking to the topic animals including humans, Dr Pratap Pullammanappallil explains how he discovered he could turn poo into rocket fuel. NASA was planning to build a base on the Moon where astronauts would spend long periods of time. Enormous energy is required for lifting rockets into space. After a Moon mission, how would the astronauts return to Earth? They would have to carry fuel to the Moon for the return journey. This is where his experience of using microorganisms to convert waste into fuel would help. Astronauts would generate waste whilst living on the Moon base so he decided to convert it into fuel. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. An answer sheet including the objective for each question, which is taken from the reading national curriculum. Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
yr6  reading science :Turtles

yr6 reading science :Turtles

This non-chronological report for year 6, linking to the topics living things and habitats, investigates the mysterious reptiles of the ocean, turtles. The text explains why they have shells, what they eat, how baby turtles hatch and why they are endangered. The downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. A reading comprehension question and answer sheet.
Year 3  Interview with a vet Reading Comprehension

Year 3 Interview with a vet Reading Comprehension

This is a FREE example of one of our science-based reading comprehensions, ideal for cross-curricular learning. This guided reading pack includes: Question sheets differentiated using our magnifying glasses key. One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. An answer sheet showing the objective for each question, which is taken from the reading national curriculum. The text for you to print. We hope you enjoy using this resource and we’d be really grateful if you could leave us a review. We also have lots more top-quality teaching resources available in our TES resource shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/WhizzPopBang. Your school can also subscribe to access to our entire collection of science resources via our website. We have launched a new individual membership option so teachers can access all of our amazing resources for just £20 for the whole year.
Year 5 Science Reading: Solar Pannels

Year 5 Science Reading: Solar Pannels

This explanation text for year 5, linking to the topic earth and space, explains how solar panels create clean electricity from nothing more than sunlight. From rooftops to space stations, solar panels are an increasingly important source of renewable energy. This text explains the following technical vocabulary: phosphorus, photovoltaic cells and boron. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets. Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Yr3/4 Roman bridges

Yr3/4 Roman bridges

In this lesson pack for Year 3, year 4, P4 and P5, pupils will learn how the Romans improved arches and used them to build different structures. They will follow instructions to make three different bridges and then test their strength. They will then be challenged to design and make their own bridge. This lesson links with both history and design and technology topics. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation containing information about bridges and instructions for the challenge Printable instructions Printable templates to cut out. Simple to resource! The items you will need: Glue Scissors Paper templates A weight, for example coins of the same value
P4 Reading Science Compost

P4 Reading Science Compost

This explanation text for P4, linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence, describes in detail how compost is made. Compost is the crumbly, dark soil-like material that gardeners use to feed plants they grow. It is made by recycling natural plant matter using a speeded-up and controlled version of a natural process called biodegradation (also known as rotting!). This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
Yr3 Reading Science Compost

Yr3 Reading Science Compost

This explanation text for year 3 , linking to the topic rocks, describes in detail how compost is made. Compost is the crumbly, dark soil-like material that gardeners use to feed plants they grow. It is made by recycling natural plant matter using a speeded-up and controlled version of a natural process called biodegradation (also known as rotting!). This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P3 Reading Science Beatrix Potter

P3 Reading Science Beatrix Potter

This biography text for P3, linking to the topic Biodiversity and interdependence, describes the life of the historical scientist and author Beatrix Potter. Beatrix was curious about nature and made lots of paintings. Her paintings are so accurate that other people have used them to identify different species of plants and fungi. Find out about her life and how she developed as a scientist, as well as a well-known author. This downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
Yr2 Reading Science Beatrix Potter

Yr2 Reading Science Beatrix Potter

This biography text for year 2, linking to the topic Plants , describes the life of the historical scientist and author Beatrix Potter. Beatrix was curious about nature and made lots of paintings. Her paintings are so accurate that other people have used them to identify different species of plants and fungi. Find out about her life and how she developed as a scientist, as well as a well-known author. This downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
Yr5 Reading Science Ten killer plants

Yr5 Reading Science Ten killer plants

In this non-fiction text for year 5, linking to the topic living things and habitats, discover ten awesomely amazing killer plants. From the deadly nightshade which produces lethal chemicals to the meat-eating sundews, you won’t want to pick any of these flowers! This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
Yr3 Reading Science Interview with a garden designer

Yr3 Reading Science Interview with a garden designer

A non-fiction text linking to the topic plants for year 3. Danny Clarke loved being outdoors from an early age. He is passionate about plants and shares how he got into horticulture in this inspiring interview. The downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P4 Reading Science Interview with a garden designer

P4 Reading Science Interview with a garden designer

A non-fiction text linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence for P4. Danny Clarke loved being outdoors from an early age. He is passionate about plants and shares how he got into horticulture in this inspiring interview. The downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P3 Reading Science slugs

P3 Reading Science slugs

This non-chronological report for P3, linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence, investigates the slimy world of an invertebrate, the slug. The text explains how they move, who they are related to, why they are seen as a pest but also why they are important. The downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
Yr2 Reading Science slugs

Yr2 Reading Science slugs

This non-chronological report for year 2, linking to the topics of plants, investigates the slimy world of an invertebrate, the slug. The text explains how they move, who they are related to, why they are seen as a pest but also why they are important. The downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P6 Reading Science Ten killer flowers

P6 Reading Science Ten killer flowers

In this non-fiction text for P6, linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence, discover ten awesomely amazing killer plants. From the deadly nightshade which produces lethal chemicals to the meat-eating sundews, you won’t want to pick any of these flowers! This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P6 Flower reproduction Science lesson pack

P6 Flower reproduction Science lesson pack

Linking to the topics biological systems, P6 pupils will learn how flowers reproduce. They will dissect a flower and discover which parts are the male and female cells and label each part with expanded captions. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation explaining the point of flowers A teachers’ guide to dissecting flowers A vocabulary sheet for pupils