
Whole School Spelling Progression Map KS1 and KS2
This progression map outlines sounds, rules and specific spellings to be taught to children throughout their school career.
Aligns with two of the preferred teaching schemes: Read, Write, Inc and Spelling Frame.
This is a 44 page document and has taken weeks, if not months, of preparation, hence the pricing. It is fully editable.
Please note that our school is a 1/2 form entry so this document outlines KS2’s spellings over a two year cycle. It can easily be edited to suit a one form entry school

KS1 Poetry Comprehension Bundle
A selection of classic poems (selections were made based upon Lemov’s 5 plagues of reading) with questions focused on the KS1 content domains. I teach 1 per half term. Good for collating reading evidence for moderation.
Please note that the first 2 poems are typed in print. The font style is cursive thereafter. This is linked to the teaching of handwriting and progression at my school.
Who has seen the wind? - Christina Rossetti
A Good Play - Robert Louis Stevenson
The Swing - Robert Louis Stevenson
The More It Snows - A. A. Milne
Scissors - Allan Ahlberg
On The Ning Nang Nong - Spike Milligan

Floodland Unit of Work
English Lessons linked to the book Floodland. The PPTs use a school cursive font. If you do not have this font, some of the slides may appear off centre and will need adjusting.

Year 6 No Nonsense Spelling Autumn Term
Popwerpoints to guide through the Babcock scheme of work for Y6 Autumn Term

Rooftoppers Newspaper report Wagoll , template and success criteria
Aimed at UKS2, based on the delightful text by Katherine Rundell.
I have included ITAF features for EXS and GD writing to support chn. Please note that if these resources are used, they cannot be submitted as ‘independent’ pieces for TA Assessment moderation.
Thanks for looking

Rooftoppers Week 1 Planning
My favourite book and a true joy to teach! Some ideas for teaching including introducing the first sentence of the text, exploring speculative language, inference skills for Ch1 and diary writing.

KS2 Shared Reading Bundle
Here are a mix of shared reading worksheets I have created to complete with my Y4 class. Key questions are based on content domain and some SATs content.

Persuasive Phrases Treasure Hunt
A list of persuasive phrases to cut up and hide around the classroom. The idea is that chn walk around in pairs to find as many as they can, then fill them in on their grid and write a sentence to demonstrate the use of each opener.

Biased Newspaper Report based on book Holes
A biased report about Kissin' Kate Barlow. Used as an example text for UKS2 to write their own biased report

Addition on a number line
Tutorial how to add numbers on a number line for my KS2 Y5/6 low ability set (level 3)
Progresses to 1 step addition word problems. Please feel free to add or amend accordingly. Feedback appreciated, many thanks

Franz Ferdinand
Some resources I have made to inform my Y5 class about one of the causes of World War one. They are absolutely fascinated by this and as a result I have had some incredible writing back. We have written a non-chronological report, a newspaper article and sequenced events to create a stop frame animation in ICT. Please leave feedback.

WW2 declared Newspaper report Goodnight Mr Tom
A model of a newspaper headline announcing the declaration of WWII following Neville Chamberlain's wireless broadcast and considering the viewpoints of several characters from Goodnight Mr Tom.You could look at this article and highlight the key techniques used (WAGOLL) before guided or independent writing. Please note that not all historical content may be entirely factual in this text - I have used a lot of this information from guided writing/drama with my y6 pupils and have made this resource to uplevel their work.

Rainforest balanced argument
Image prompts for discussion to be used as part of planning a balanced argument about whether the rainforest should be saved, including reasons for why it is destroyed by humans. Mostly images without text to get children thinking, but there is a slide of facts and 2 links to useful websites. Feedback appreciated thank you!

Writing a Letter of Complaint
guidance for pupils to revise the features of a letter of complaint. Particularly helpful prior to SATs writing or a Big Write, or even as an introduction to the features.

KS2 Reading Requirements bookmarks
Set of bookmarks to give to children which outline the 'WILFs' of a good reader.
My own resource - editable for your own WILFs. Please leave feedback comments - I am an NQT and I find constructive feedback beneficial - thank you.

About Jill Murphy
Short powerpoint about Jill Murphy. Designed for a y2 introductory lesson for the 'narrative' unit.

All about sunflowers
An information sheet and sunflower images aimed at year 2 pupils. Can be used as a guided or independent reading activity depending upon ability.

Biography and Autobiography
This is a powerpoint presentation about the features of biography and autobiography.
I am a student teacher and have created this as a starting point in my very first literacy lesson for year 6, to distinguish between the two types of texts. I feel this is a good introductive presentation, or revision aid. We will later be focussing on biographies of Malorie Blackman, hence her photograph featuring on the opening page.
Please feel free to add any comments about this resource as it is my first attempt and any feedback is greatly appreicated.