I am currently an undergraduate student studying Law at the University of Warwick. During A-Levels, I studied English Literature, Psychology and History.
I am currently an undergraduate student studying Law at the University of Warwick. During A-Levels, I studied English Literature, Psychology and History.
This is a condensed and concise revision notes for OCR English Literature Paper 1 – Ibsen (A Doll’s House) and Christina Rossetti Poems.
The notes will include:
The exam structure
Biographical Context of the authors
Historical Context
Summary + Quotes of A Doll’s House Act 1 - 3
Summary + Quotes of 15 Rossetti’s Poems
Critics for Rossetti and Ibsen
With these notes I was able to achieve feel at ease whilst revising and achieve top grades.
These notes are for the Drama and Poetry pre-1900 exam paper.
Following from the condensed revision notes for OCR English Literature Paper 1 – Hamlet.
The resource includes:
Two sets of essays Part a and b which I completed during mocks of year 12 and 13 (you can see the progression of my writing)
I have transcribed the essay but I have also included the actual exam paper if you prefer that (included some teachers comments and some adjustements I made)
With these notes you will be avle to knowhow tp structure your essays and hopefully see where you can improve and achieve top marks.
This is for the Drama and Poetry pre-1900 exam paper!
This is a full essay for the 30 mark question in the 2018 OCR Past Paper for English Literature A-Level.
Paper 1: Section 2 – Drama and Poetry pre-1900
The question answered is:
“Freedom is a condition towards which all humanity aspires.”
In light of this view, consider ways in which writers explore the desire for freedom.
This is a condensed and concise revision notes for OCR English Literature Paper 2 – Dystopia.
The notes will include:
The exam structure
Dystopia context timeline
Synopsis of dystopian Novels + Texts
An example essay beginning with analysis
A 29/30 essay written under timed conditions by me
With these notes I was able to achieve feel at ease whilst revising and achieve top grades.
These notes are for the Comparative and Contextual study exam paper (paper 2).
This is a condensed revision notes for Edexcel History Paper 2 which is German Democratic Republic (GDR).
The notes have answered all the key questions with 3-4 factors (+an additional 2-3 piece of evidence) for each Topic.
With these notes I was able to achieve feel at ease whilst revising and achieve top grades.
Textbook this is based on is the ‘Communist States in the 20th Century’.
This is a condensed revision notes for OCR English Literature Paper 1 – Hamlet.
The notes will include:
The exam structure;
Aristotle Tragedy structure and plot;
Critics for the play Hamlet through the ages;
Theatre + Film Adaptations of Hamlet;
General context for Hamlet (written/received reception);
Hamlet Key Quotes Act 1 – Act 5;
Example phrases I have used in writing my essay.
With these notes I was able to achieve feel at ease whilst revising and achieve top grades throughout my A-Levels.
Drama and Poetry pre-1900 exam paper.
This is a condensed revision notes for Edexcel History Paper 1 which is USSR.
The notes have answered the compulsory question for with the 4 factors (+an additional 3-4 pieces of evidence).
With these notes I was able to feel at ease whilst revising and achieve top grades.
Textbook this is based on is the ‘Communist States in the 20th Century’.
This is a 29/30 critical appreciation for Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegurt Jr written under timed conditions.
These essay is for the Comparative and Contextual study exam paper (paper 2).
This is a condense revision notes for Psychology Paper 2 - Section A.
This document includes:
Diagnosis of mental disorders + Evaluation
Classification System + Evaluation
Rosenhan (1973) - Classical study + Evaluation
Researching mental health + Evaluation
Primary data
Secondary data
Longitudinal data
Biological explanation for schizophrenia + Evaluation
Function of neurotransmitters as a theory
The genetic explanation
Contemporary study - Carlsson + Evaluation
(This is made into an essay plan)
Antipsychotic Drugs - Drug Therapy - A biological explanation for schizophrenia + Evaluation
Cognitive Explanation for schizophrenia + Evaluation
A psychological theraphy for schizophrenia (Cognitive Behavioural Theraphy - CBT) + Evaluation
HCPC Guidelines for Clinical Psychology
Unipolar Depression
Biological explanation for depression + Evaluation
Biological Treatment for depression - Drug Therapy (Anti-depressants) + Evaluation
Cognitive Explanation for Depression + Evaluation
Psychological Treatment for Depression - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) + Evaluation
Kroenke et al - Contemporary study
Similarities between the Cognitive and Biological explanations/treatments for depression
Differences between the Cognitive and Biological explanations/treatments for depression
Clinical Key Question + Evaluation
With these notes I was able to feel confident with the content for psychology and achieve great grades.
These notes are made form lessons and also the textbook:
Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book + ActiveBook: (Edexcel GCE Psychology 2015)
By Karren Smith (Author), Elizabeth Barkham (Author), Anna Cave (Author), Susan Harty (Author), Annabel Jervis (Author), James Bailey (Author), Esther O’Neill (Author)
This is a condensed and concise revision notes for OCR English Literature Paper 2 – Dystopia.
The notes will include:
The exam structure
Key AO1 direct comparison points and how they link in both texts
Context for 1984
Context for The Handmaid’s Tale
Critics for 1984
Critics for The Handmaid’s Tale
Key Quotes from 1984
Key Quotes from The Handmaid’s Tale
With these notes I was able to achieve feel at ease whilst revising and achieve top grades.
These notes are for the Comparative and Contextual study exam paper (paper 2).
This is a collation of the past essay questions for Edexecel A-Level Psychology Ppaer 1 section E: Issues and Debates.
The document includes:
2017 past questions + plan + mark scheme
2018 past questions + plan + mark scheme
12/12 Essay answer
These notes are made from lessons and also the textbook:
Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book + ActiveBook: (Edexcel GCE Psychology 2015)
By Karren Smith (Author), Elizabeth Barkham (Author), Anna Cave (Author), Susan Harty (Author), Annabel Jervis (Author), James Bailey (Author), Esther O’Neill (Author)
This is an incomplete collection but contains most of the topics
I would suggest filling in the incomplete sections with your noted as there is space for that
This is a condensed revision notes for Edexcel History.
Topics Completed and included are:
(most of Navy)
India and Egypt notes are NOT included in this resource!
With these notes I was able to feel at ease whilst revising and achieve an A overall.
This is a condensed revision notes for Edexcel History Paper 1 which is USSR.
The notes have answered the key questions + the compulsory question (for Topic 5), all with 4 factors (+an additional 3-4 pieces of evidence).
With these notes I was able to feel at ease whilst revising and achieve top grades.
Textbook this is based on is the ‘Communist States in the 20th Century’.
This is a condensed revision notes for Edexcel History Paper 1 which is USSR.
The notes have answered all the key questions with 3-4 factors (+an additional 2-3 piece of evidence) for each question.
With these notes I was able to achieve feel at ease whilst revising and achieve top grades.
Based on the Pearson Edexcel ‘Communist States in the 20th Century’ textbook.
This is a condensed revision notes with all the information for Edexcel Psychology Paper 1 section D.
This document includes:
Classical Conditioning + Evaluation
Pavlov’s Dog Experiment (1927) + Evaluation
Watson and Rayner: Little Albert (1920)+ Evaluation
Operant Conditioning + Evaluation
Social Learning Theory + Evaluation
Bandura, Ross and Ross’s Bobo doll experiment (1961) + with vicarious reinforcement (1965)
Phobias and Treatments
Capafons et al (1998) + Evaluation
Individual differences
Developmental Psychology
Learning Key Question: “Is there a link between viewing violence in the media and aggressive behaviour?” + Evaluation
Learning Practical
With these notes I was able to feel confident with the content for psychology and achieve great grades.
These notes are made form lessons and also the textbook:
Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book + ActiveBook: (Edexcel GCE Psychology 2015)
By Karren Smith (Author), Elizabeth Barkham (Author), Anna Cave (Author), Susan Harty (Author), Annabel Jervis (Author), James Bailey (Author), Esther O’Neill (Author)
This is a complete condensed revision notes for Psychology Paper 1 + 2 + 3.
This bundle includes:
Social Psychology
Learning Psychology
Biological Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Issues and Debates
Criminal Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Review of Classic Studies
These notes are made form lessons and also the Pearson Edexcel textbook:
Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book + ActiveBook: (Edexcel GCE Psychology 2015)
By Karren Smith (Author), Elizabeth Barkham (Author), Anna Cave (Author), Susan Harty (Author), Annabel Jervis (Author), James Bailey (Author), Esther O’Neill (Author)
This is a condensed revision notes with all the information for Edexcel Psychology Paper 1 section B.
This documents includes:
The Multistore Model if Memory (Atkinson and Schiffrin, 1968) + Evaluation
Episodic and Semantic Memory +Evaluation
The Working Memory Model + Evaluation
Reconstructive Memory Model + Evaluation
Schmolock et al (2002) – the contemporary study
Baddeley (1966) – the classic study
Individual Differences effect on memory
Developmental Psychology - effect on memory
Cognitive Key Question “Are eye witness testimonies accurate?” + Evaluation
Cognitive Practical
With these notes I was able to feel confident with the content for psychology and achieve great grades.
These notes are made form lessons and also the textbook:
Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book + ActiveBook: (Edexcel GCE Psychology 2015)
By Karren Smith (Author), Elizabeth Barkham (Author), Anna Cave (Author), Susan Harty (Author), Annabel Jervis (Author), James Bailey (Author), Esther O’Neill (Author)
This is a condensed revision notes for Edexcel History.
USSR notes Topics 1 -5
GDR notes Topics 1 - 4
Britain Depth Study notes
This is an incomplete collection for Britain but contains most of the topics
I would suggest filling in the incomplete sections with your notes in the style of mine as there is space for that
This is a condensed revision notes for Edexcel History.
Topics Completed and included are:
(most of Navy)
India and Egypt notes are NOT included in this resource!
The notes have answered all the key questions with 3-4 factors plus an additional 4-5 pieces of evidence to support each factor.
With these notes I was able to feel at ease whilst revising and achieve top grades.
Textbooks used:
‘Communist States in the 20th Century’
Britain: losing and gaining an empire 1763 - 1914
This is a condensed revision notes with all the information for Edexcel Psychology Paper 1 section E.
This document includes:
Ethics AO1
Practical Issues AO1
Reductionism AO1
Comparisons between ways of explaining behaviour using different themes AO1
Psychology as a science AO1
Culture and gender AO1
Nature and nurture AO1
An understanding of how psychology understanding has developed over time AO1
Social control AO1
Psychology knowledge within society AO1
Socially Sensitive research
2018 & 2017 past exam questions + Plans + Mark scheme
12/12 example answer
With these notes I was able to feel confident with the content for psychology and achieve great grades.
These notes are made from lessons and also the textbook:
Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book + ActiveBook: (Edexcel GCE Psychology 2015)
By Karren Smith (Author), Elizabeth Barkham (Author), Anna Cave (Author), Susan Harty (Author), Annabel Jervis (Author), James Bailey (Author), Esther O’Neill (Author)
This is a condensed revision notes with all the information for Edexcel Psychology Paper 1 section C.
This document includes:
Central Nervous System and Neurones
Structure and functioning of the brain
The Limbic system and aggression
The function of neurotransmitters
Raine et al (1997) – the classic study +Evaluation
Brendgen et al (20295) – the contemporary study + Evaluation
Evolution +Evaluation
Freud - Psychodynamic Explanation
Individual differences
Developmetal psychology
Biological Key Question "what are the implications for society of aggression is found to be caused by nature not nurture.
Biological Practical
With these notes I was able to feel confident with the content for psychology and achieve great grades.
These notes are made form lessons and also the textbook:
Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book + ActiveBook: (Edexcel GCE Psychology 2015)
By Karren Smith (Author), Elizabeth Barkham (Author), Anna Cave (Author), Susan Harty (Author), Annabel Jervis (Author), James Bailey (Author), Esther O’Neill (Author).