No-Bot the Robot with no bottom English Plan with grammar warm up slides and resourced lessons.
5 week unit plan on the book No-Bot the Robot with No Bottom by Sue Hendra with the following focuses:
3 weeks on stories with Fantasy Settings
2 weeks on letter writing using No-Bot as the stimulus for the letters.
Seasonal Clothing activity for Year 1 based on the Seasonal Changes topic of the Science National Curriculum.
Children can draw and label what clothes we might wear in each season.
Jonah and the Whale Asking for forgiveness RE prayer activity.
Use the Jonah and the Whale Bible Story to explain to children that it is ok to make mistakes and the importance of saying sorry and asking for forgiveness before writing a prayer to God asking for forgiveness over a mistake they may have made at home or at school.
Differentiated ability: first page for middle and higher ability, second page for children who require more support with their writing.
EYFS Sentence writing task, which encourages children to observe the photographs and write sentences about what they can see in different rooms of a house e.g. a sofa, TV, window, bed, wardrobe, toys.
Past and present household item writing frame.
This resource explores what old and new items are in houses ranging from the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Victorians and current day household appliances.
Get your children to explore how these appliances have developed across centuries and make the link between past and present day appliances.
Comes with a key word bank to support children with the key terminology/vocabulary needed.
Number of Teeth Playdough Mat
Comes with mouths of different ethnicity’s so all children feel included in this activity.
Children read the number above the mouths, roll out playdough in the shape of teeth and place them into the correct mouth.
Oral Health: Cover the tooth activity.
Comes with 6 different mouth mats of different ethnicity’s so all children feel included in this activity.
Set up trays in the middle of your table or tuff tray and number each tray 1-6 and fill with different colour beads.
Children will roll a dice. The number it lands on, the children select the coloured bead from the correct tray and put it on top of the tooth with the corresponding number.
This activity is a great way to draw connections between your oral health topic, dentists (people who help us topic) and maths number recognition, whilst developing children’s fine motor skills of placing beads preciously.
Clothes numbered 1-10
Can be used in your role play area to reinforce number recognition, whilst developing fine motor skills as children use pegs to hang the clothing on a washing line in number order.
Develops number recognition and sequencing for numbers 1-10, and develops fine motor skills.
People Who Help Us Continuous Provision Planning Bundle
Covers doctors/nurses, firefighters and police.
Please note some resources are not included as they are based on activities created by Twinkl but include a photo as a reference to the Twinkl activity
Healthy Eating & Oral Health Continuous Provision Planning Bundle
Please note some resources are not included as they are based on activities created by Twinkl but include a photo as a reference to the Twinkl activity
Based on the story The Tiger Who Came for Tea this unit covers healthy eating and the importance of this on our oral health.
Minibeast fact cards
Print double sided and place in your outdoor area in the minibeasts habitats. Let your children explore the habitats and learn some interesting facts along the way!
Children in EYFS really enjoyed this activity and could provide some of the facts they had learnt to their talk partner and was a great stimulus to encourage learning about minibeast habitats.