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YoungMinds knows how important the wellbeing of your pupils is to you. That’s why our 360° Schools programme helps you to put wellbeing at the heart of your schools’ improvement.

YoungMinds knows how important the wellbeing of your pupils is to you. That’s why our 360° Schools programme helps you to put wellbeing at the heart of your schools’ improvement.
Pyramid of Need Framework

Pyramid of Need Framework

This pyramid of need framework helps schools consider what data might be used to assess the needs of children and to think through the extent of their support needs. It can be a useful tool for integrating different levels of support across the school for children and families.
Whole School Emotional Wellbeing

Whole School Emotional Wellbeing

This video looks at what primary and secondary schools in Tottenham are doing to support whole school emotional wellbeing. The film is made by YoungMinds in Schools who delivered a training programme to the cluster as well as looking at what they were already doing well to support wellbeing. Film production by LambMedia.
Involving Parents in Pupils’ Learning

Involving Parents in Pupils’ Learning

Research shows that the involvement of parents is key to children’s academic success in school. This YoungMinds in Schools video looks at what a group of schools in Tottenham are doing to involve parents in their pupils’ learning. Film production by LambMedia.
Transition tips for pupils with SEND

Transition tips for pupils with SEND

Transitioning to secondary school can be a difficult and worrying time for children and can present another set of challenges for children with additional needs. Download our guide to help children with SEND have a smooth transition, feel safe and have appropriate people and places to go to if they need support.
What Keeps Us Going?

What Keeps Us Going?

This activity, with accompanying video, is great for school staff to do, to get you thinking about your own mental health and how you cope with the issues you face.
Mindfulness in Schools

Mindfulness in Schools

Schools in Tottenham have introduced Mindfulness practice to their pupils following training from YoungMinds in Schools. Teachers find that the approach helps pupils to relax and to be able to focus better on educational tasks. Film production by LambMedia.
The Resilient Classroom

The Resilient Classroom

Multiple lesson plans focused on areas including belonging, learning, coping, core self, problem solving, key life skills, positive thinking; positive activities; calming and self-soothing; healthy habits; letting go of worries or mistakes; seeking support; aspirations and dreams; understanding yourself and your strengths; identifying feelings.