We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
Encourage your students to use all of their senses to help develop their descriptive writing.
For this activity your class need to be in pairs, where one will be blind folded and the other will safely lead them to an area in your school grounds or outdoor space (this activity is most effective when you have a variety of different places available for students to go).
The blindfolded student will then begin to describe what they can hear, smell, and touch while the other partner records what they are saying. The blind folded student will then be asked to guess where they think they are before removing the blindfold. Both students will then work together to describe and record what they can see.
Once they have finished, they can swap roles and do that activity again. Encourage students to think carefully about powerful descriptive language as they are describing the settings they have been taken to.
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A FREE sample of our pirate themed addition and subtraction word problems using the bar model.
Check out the full pack here.
A set of pirate themed NO PREP differentiated word problems using the bar model strategy, focussing on addition and subtraction for grades 2 - 3. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea, giving them loads of practise at applying it to word problems.
The full pack contains 3 sets of word problem sheets each with 3 levels of differentiation.
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This activity gets students thinking about the changes that happen between day and night. They will walk around your outdoor space drawing or writing things they can see in the day time. They will then think about what would be different at night. Is there anything they won’t be able to see? What new things do they think they’ll be able to see.
They can complete the next section just through discussion, or find a time to go outside at night to complete the section. This could be done as a home learning project or on an overnight camp.
This activity is great to get your little ones thinking about the different animals and their behaviors as well as beginning to understand how the earth moves around the sun. It’s also an excellent way to at develop their observation and comparison skills.
Check out our ‘Day and Night’ cut and stick worksheet.
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Observing weather changes over time is simple but fascinating and a great learning experience for students where they will look at measuring and reading scales before presenting their results in a line graph (for the older children). For this activity they will record the temperature everyday for a week.
There is two activity sheets. One where they record the temperature once a day, the other where they will record the temperature twice a day.
You may also be interested in our Walking To School Scavenger Hunt.
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For this activity students are challenged to make the same object both sink and float, encouraging them to think about why objects either sink or float, and then how it is possible that the same object can be made to both sink and float.
This resource has two differentiated results sheets and questions:
Diff. 1 – A simple question about the properties of items that sunk.
**Diff. 2 – **A question to encourage critical thinking about how it is possible the same object can be made to both sink and float.
A great follow up activity is to get your class to design and build a paper boat, seeing which boat is able to carry the most cargo without sinking.
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This punctuation word search is great fun and perfect to get your students recognizing the common punctuation that is used. It’s great for morning work, filling activities, or just as some fun! This activity is perfect for distance learning.
Punctuation Included:
Exclamation Point
Question Mark
Speech Marks
Check out our Adverb Word Search.
Check out our Adjective Word Search.
Check out our Verb Word Search
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For this activity students will look at what makes something living or not. They will complete the table by going outside and drawing living things in the left column and non-living things in the right column.
This pack has three differentiated levels.
Diff. 1 – Drawing items in the table
**Diff. 2 **– Drawing items in the table with an extension activity where they must circle the living things.
Diff. 3 – Drawing items in the table with the extension question ‘What makes something living?’.
This activity works well both individually or in pairs.
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All about adjectives is an activity where students will find something they find interesting outside, draw it, and think of some adjectives to describe it using all of their five senses.
This pack contains differentiated sheets as well as word banks to support those who need the extra help. It can be a great starter activity, plenary, or even whole lesson depending on the age of your students and their abilities.
It’s important students have a basic understand as to what an adjective is before starting this activity.
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Liven up your spelling list homework with this fun outdoor spelling activity sheet. Simply get the children to write down their spelling lists and take the activity sheet home to complete the challenges. The activities require very few resources and should be done easily at home or in a local outdoor area.
You may also like ‘20 Outdoor Challenges To Do Before I’m 8’.
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Unlock creativity and enhance descriptive writing skills through this engaging personification activity. Nature serves as a rich source for improving descriptive writing, particularly when incorporating personification. This hands-on exercise provides students with the opportunity to experiment with personification while immersing themselves in the natural world.
Check out our Outdoor Onomatopoeia Activity!
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Who doesn’t love scavenger hunts? This is a great activity to get your students thinking about adjectives and how they can be used to describe things. They will go on a hunt to find objects that match the adjectives in the table. It’s a great way to introduce adjectives to your class or just as a fun recap activity.
Resources needed:
Scavenger hunt sheet
Clipboard (optional)
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Start your math lessons outdoors with this FREE fun activity where your class will get into groups following different criteria, for example getting into even numbered groups.
This activity works well if you get the students running around until they hear a whistle (or similar), they must then stop and wait for the instructions before getting into the correctly sized groups. Students who are left out must then check all of the groups to see if they are correct.
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In this activity your class will go on a hunt to find and classify living things by simple criteria, for example, an animal with wings. They will record their observations by drawing the living thing on their record sheet. This is a great activity if you’re looking at animals and plants, or just as a fun way to get your little ones outside observing nature.
This pack contains two levels of differentiation:
Diff. 1: Students draw what they have found with simple criteria.
Diff. 2: Students draw and write what they have found with slightly more complicated criteria.
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This outdoor ‘facts and opinions’ activity is great as a starter or main activity for your non-fiction texts lesson. It will encourage them to think carefully about the differences between facts and opinions as they produce their own statements with about your outdoor area.
Students will go to your outdoor area (this can also be done inside) and complete the table by writing facts in the left column and opinions in the right column about the area you are using. This activity is great when done both in pairs and individually.
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A set of 10 weather symbols perfect for your weather or changing seasons topic. These cards can be used in a variety of ways in your classroom and are a great visual way to describe the weather conditions.
These symbol cards work perfectly with our ‘My Weather Diary’ resource.
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This sentence unscramble will teach your students about the importance of getting good quality sleep each night. They will unscramble the sentences to find out some key information about what you should do or not do before bed in order to get a good full nights sleep.
Check out our other ‘Importance of Sleep’ resources.
The Importance of Sleep - Cut and Stick Worksheet
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This activity is designed to get your class thinking about their own, and other’s, global footprint. They will wonder around your school grounds (inside and out) finding things that they think will cause pollution and suggesting what we can do or use as an alternative. As a challenge, students can think more carefully about how exactly the item causes pollution.
This activity fits in well with a sustainability topic as well as linking it in to special environment days such as ‘Earth Day’.
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This activity looks at the decomposition rate of both natural and man made objects. Students will give their predictions before placing the objects onto a large outdoor timeline.
Teaching Structure:
Draw a 0 - 1000 year timeline on the playground using chalk. Check students understand what decomposition is.
Get students to collect a variety of natural and man made items from your outdoor space (this is also a great way to give your outdoor space a little tidy!). If there is not much rubbish, it’s useful to add the items from the list.
Get students to share what they’ve collected and predict how long it will take each item to decompose. If wanted, they can complete their tables while doing this. Once they’ve made their predictions share the correct decomposition rates, get them to complete their table and place their objects in the correct place on the timeline.
If you’d rather, you can use our item cards instead of the students collecting their own items.
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Outdoor scales are a great way to introduce and refresh measuring weight and comparing different objects. Students will build their own (or the teacher can pre-build) simple outdoor scales so they can have fun measuring different objects as well as completing our differentiated activity sheets where they are required to find and compare the weight of different objects.
Materials Needed:
Activity pack
Coat hangers
Buckets (or similar)
Teaching Structure
Build the scales: This is great for the students to do, however if you’re short of time this can be done prior to the lesson.
Have fun playing with the scales: Give students time to experiment and have fun with the scales.
Differentiated activity sheets: Students can now have more of a focus, completing the differentiated challenges on the activity sheets.
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This is a fun and practical game to teach students how to tally as part of your data handling topic. This game is best done in pairs or small groups. For this game each player will need 20 small sticks and each group will need a set of playing cards (if you use the third page of playing cards students will need 30 sticks each).
Get them to place the cards in a pile face down and turn over one at a time. Each time they turn a card they need to create the correct tally using their sticks. The first player to create the correct tally gets a point.
Equipment needed:
20 Sticks Per Player
Playing Cards
Score Sheet
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