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Shape Problem Solving

Shape Problem Solving

A set of shape problem solving activities of various difficulty. Children have the template sheet, then cut out the shapes and try to fit them into the template. A solution sheet can be printed to assist the children if they are struggling.
100 Square

100 Square

Fully editable 100 square for lots of uses in the classroom. Fill the squares in different colours to explore number patterns or multiples. Delete numbers to set problem solving activities.
Early Number Formation

Early Number Formation

Worksheet to help young children practice the basic shapes that they will need to make in order to form numbers correctly later on. Could be used as an assessment tool.
2D and 3D Shape Bingo Cards

2D and 3D Shape Bingo Cards

Set of bingo cards of basic 2d and 3d shapes. Enough cards for whole class if working in pairs. Squares have been made the same size as square post it notes so that children can stick post its over the shapes and the teacher can easily lift the flap and see if they are right. Alternatively, if laminated, children can mark of with whiteboard pens. I use real shapes in a bag which I pull out, then children mark off the ones they have.
Individual, group and whole class obs sheets

Individual, group and whole class obs sheets

Easy to use, basic observation sheets. Made in word so can be easily adapted to suit. Edit the initials on the whole class sheet before printing. Write in the initials for the children in the group that you are observing.
Red and green self-assessment smileys

Red and green self-assessment smileys

Print out and cut down the middle then fold so that there is a red face on one side and green on the other , then laminate. Each child has one in front of them at the beginning of a task and can turn it over if they get stuck. You can easily see the ed faces and who needs help. I encourage children to help each other if they have a green face but a friend has a red one. Saves lots of hands up and constant calling out.