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We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.




We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
Adverb Acting Game

Adverb Acting Game

This fun and entertaining activity (for both the teacher and children!) is played like charades. It is an exciting and a practical way for children to learn that adverbs modify verbs. There are 30 adverb cards (mostly of manner ending in 'ly') with each card containing ideas as to how they could act out the adverb. This game can be played in groups, pairs or as a whole class. Contents: - 4 x Box Decorations - 30 x Adverb Cards - 2 x Differentiated Record Sheets My children absolutely love this game and are always asking to play it!
Space: Planet Fact File

Space: Planet Fact File

This Planet Fact File is the perfect activity for your children to learn all about the planets in our solar system by completing their own personal booklet. They are required to research key information about the planets in order to complete the booklet. This pack contains two sets, one set where they can draw the planets, and the other where an image is already on the information sheets. You can use this activity in class, however lots of my class loved taking it home as a home learning project! Contents: - Fact File Front Cover - Differentiated Fact File Templates For: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Animal Adaptions: Camouflage and Mimicry PowerPoint FREEBIE

Animal Adaptions: Camouflage and Mimicry PowerPoint FREEBIE

This PowerPoint is designed to get your children thinking about how animals use camouflage and mimicry to blend into their habitats. The children will play a fun quiz where they must spot the animal in the photos and think about how and why it is so well camouflaged. It is the perfect introduction to your adaption topic. This PowerPoint is designed to go with our engaging and practical Camouflage and Mimicry activities. Check them out HERE ------------------------ Have fun!
Measuring The Wild Outdoor Math Activity

Measuring The Wild Outdoor Math Activity

This is a simple but fun activity that will help improve your classes measuring skills. Using a ruler, meter stick, trundle wheel, tape measure, or other measuring tool get your class to measure and record different items in your outdoor space. It can be useful to give clear demonstrations as to how to use the different equipment. This activity can be further differentiated by allowing students to use a variety of equipment as well as asking them to measure to a greater level of accuracy. Diff 1 - Students are given a pictures of which objects to measure. Diff 2 - Students get to choose their own objects to measure. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Long Multiplication Tarsia Puzzle Activity

Long Multiplication Tarsia Puzzle Activity

A set of entertaining NO PREP long multiplication puzzles for your students to practice one, two, and three digit numbers. Each differentiated puzzle has a complete set and a muddled puzzle set. I have used these to great success over the last few months. My children have loved them as a way to reinforce or learn long multiplication. This pack includes puzzles for: - 1 digit x 2 or 3 digit - 2 digit x 2 or 1 digit - 3 digit x 3 or 2 digit Check out our other Math Tarsia Puzzles Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, and 1000 Fractions of Numbers Equivalent Fractions Times Tables Tarsia Puzzle Activity Number Bond Tarsia Puzzles: 100, 500, and 1000 Measurement Conversion Tarsia Puzzles: MM, CM, and Meters ------------------------ Please don’t forget to rate this resource if you enjoyed it. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Coordinates Activities: Secret Code and Outdoor Activity

Coordinates Activities: Secret Code and Outdoor Activity

This coordinate activity pack contains two different sets of activities and is designed to help children master coordinates in a fun and engaging way. One of the activities contains 8 differentiated (4 quadrant and 1 quadrant) worksheets where the children need to crack the code by finding the hidden animal name in the coordinates gird. The second is an outdoor activity where the children must hide words that make up a secret message at the correct coordinates around your school. This activity was a real hit with my class and now they do it for fun! It is also great for improving map reading skills. Contents - 8 differentiated ‘Hidden Animal’ worksheets - 2 differentiated worksheets for the outdoor activity with a ‘How To Use’ explanation sheet ------------------------
Shape, Space, and Measure Outdoor Task Cards

Shape, Space, and Measure Outdoor Task Cards

These space, shape, and measure task cards are perfect for your children to learn about measuring items accurately, perimeter and area, types of triangle, and types of angle. They are designed to be used outside in a variety of fun and interactive ways. Aimed at grades 3-4, however it is suitable for other age ranges. Contents: - 20 x Measurement Task Cards - 8 x Shape Task Cards - 3 x Answer / Question Sheets Possible ways to use the cards: Task Card Race: Place all of the cards in a pile and get the children to take and complete one at a time. See how many they can complete in a given time. Task Card Hunt: Stick the task cards up in various places around your grounds. The children must first hunt out the cards and then complete them. You could time how many they can find and complete in a given time. Photos: Integrate ICT into your lesson. Get the children to complete the task cards and record their evidence by taking a photo. Answer sheets: If you would rather the children record their evidence they can go around with the answer / question sheet completing the tasks. Get your learning in the best classroom of all. The Outdoors! 20 Measurement Task Cards Are Included ------------------------
Adverb PowerPoint Game

Adverb PowerPoint Game

This game is a fantastic and fun way to introduce or recap adverbs for your class. It consists of two interactive and entertaining games where the children will discover what an adverb is and why they are important, learning to recognize them within sentences. Contents: - Slide 1 – 4: Introduction to the game / adverbs - Slide 5 – 40: Game 1 – Deciding whether the given words are adverbs or not - Slide 41 – 54: Game 2 – Finding adverbs within the sentence We hope you enjoy!
Bar Model Easter Addition and Subtraction Word Problems: Years 1 - 2 FREE SAMPLE

Bar Model Easter Addition and Subtraction Word Problems: Years 1 - 2 FREE SAMPLE

**Download the full pack here: **Problem Solving Easter Addition and Subtraction Bar Model Word Problems. This is a free sample of the following resource: A set of Easter themed NO PREP differentiated word problems using the ‘part-part-whole’ bar model strategy, focussing on addition and subtraction for years 1 - 2. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea, giving them loads of practise at applying it to word problems. This pack contains 3 sets of word problem sheets each with 3 levels of differentiation. Have a fantastic Easter break! Please don’t forget to rate this resource if you enjoyed it. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
British Tree Identification Guide

British Tree Identification Guide

A simple guide for your students to identify common British trees. For each tree it shows a picture of the tree, its’ leaves, and seeds. Laminate these sheets and use the time and time again. Equally, leave them in your outdoor space for students to use as this wish while exploring the world around them.
Nature Bingo – Beach And Woodland

Nature Bingo – Beach And Woodland

Exploring the outdoors is great fun. Get your student to head out on a scavenger hunt / bingo game where they will have to collect and spot different things, crossing it off their list as they go. It’s a great activity to do on a sunny afternoon to give your class a chance to release some energy and explore the outdoors. This pack contains two sets of bingo sheets, one for school grounds / a woodland area and another for the beach. Diff. 1: Students go outside and cross out the items once they have collected / spotted it. Diff. 2: Students go outside and collect / spot items, working out calculations and identifying different living things. You can add a competitive aspect to this activity by setting a time limit for your students. Resources needed: Diff. 1: Bingo sheet Diff. 2: Bingo sheet, scales, rulers, identification sheets / access to the internet Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
British Woodland and Garden Birds ID Guide

British Woodland and Garden Birds ID Guide

A guide for birds commonly found in the British woodlands & gardens. Laminate these sheets and take them with you when heading outside or keep a set accessible for students to use as they wish. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Halloween Outdoor Bingo

Halloween Outdoor Bingo

This is a great bingo activity for Halloween to get your students exploring the outdoors as they hunt for all the different creepy critters, sounds, and feelings they can find in your outdoor space. They’ll use all of their senses to complete their bingo sheet as they, listen, look, and feel for different things.
Electricity Circuit Building Activity

Electricity Circuit Building Activity

Teach your children about electricity through our Electricity Task Cards. This is a fantastic hands on activity that will teach your children to construct series and parallel circuits. They will love creating the circuits from the differentiated task cards. This can be done using electrical components or our symbol cards provided. Contents: - x 14 Electricity circuit diagram cards - Electrical components symbol cards We hope you enjoy! From Saving The Teachers
The Plant Hunt

The Plant Hunt

Plant scavenger hunts are great fun and easy to do. It can be a great brain break or part of your living things topic. Print out the sheet for your students to take into your outdoor space and mark off the plants as they find them. It’s great if you can provide some magnifying glasses so they can look at all the amazing details of each flower. Check out our minibeasts scavenger hunt. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
The Egg Drop - STEM Activity

The Egg Drop - STEM Activity

The Egg Drop STEM Challenge is a nice variation on the commonly used egg parachute challenge. Your class will work together in small teams, thinking about the best way to protect an egg from being dropped using natural materials. They will be encouraged to think about the properties of different materials, considering which one will work best. The whole activity is based around a story of an explorer who is trapped in the North Pole and needs food supplies, and of course, his favourite food is egg! Read the instructions to your class before putting them into groups of 2 or 3. Encourage them to hunt out different natural materials that they think will protect them egg from breaking. Once they have padded out the tubs, give them the egg and see if it works by dropping it from a good height! To save on money and waste, if an egg does not break, it can be re-used by the following team. Once the challenge is complete each student can fill in an evaluation sheet. Resources needed: Supply of natural materials in an outdoor space Activity sheets Small tubs (big 500ml or similar) Somewhere high to drop the eggs from (first floor or second floor) Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Outdoor Learning Activity Task Cards

Outdoor Learning Activity Task Cards

Den building, nature watching, gardening, digging, and even fire making! Outdoor learning is becoming a stand-alone subject as it has huge benefits to children’s development. Not only this, but the kids love it! This pack contains 20 task cards each with an outdoor based activity, some more challenging than others. They are perfect for an outdoor learning session in school, at camp, or even as a way to keep your children busy in the summer holidays! Contents - 20 x Outdoor Activity Task Cards ------------------------ Get outside and Enjoy!
Giant Marble Run - Outdoor STEM / Team Builder

Giant Marble Run - Outdoor STEM / Team Builder

This is a great STEM team building activity that’ll get your class working together as they create their own giant marble runs following the criteria given on the task cards. This activity works best outside in groups of 4 or 5. Each group will need a set of different sized drain pipes to create their marble run. Your caretaker will often be very good at getting hold of these! If not, a letter out to parents will often bring in way more than you need. To make the marble run you class can use a combination of propping the pipes up on things and supporting them themselves. The less things you have to prop the pipes up, the bigger the group sizes need to be. This activity work really well at the start of the year or just as a fun brain break. **Resources needed: ** Task Cards Cut up drain pipes Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Living Things Science Investigation - The Egg Thief

Living Things Science Investigation - The Egg Thief

Get your detectives hat on with our series of animal crime scene investigations! These activities will teach your students about animals and their habitats as well as developing their observation, problem solving and inferring skills. They are a great lesson to be use as part of your Living Things topic… or just for some outdoor fun! The crime scenes are easy to set up with printable props, clue cards, and suspect cards. If you want to add extra elements or real props this can help to bring it alive for the children even further! The Egg Thief will take your class through an investigation involving the mystery of a broken egg that is found outside of Mrs Jones’ house. They will need to use the clues as well as their own inference skills to figure out which of the suspects is guilty. Contents: Teacher Guide Prop Cards Crime Scene Report Suspect Cards Clue Cards Clue Record Sheet Verdict Record Sheet Our Verdict Check out our ‘Hedgehog Horror’ crime scene pack! Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Spring Poetry Scrapbook

Spring Poetry Scrapbook

This poetry scrapbook is the perfect way to get your class exploring the outdoors while letting their creative juices flow in the form of poetry. They each get their own personal scrapbook where they are required to think about what language they can use to describe specific things before putting their thoughts into a poem. This scrapbook gives the children the opportunity to write acrostic, quatrain, and couplet poems along with another, which they can choose. I have used this pack with great success in spring and summer where we would spend Friday afternoons going out to write poetry, however I am excited to have a go at it in winter too! It is very therapeutic for both the children and the teacher. Contents: - Scrapbook cover - Blank scrapbook cover (where they can draw their own) - ‘Beautiful Birds’ language ideas - ‘Beautiful Birds’ acrostic poem sheet - ‘Magical Mini-Beasts’ language ideas - ‘Magical Mini-Beats’ quatrain poem sheet (aabb rhyming pattern) - ‘Vibrant Views’ language ideas - ‘Vibrant Views’ quatrain poem sheet (abab rhyming pattern) - ‘Wonderful Weather’ language ideas - ‘Wonderful Weather’ couplet poem sheet - Free poem sheet (the children choose the form and subject for their poem) -----------------------------------