Welcome to my online store! I'm passionate about creating downloadable, printable classroom resources and clip art images that make teaching easier and more enjoyable. As a fellow educator, I understand the challenges of planning engaging lessons and decorating your classroom on a budget. That's why I design high-quality, creative, and fun materials that you can instantly access and print at your convenience.
Welcome to my online store! I'm passionate about creating downloadable, printable classroom resources and clip art images that make teaching easier and more enjoyable. As a fellow educator, I understand the challenges of planning engaging lessons and decorating your classroom on a budget. That's why I design high-quality, creative, and fun materials that you can instantly access and print at your convenience.
Loop Games: Collective Nouns: Collective Perspective! I Have...Who Has...? {Animal Collective Nouns}: Get yourself in order with this fabulous Back To School activity for teaching collective nouns.This is a fun activity for kids to practice collective nouns. In the traditional "I Have..? Who Has..?" style, this game spells hours and hours of fun! It can be played with a select number of students or the entire class can participate. Just print on cardstock, laminate and cut cards.
This game activity contains:
76 collective noun ANIMAL cards
1 blank template for your customization
Nicole Hernandez
A Teacher's Idea
Health: This resource is great for work on the topic of personal hygiene and healthy habits. These posters and cards can be used to spark discussions and can be used as writing prompts also. This set includes:
4 Posters:
Don't just sit! Get fit!
Eat lots of Fruits and Vegetables
Cover your mouth
Properly wash your hands
17 Healthy Practices cards:
Eat lots of fruits
Eat lots of vegetables
Use a tissue
Take baths regularly
Cover your mouth...
Floss your teeth
Brush your teeth
Wash your hands
Visit the dentist
Get plenty of rest
Cover your cough
Don't sit! Get fit!
(c) 2013 Nicole Hernandez
A Teacher's Idea
Spring Writing: A Springboard of Writing Ideas for Young Writers:
This is a set of 7 Spring-themed writing activities for your budding writers .
There are 4 graphic organizers and some suggested words and phrases for each writing theme.: The set contains the following:-
The 5 Ws + H
Story Plan- Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution
Story Plan- Beginning, Middle, End
Story Writing Sheet-First Draft
Story Writing Sheet-Publishing- Lined Sheets
8 Story picture prompts with suggested words and phrases to use
Prompt 1 - Sally Catches Butterflies
Prompt 2 - Sue and The Little Bird
Prompt 3 - Brad and The Caterpillar
Prompt 4 - Liam in The Butterfly Patch
Prompt 5 - Lillian Flies The Kite
Prompt 6 – Isabella and Her Umbrella
Prompt 7- Jacob and Isabella
Prompt 8 - Cameron Loves Spring
(c) 2013 Nicole Hernandez
A Teacher's Idea
Martin Luther King Day: Dove Facts About Dr Martin Luther King Jr. With 5 PostersThis is a set of fact cards that paints a picture of the life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. There are also a writing and a coloring activity for your students. Included in this resource is also a set of 5 posters entitled ' We Are Living A Dream'. These posters are student friendly and of course eye catching!
(C) 2013 Nicole Hernandez
A Teacher's Idea
Compound Words: Compound Words...Loop game With Picture Cards Set: This is a two-in-one resource that will make any literacy center bloom. It contains a set of 44 I Have Who Has game cards along with 1 blank template for your own customizing efforts. Along with that is a set of Picture cards containing the compound words that are covered in the game. There is also a blank Picture card template just for you. That makes a total of 88 cards of fun-filled activities.
For more Compound Words Sets click below:
Compound Words...I Have Who Has With Picture Cards Set
Compound Wordpecker Fun! A Matching Activity for Elementary Grades
(C) 2013 Nicole Hernandez
A Teacher's Idea
Community Helpers: People in Our Community Chit Chat Cards-For Social Studies 'n Writing Activities: This resources contains picture cards with vocabulary that can be used for both Social Studies and Writing activities. They are great for stimulating ideas and focusing students on community-based themes.
The set contains 12 pages each containing 6 cards. That is a total of 72 cards. There is also 1 blank page for any additional pictures you may want to include.
(C) 2013 Nicole Hernandez
A Teacher's Idea
Are you looking for ideas to teach cause and effect to your students? Look no further that these Activities and Posters. This skill always seem to be a difficult concept to teach to the young ones. This is why I created this resource which will help to bring about a greater understanding for your students. I suggest that you start with the Effect then Cause rather than Cause and Effect to get them to start with the facts first then think creatively to give a reason behind the facts.
My set includes the following;
2 Posters
24 sets of effect/cause cards
1 matching mat
1 mix and match writing sheet
1 blank printable for students to draw and write their own sentences
The matching capabilities and possible crazy sentences is all but funny and enjoyable. This is a fantastic addition to your literacy center and game corners.
It's A New Year Mini Book For Serious Kids **Revised for New Year 2018** This mini book helps kids to understand the meaning of resolutions and how important it is to make one. Your kids will enjoy coloring activities as they explore different aspects of resolution making. Although the poem may be difficult for some kids to read, its flow and rhyme makes it a great piece for guided reading activities.
A Teacher's Idea