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Sacha Frost's Shop

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I am a teacher, having taught for 22 years. I worked mainly in Early years, but also taught in year 1, and 2. I have produced several resources over the years and have recently created my own website Erinella.com where you can find my teaching resources. Im also on Facebook Erinella.com




I am a teacher, having taught for 22 years. I worked mainly in Early years, but also taught in year 1, and 2. I have produced several resources over the years and have recently created my own website Erinella.com where you can find my teaching resources. Im also on Facebook Erinella.com
RWI Pocket cards

RWI Pocket cards

Whilst teaching RWI teachers use green, red, alien words, which are usually displayed in large pockets. This resource is a great tool to support the teaching of RWI and to remind teachers of the order in which to follow. This products contains cards that can be laminated and displayed. New sound Fred Talk Fred in head Speedy words Nonsense words Our book Story green words Story red words Story Challenge words
The Colour Monster

The Colour Monster

This resource is ideal if you are teaching children about their feelings. It consists of a powerpoint of the story, with questions along the way, plus twelve colourful sheets. Describing how you feel - each character. Feelings diary Feelings characters.
Read, Trace, Rainbow, Colour, Write

Read, Trace, Rainbow, Colour, Write

This 8 page resource is a great tool for your children to use when learning the letters. RWI inspired - this resource helps children to recognise the sound, trace over the dotted letter, make a rainbow letter, write different coloured letters before covering and writing the letter independently. This resource can be laminated and left for children to complete over and over again, or sent home.
RWI letter sounds, pictures and formation

RWI letter sounds, pictures and formation

Are you teaching RWI at your setting? This great resource is ideal to use in your continuous provision or to send home with your pupils. Consisting of the set 1 sounds, pictures, and rhymes this is great to encourage your child to learn and write the sound. The grey letter is to be used to trace over - I suggest creating a rainbow letter, so encourage the children to form the letter using lots of colours. Then move onto writing their own letters below. It is important that they say the rhyme as they write the letter.
Jasper's Beanstalk

Jasper's Beanstalk

Are you teaching Jasper’s Beanstalk? This resource is ideal. Consisting of the following. (Two files to download) Jasper’s Beanstalk story - powerpoint with audio Page 1-2 writing the missing story. Page 3 Jasper’s beanstalk song Page 4 Drawing taller and shorter Page 5 Ordering beanstalks.
Getting to know you - selfie

Getting to know you - selfie

What a fun activity for children to complete. Using mirrors, children can draw a selfie on the phone. This is a super tool to get to know your students, along with assessing their fine motor control and understanding of pictures. This can be used to encourage children to talk about themselves.
At the beach writing and labelling

At the beach writing and labelling

This three page activity includes a colourful picture of a beach scene for children to use and label when writing about the beach. It is a great resource to encourage children to talk about what happens at the beach and what they might see there, including the noises they might hear.
RWI Inspired Set 3 sound stickers

RWI Inspired Set 3 sound stickers

These useful RWI inspired stickers can be used when teaching Set 3 RWI sounds. They can be used as a reminder to the child and parent of what sound has been taught during that day. Plus a reward that can be given to each child to show that they have been successful during the lesson. This product is also useful for the teacher or teaching assistant to see what sound each child had been learning during their phonic lesson, if they’d been to a different member of staff. It’s a quick visual prompt that can be used to test them throughout the day, and target during ‘pinny time’.
Whatever Next?

Whatever Next?

The story Whatever Next by Jill Murphy is such a great story to use the EYFS. This product consists of three sheets: Writing template Story sequence activity Story sequence pictures This colourful products encourages children to talk about and retell the story to themselves and their peer. It can be used to help recall the story and to write their own version of the events that take place on Bears adventure into space.
Daily Risk Assessment

Daily Risk Assessment

It is vital that you check your learning environment daily both indoors and outdoors and that you report any items that have been damaged or need investigating. This handy document is ideal for making that daily risk assessment within your setting. Consisting of 3 pages.
Halloween Spell

Halloween Spell

Halloween is a great time for children to be creative and use their imagination. This 4 page resource can be used in several ways with children - either gluing on items or writing their own list of ingredients to put into a cauldron and make a Halloween spell.
Ways to manipulate playdough

Ways to manipulate playdough

This great one page resource is a cool tool to use in your fine motor control areas. Ideal to show children how they can manipulate the playdough or use as a tool for practitioners to note down the exact movement being displayed by the child.
RWI Inspired posters

RWI Inspired posters

Do you teach RWI in your school or are looking for a great visual prompt to support your little learners? Well this 26 page resource is ideal for displaying in your indoor and outdoor areas. A super product which allows you to remember the rhymes to support the formation of each letter sound.
Daily Calendar

Daily Calendar

After a hessian effect daily calendar? This resource is ideal to teach children the days of the week, months of the year, weather and numbers. Consisting of 33 pages.
Meerkat Mail

Meerkat Mail

Are you reading the book Meerkat Mail? This resource is ideal for encouraging the children to discuss what Sunny might pack when he leaves home. Consisting of a word mat, pictures and two writing templates.
5 frame bus

5 frame bus

This fun activity is ideal for teaching number bonds to 5. Consisting of 1 A$ bus, 2 A5 buses plus characters to sit on the bus. Can be printed and laminated and used time and time again.
Ten frame Bus

Ten frame Bus

This resource consists of 23 pages. 1q pages of buses 0-10 1 plain bus 11 pages with buses with people on 1 A4 page with characters for bus. This resource is ideal for teaching counting, number bonds to 10, number recognition.
Making a Chinese Lantern

Making a Chinese Lantern

After a simple activity to do with your children to celebrate Chinese New year? Well look no further. This template is ideal. Children follow the instructions to decorate and make a lantern so they can be displayed to celebrate Chinese New Year.