How to use it in the classroom?
Problem Solving (10 min)
This activity can be completed individually, in pairs or in small groups.
Pupils are given a list of 8 problems and 8 solutions (table or flashcards). They need to match each problem with the appropriate solution. All the problems and solutions are related to fertilisers and the Haber Process.
Should you choose to use the flashcards, please consider laminating them after printing and reusing them to reduce the amount of paper waste.
This activity is based on Unit 3.4 Fertilisers from “Chemistry in Society”.
The key skills which are assessed in this activity are:
Solving previously unseen problems;
Understanding the challenges of Haber Process;
Using a catalyst to increase the rate of reaction;
Recalling previous knowledge of mixture separation techniques to explain that liquid ammonia is easier to separate from a gaseous mixture than gaseous ammonia;
Justifying why nitrogen in the air cannot be absorbed by plants;
Justifying the use of synthetic fertilisers;
Introducing changes to the process conditions to maximise the yield while minimising the costs.
Understanding low, moderate and high temperatures;
Making the connection between large fields and large amounts of fertiliser needed;
Linking high pressure to high operating costs;
Using recycling to minimise waste and maximise the yield.
The Century Gothic font is one of those recommended by the British Dyslexia Association.
Pupils can complete this activity independently of others and work at their own pace.
The activity can be carried out individually to suit the pupils who prefer to work on their own.
It can also be completed on a laptop or a tablet by pupils with dyspraxia.