We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
Lesson resource for Black History Month 2024. The lesson covers this year’s topic of ‘Reclaiming the narrative’ looking at what this means, why this is important, examples of narratives which need to be reclaimed and how we can be an ally to help prevent racism. We also offer this resource in a form time / assembly length, free accompanying posters and on alternative Black History topics here.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video clips
Scenario task
Comprehension task
Optional UNCRC Rights Respecting Schools slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
For FREE resources as well as support and guidance, please join our Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources on our TES Shop here or on our website.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Form time tutorial (or assembly with minor editing) resource for Black History Month 2024. The tutorial / assembly covers this year’s topic of ‘Reclaiming the narrative’ looking at what this means, why this is important, examples of narratives which need to be reclaimed and how we can be an ally to help prevent racism. We also offer this resource in a full lesson length, free accompanying posters and on alternative Black History topics here.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20 - 25 minute tutorial / assembly but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist.
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video clips
Scenario task
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
For FREE tutorial / assembly resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources on our TES Shop here or on our website.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE tutorial form time / Assembly resource looking at the topic of the benefits of exercise and movement on mental health. Tutorial covers consideration of what mental health is, how we support our own wellbeing, the link between physical and mental health, examples of possible movement, the benefit of getting outside and breathing exercises. Also available as a full lesson resource here
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute tutorial or assembly but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or teacher. Meets PSHE Guidance
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Video clip
Starter and plenary task
Ask an expert further support slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
World Religions Day assembly / tutorial, looking at the background of the day, a brief introduction to the Baha’i faith and the sharing of the Golden Rule between the major world religions / beliefs. You may also be interested in our resources on Holocaust Memorial Day and Chinese / Lunar New Year.
This is an easy to follow power point assembly / tutor time resource. It has been planned to last for about 20 - 25 minutes however it is fully editable meaning that like all of our resources, activities could be added, removed or changed. No further planning, or preparation is required before delivering this assembly / tutorial so it will save you lots of time.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance the memory of key information.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here. You can also receive our latest news, support and offers by joining our GDPR compliant mailing list on our website. All new subscribers will receive a free premium resource.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Blue Monday PSHE form time tutorial / assembly resource. The tutor time resource / assembly looks at where the idea of Blue Monday came from and why it came about. We also look at the mental health condition seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and how we can look after our mental health in the winter months.
You may also be interested in our resources for Time to Talk Day.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. You may wish to make minor alterations if delivering as an assembly.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced teacher.
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discuss / consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video clip
Ask an expert - Further support slide
Optional careers link slide
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE Lesson on inappropriate language / bullying used towards others both deliberately and as ‘banter’ which may cause offence based on sex, gender, sexuality, religion, race etc. The resource looks at why this language / banter is problematic and what we should do if we see or experience it. The lesson also links this type of offensive language to hate crimes.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as a 60 minute lesson but our resources are fully editable designed to allow sections to be added or removed should you need to do so. No previous knowledge in the subject area needed, as the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist and meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes -
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Optional related careers slide
Scenario tasks
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Writing frames where applicable
Where to go for further support slide
Teacher and Pupil guidance slides
For FREE resources as well as support and guidance, please join our Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources and our subscription offer on our TES Shop here or on our website.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering an individual yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription offer or your next resource for free.
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE lesson resource looking at the topic of the benefits of movement and exercise on mental health. Lesson covers consideration of what mental health is, how we support our own wellbeing, the link between physical and mental health, examples of possible movement, the benefit of getting outside and breathing exercises. Also available as a tutorial / assembly resource here
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or teacher. Meets PSHE Guidance
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clip
Starter and plenary task
Scenario Task
Ask an expert further support slide
Social media task template
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE resources as well as support and guidance from colleagues, please join our community Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources on our TES Shop here or on our website.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Citizenship / politics form time tutorial / assembly resource on the 2024 general election. The resource looks at how the general election works and why voting in it is important, giving reference to fundamental British values. We also offer this resource in a full lesson version which you can find here. Pictures are of a sample of the slides included.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced Citizenship or Government and Politics teacher.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video clip
Ask an expert further support slide
Related careers slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Citizenship / politics lesson on the 2024 general election. The resource looks at how the general election works, the policies of the major political parties, why voting in the election is important and how the government is formed. We also offer a shorter form time / assembly version of this resource which you can find here. Our pictures give you a sample of the slides included.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced Citizenship or Government and Politics teacher.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Writing Frames
Confidence Checker
Video clip
Ask an expert further support slide
Related careers slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE Form time tutorial resource on protected characteristics, looking at the Equality Act 2010 and the law around prejudice and discrimination of these groups. Pupils will get the chance to find out what the protected characteristics are, why the Equality Act came about and use scenarios to consider when and how the law might be broken. The lesson leads on to what can be done if people have not been treated in accordance with the act.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute tutorial but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or experienced PSHE teachers. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Tutorial includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Where to go for further support slide
Interesting scenario discussions
Video clip
We also offer this resource in a 60 minute lesson format should this better meet your needs.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE summer safety lesson which looks at possible dangers young people might face over the summer including keeping themselves safe from dangers such as peer pressure, water and fires as well as the dangers caused by the sun. You may also wish to look at our other safety lessons including water safety here
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing ( or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. NOTE - There are optional printing slides in this lesson.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Optional careers slide
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clip
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year (no automatic renewal).
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE lesson resource on oral / dental hygiene which looks at common misconceptions, how best to brush teeth, impact of sugar, chewing gum, flossing and what happens at a dentist visit.
We also offer this lesson in a shorter form time format here and you may also be interested in our lesson on personal hygiene here
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Meets PSHE Guidance
Lesson Includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video clips
Teacher guidance slide
Careers slide
Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Further support links
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
RE Lesson on free will which aims to get pupils to understand the meaning of this term, be able to develop their own opinions on whether we truly have free will and be aware of beliefs in relation to free will from Christianity and Islam. The lesson also contains an optional slide where pupils can use a video clip to be able to compare free will to determinism.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. This lesson can easily be delivered by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced Religious Education teacher.
This lesson includes -
Discussion and feedback task on being ‘masters of our own destiny’.
Definition of free will.
Scenario task with feedback on true free will.
Discussion and feedback on avoiding moral suffering when using free will.
Using our free will for positive and negative task.
Christian quotation task.
Islam & Predestination information inc. Sunni and Shia beliefs.
Justification of views writing task. PEEL paragraph.
Plenary & Homework task.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Lesson resource for World Mental Health Day 2024. The lesson covers this year’s topic of ‘It is time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace’ looking at why this is important for employees, employers and the wider society whilst ensuring the information is also relevant to young people. We also offer this resource in a form time / assembly length here and have a mental health bundle here.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Meets PSHE Guidance
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Pupil Guidance Slide
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video Clips
Writing Frames
Ask an expert further support slide
Related Careers Slide
UNCRC - Related article slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
For FREE resources as well as support and guidance, please join our Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources on our TES Shop here or on our website.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE / Citizenship Full lesson resource covering radicalisation of incels including information on the meaning of misogyny, radicalisation and incels, how vulnerability can lead to radicalisation into incel culture, the impact of incel culture and how to keep ourselves safe and what to do if we need help. Covers some of the issues arising from the emergence of Andrew Tate without making reference to him in any way. Meets PSHE guidance.
Easy to follow power point lesson (no prior printing or preparation required). Designed to be delivered as a 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable meaning that slides and tasks could be removed or changed to turn this into a shorter assembly or tutorial lesson.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed and this lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist as well as an experienced PSHE teacher.
Lesson includes -
Starter and plenary task to demonstrate learning and progression
Clear and accurate information
Definitions of likely new vocabulary
Discussion tasks and feedback slides
Video clips
Short, engaging tasks
Links for pupils to gain further support and information
An ask an expert option
An optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
An optional careers link slide
Optional to remove slides to reduce lesson length
Writing frames provided where needed
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Pride Month lesson which looks at the history behind the celebration, the meanings of key terms, scenario situations to understand the importance of pride month and how individuals can support the LGBTQ+ community. Also available in a tutorial (form time) version.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Teacher and Pupil Guidance slides
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Scenario Tasks
Starter and plenary task
Display pledge and Flag optional resources
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE lesson looking at this year’s Anti Bullying Week theme of ‘Choose Respect’. The lesson looks at what bullying is, what respect is and how we can use it to overcome disagreements and avoid bullying, this year’s official video, reasons people might not report bullying for themselves and others and why it is important to do so, where pupils can get support in relation to bullying and finally a respect and bullying pledge. The lesson uses scenarios and videos to get pupils to consider the impact of a range of different behaviours.
If you enjoy this lesson we have a number of other resources linked to awareness and religious events coming up in the next few months (including a number of free ones), all available in our TES Shop or for a discount on our website.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, or preparation required). You may wish to print out the mind map template and pupil pledge but the lesson can be delivered without doing so. The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute lesson but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist.
Lesson includes-
Teacher and pupil guidance slides
Starter and plenary task
Clear and accurate information
Video Clips
Scenario Tasks
Mind map task
Discussion and feedback tasks
Further support slide
Related careers slide
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Optional pupil pledge
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
For FREE resources as well as support and guidance, please join our Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources and our subscription offer on our TES Shop here or on our website.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our current and future resources for 12 months from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Drugs, PSHE lesson on on cannabis vapes and pens. This resource looks at the importance of making informed decisions, what a cannabis vape is, the law around cannabis vapes including THC and CPD, the possible consequences of vaping cannabis, dealing with peer pressure and what you should do if someone is having a bad experience after consuming cannabis vapes.
You can find our other drug related resources including a form time version here.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 50-60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced teacher. Meets PSHE guidance
Lesson includes-
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary tasks
Optional writing frame
Challenge questions
Video clip
Ask an expert further support slide
Careers link slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE resources as well as support and guidance, please join our Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources and our subscription offer on our TES Shop here or on our website.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering an individual yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE Tutorial resource which looks at vaping in relation to what it is, what a vape contains, why young people might do it and the consequences of doing so. This resource was recently praised by Ofsted in a form time observation.
Please see our shop to find our FREE vaping posters, this tutorial is also available in a full lesson format here
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Tutorial includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video Clip
Ask an expert slide directing pupils to further support and information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
We also offer this as a full lesson resource, please see our TES Shop.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Free resource getting pupils to practice filling in a budget template. This fun lesson gets pupils to make choices about how they will live with different choices leading to different costs for example staying at home with family but outside of town or renting a flat with a friend. Pupils then add these costs as well as luxury options to a budget which is based on the average salary of an 18 year old. The resource opens up discussion as to making choices and the importance of saving.
We also have an accompanying lesson which can be used with this resource. Please see our shop or website.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here. You may also wish to subscribe to our mailing list (GDPR compliant) on our website in order to be kept up to date about our latest offers and resources.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education