A PPT aimed at higher ability students exploring the real historical events behind the play as described in Holinshed’s Chronicles. This is then used to frame an understanding of why Shakespeare makes the changes he does - and how this contributes to the wider themes and issues that the play explores.
Revision lesson with activities to encourage independence and autonomy from pupils. I used this in the run up to an assessment identify gaps and areas of weakness and confidence with the exam structure.
A lesson exploring unseen poetry Skills using a poem called Refugee to encourage pupils to think about the reality of that first Christmas and that of refugees around the world.
Marking Tokens for all Questions across all 3 papers.
Includes grade boundaries and a section for teacher comments.
Staple to the front of student essays for clear and visible feedback.
Revision for Year 11 - 5 a day starters all alphabet themed for extra fun.
Includes recall of set texts, language techniques, key quotes and vocabulary.
Easily adaptable and customisable.
A booklet containing secondary sources of criticism to support and stretch student’s critical understanding of Macbeth. Scaffolded questions to support understanding. Used to great success with my top set, high ability Year 11.
Half-termly Literacy homework booklet. Includes weekly spelling tests and weekly literacy task. There is one booklet available for each half term in my resources.
Half termly homework booklet for Year 7 with a weekly list of spellings and weekly literacy task. Adapted and collated from a range of other resources - but collated here in one place.
Each half term there are three super-curriculum tasks to engage, challenge and stretch students. These follow a structured format including:
1 x article
1 x podcast
1 x video/documentary
All tasks are linked to a relevant area of the A Level Curriculum.
Each sheet contains the definition of the right, the theory behind the right and how this has been interpreted/protected by English Legal provisions. It also contains a list of potential topics that could come up in a scenario as well a recommended structure for answering a scenario question and key cases. All presented in an engaging and colourful format.
An Inspector Calls Revision booklet for Higher Ability GCSE students encouraging wider reading and critical analysis of the play. Fully resourced with space for students to write their answers directly into the booklet. Includes wider reading, questions, Essay tips, key quotes and model answers.