
Diary of a Victorian Workhouse Child
Highlighted useful vocabulary and worksheet includes a list of vocabulary children can use to write their own diary entry.

WW2 declared Newspaper report Goodnight Mr Tom
A model of a newspaper headline announcing the declaration of WWII following Neville Chamberlain's wireless broadcast and considering the viewpoints of several characters from Goodnight Mr Tom.You could look at this article and highlight the key techniques used (WAGOLL) before guided or independent writing. Please note that not all historical content may be entirely factual in this text - I have used a lot of this information from guided writing/drama with my y6 pupils and have made this resource to uplevel their work.

Franz Ferdinand
Some resources I have made to inform my Y5 class about one of the causes of World War one. They are absolutely fascinated by this and as a result I have had some incredible writing back. We have written a non-chronological report, a newspaper article and sequenced events to create a stop frame animation in ICT. Please leave feedback.

Viking Place Names
With a large focus on Wirral and Merseyside and images of local interest.
Information courtesy of Prof Stephen Harding

Pyro the WW2 cat
An extraordinary tale about a cat who accompanied his owner on his duties as a Marine Air pilot. Article for children to read and discuss.

The Vikings - A series of LKS2 lessons
I have used some information from fellow TES family members but lesson ideas and presentations are my own.
Some lessons have not been uploaded due to copyright. However, I am happy to disclose my lesson overview if you wish to get in touch.
Thanks for looking!