All resources

Hexadecimal and Binary - PowerPoint
A PowerPoint I created to help teach Hexidecimal and Binary along the AQA Computer Science GCSE Spec.
It may be useful for your own teaching of the subject.

Cyber Security Revision - PowerPoint
A PowerPoint recapping on some of the most common risks to the Cyber world, both digitially and through Social Engineering.
Used this PowerPoint to aid revision, discussion with students, and independant thought research with GCSE students.

Comp Sci GCSE Key Terms - Word Scramble
Another Jumbled words activity. This time using some of the key vocab from the AQA Computer Science GCSE.

Sound Representation - PowerPoint
A PowerPoint going over the content for the AQA Computer Science GCSE spec.
The topic is on Sound Representation and covers everything the students should know to be able to answer exam questions.
Contains key information, link to BBC video and a example question.
I used this after teaching Binary.

BBC Microbit - Full Scheme of Work w/ Resources
A complete and tested Scheme of Work for the BBC Microbits.
Lesson Powerpoints
Lesson Worksheets/Activities
Lesson Plans
Scheme of Work
Assessment Tasks
I have used this with both Year 8 and 7 students. Freely tailorable to suit what groups you have. Contents uploaded are what I have used in my school.

Favourite Game PP Research
A resource I created for some Year 7 cover for a small group of boys I had.
This activity worked well and allowed the students to test their independent research skills on the WWW and revise some of the basic fundamentals of using PowerPoint.
With some adjustment could also work as a full structured lesson - ideal for a template.

Computer Science - Word Scramble
A quick activity for students to unscramble 10 different computer related words.
Designed for year 6/7 based on what I have taught them previously around PC hardware.

Bitmaps and Images - PowerPoint
A PowerPoint I have used to teach AQA GCSE Computer Science.
It goes over the basics around bitmaps and image calculations. May be useful for combining with own resources.

Computer Science Crossword
A quick lesson starter crossword.
Covers various keywords related to the topic.
Designed for Year 8’s.

Computer Components Intro - PowerPoint
A basic PowerPoint designed to start of a students learning into the world of Computers.
Looks at the basics of the core components found within computers, with tweaking can be used with groups from Year 6 - 8.

Computer Science Word Search
A quick lesson starter or plenary. Various keywords from aspects of Computer Science.

Intro to Python - Full Lesson
Lesson Activity used as an intro to Python. Designed for a year 8 class with a little bit of programming prior knowledge. E.g. Small Basic.
Contains a PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, Worksheet and a Helpsheet.
Used and tested in my own lessons.

Kodu Game Labs Booklet
These booklets can act as the work for students following a 6 week SOW. Alongside access to Kodu Game Labs, this booklet will allow students to deisplay knowledge and act as assessment material too. Contains oppurtunities for teacher and student marking and can easily be tailored for specific uses at schools.