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Stone Age Boy - LKS2 English - Narrative, Adventure Story - 3 Week Cycle
Writing purpose: Writing to entertain
Text: Stone Age Boy
Week 1: Gather
LO: To identify features of a narrative.
LO: To be able to define new vocabulary.
LO: To gather vocabulary focusing on the key senses.
LO: To gather information and vocabulary for arriving in a new place.
Week 2: Grammar
LO: To be able to use coordinating conjunctions to link information. (and/nor)
LO: To be able to use coordinating conjunctions to link information. (so/or)
LO: To be able to use coordinating conjunctions to show information that is the opposite. (yet/but)
LO: To identify and use prepositions of place.
LO: To be able to identify and use prepositional phrases.
Week 3: Go
LO: To be able to plan a narrative.
LO: To write an adventure story when arriving somewhere new. (x2)
LO: To up-level vocabulary choices and edit an adventure story when arriving somewhere new.
LO: To redraft and present my writing.
This unit includes retrieval tasks, low-stake quizzes, exit tickets and much more. Slides and worksheets come included.
Hopefully this will save you time on your planning as you can pick it up and go.

Iron Man - LKS2 English - Non-Chronological Report - 2 Week Cycle
Writing purpose: Writing to inform
Genre: Non-Chronological Report
Text: Iron Man by Ted Hughes
LO: To review the features of existing non-chronological reports.
LO: To annotate my Iron Man by describing their personality, appearance and diet.
LO: To create a TV advert / news report about the Iron Man.
LO: To use relative clauses within my sentences.
LO: To use present progressive tense.
LO: To edit and improve work so that it uses Standard English.
LO: To plan a Non-chronological report.
LO: To write a Non-chronological report independently.
Slides and worksheets come included.
Hopefully this will save you time on your planning as you can pick it up and go.

Reading - Y4 Comprehension pack - Children's Classics
This pack is a reading comprehension pack based on the Year 4 reading objectives.
It is aimed to provide some contextual understanding of children’s classics and the specific vocabulary that might arise as children explore children’s classics. In turn, this should equip children with the necessary knowledge when answering comprehension questions.
There is a focus on retrieval and it touches on VIPER style questions.
Each session has a retrieval activity.
There are 10 lessons covered in this pack. Each lesson is designed to be completed within 30 minutes.
Objectives covered from the NC:
To re-read these books with pace, volume and expression.
Decide which sections of text to read more carefully to fulfil a particular purpose, e.g. to summarise a text.
To discuss and compare texts from a wide variety of genres and writers.
To sequence the main events within a chapter and across a book.
To identify main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarise these.
Summarise in writing the main points from a paragraph using a wider range of prompts.
Discuss how characters’ feelings, behaviour and relationships change over a text.
The theme for this pack:
Children’s classics
Identifying main ideas drawn from more than 1 paragraph and summarising these.
What is covered in this pack?
Book: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Book: A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond
Book: The Complete Alice by Lewis Carroll

Reading - Y3 Comprehension pack - Lighthouses
This pack is a reading comprehension pack based on the Year 3 reading objectives.
It is aimed to provide some contextual understanding of lighthouses and the specific vocabulary that might arise as children explore lighthouses. In turn, this should equip children with the necessary knowledge when answering comprehension questions.
There is a focus on retrieval and it touches on VIPER style questions.
Each session has a retrieval activity.
There are 8 lessons covered in this pack. Each lesson is designed to be completed within 30 minutes.
Objectives covered from the NC:
To re-read these books with pace, volume and expression.
To maintain the pace of reading 100wpm+.
Identify aspects or features that make a text entertaining, informative or useful with support.
To be able to identify key words and phrases within a text.
To explain why books are structured in different ways.
The theme for this pack:
Identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning.
What is covered in this pack?
Book: How does a lighthouse work by Roman Belyaev
Song: My Lighthouse by Rend Collective
Book: The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by Ronda and David Armitage

The BFG - LKS2 English - Letter - 3 Week Cycle
Writing purpose: Writing to persuade
Genre: Letter (persuading the BFG return Sophie)
Text: The BFG
Week 1: Gather
LO: To identify the features of persuasive letters including audience and purpose.
LO: To gather evidence from similar narratives to support a point. (get chn to look at a range of familiar stories where someone is ‘kidnapped’ what happens to the kidnapper in the end? What could happen to the BFG if he doesn’t return Sophie?)
LO: To use persuasive language (flattery, rhetorical questions, emotive language)
LO: To consider both sides of a discussion.
Week 2: Grammar
LO: To identify and use pronouns for cohesion.
LO: To use subordinating conjunctions in varying positions.
LO: To identify and use standard English.
LO: To use statement, question and command sentences.
LO: To plan a letter.
Week 3: Go
LO: To be able to write independently.
LO: To be able to write independently.
LO: To be able to edit and improve work for accuracy.
LO: To be able to redraft and present writing.
Slides and worksheets come included.
Hopefully this will save you time on your planning as you can pick it up and go.

The BFG - LKS2 English - Non-Chronological Report - 3 Week Cycle
Writing purpose: Writing to inform
Genre: Non-Chronological Report (giants)
Text: The BFG
Week 1: Gather
LO: To identify the features of a non-chronological report including audience and purpose.
LO: To gather information from a range of sources.
LO: To gather formal phrases.
LO: To apply key vocabulary and phrases
Week 2: Grammar
LO: To be able to use cohesive features – pronouns (possessive, personal and relative – x2 lessons)
LO: To use a range of conjunctions to link information.
LO: To use adverbs, in a range of positions, to link information
LO: To be able to plan a non-chronological report.
Week 3: Go
LO: To be able to write independently.
LO: To be able to write independently.
LO: To be able to edit and improve for accuracy and consistency.
LO: To be able to redraft for presentation.
Slides and worksheets come included.
Hopefully this will save you time on your planning as you can pick it up and go.

The BFG - LKS2 English - Narrative - 3 Week Cycle
Writing purpose: Writing to entertain
Genre: Narrative (with a setting focus)
Text: The BFG
Week 1: Gather
LO: To identify the audience and purpose.
To identify the features of a setting description.
LO: To be able to identify the 3cs and 3s’s when comparing text with visual literacy.
LO: (Drama – freeze frames) To be able to empathise with a character and their situation.
LO: To be able to use key vocabulary in context.
Week 2: Grammar
LO: To use fronted adverbials of manner, time and place.
LO: To use past tense accurately including irregular verbs.
LO: To use past progressive tense (was -ing).
LO: To use speech and speech punctuation accurately (x2)
Week 3: Go
LO: To plan a narrative (layered planning)
LO: To write a narrative
LO: To write a narrative.
LO: To edit a narrative.
LO: To redraft a narrative.
Slides and worksheets come included.
Hopefully this will save you time on your planning as you can pick it up and go.

Reading - Y3 Comprehension pack - Emotions & Predicting
This pack is a reading comprehension pack based on the Year 3 reading objectives.
This unit focuses on making predictions about the book. Initially exploring the cover and blurb and then delving into the book, reading a section and using questions to open a discussion on class predictions about a given book.
There is a focus on retrieval and it touches on VIPER style questions.
Each session has a retrieval activity.
There are 7 lessons covered in this pack. Each lesson is designed to be completed within 30 minutes.
Objectives covered from the NC:
To re-read these books with pace, volume and expression.
To discuss and compare texts from a wide variety of genres and writers.
Listen to, read and discuss an increasingly wide range of books.
Identify and discuss themes and conventions in what they read.
Make regular predictions about characters, events and actions as text is read justifying reasons with reference to the text.
Make and justify literal predictions across a text.
Make and justify predictions from what is implied.
The theme for this pack:
Emotions & predictions
Predicting what might happen from details stated and implied.
What is covered in this pack?
Book: The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas
Book: Lucy’s Blue Day by Christopher Duke

Computing - Coding Unit - LKS2
Unit: Coding using Code.Org
Key Question: How can I design, write and debug programs to accomplish specific goals?
This unit of work uses: https://studio.code.org/s/coursec-2023?redirect_warning=true
Lesson 1: Be Internet Secure: Personal privacy and security are as important online as they are in the real world. Keeping valuable information safe helps children avoid damaging their devices, reputations and relationships. Google Legends: Protect your stuff Pages 56-61
Lesson 2: My Robotic Friends Jr
This is a context setting lesson where children will create an algorithm to ‘program’ a robot to stack cups into different patterns. This will be the starting point of programming and how to debug ‘code’.
They will be developing their programming and debugging kills along the way.
Lesson 3: Programming with Angry Birds
This is a skill building lesson where children will develop sequential algorithms to move a bird from one side of a maze to the pig at the other side. To do this, they will stack code blocks together in a linear sequence, making them move straight, turn left, or turn right.
Lesson 4: Debugging a maze & Collecting treasure with Laurel
This is a skill-building lesson where children will be fixing the errors in prewritten code. They will explore how to run the code and strategies to overcome the errors and debug them.
Lesson 5: Creating Art with Code
This is a skill-building lesson where children have the opportunity to demonstrate the skills that they have learnt so far this unit. They will be able to write code and develop a sequential algorithm. They will also be able to identify and fix errors.
Lesson 6: Loops with Rey and BB8 & Harvesting Crops with Loops
In this lesson, children will be learning more about loops and how to implement them in Block code. Using loops is an important skill in programming because manually repeating commands is tedious and inefficient.
Recap lesson
In this lesson, children will be learning more about loops and how to implement them in Block code. Using loops is an important skill in programming because manually repeating commands is tedious and inefficient.

Stone Age Boy - LKS2 English - Narrative, Setting Description - 2 Week Cycle
Writing purpose: Writing to entertain
Text: Stone Age Boy
Week 1: Gather/Grammar
LO: To be able to identify the features of a setting description.
LO: To be able to define new vocabulary.
LO: To gather rich and varied vocabulary for a setting.
LO: To be able to identify and use expanded noun phrases.
LO: To be able to identify and use prepositions.
Week 2: Go
LO: To be able to plan a setting description.
LO: To write a setting description.
LO: To write a setting description.
LO: To up-level vocabulary choices and edit a setting description.
LO: To redraft and present my writing.
This unit includes retrieval tasks, low-stake quizzes, exit tickets and much more. Slides and worksheets come included.
Hopefully this will save you time on your planning as you can pick it up and go.

Computing - Coding Unit - KS1
Unit: Coding using Code.Org
Key Question: How can I make an algorithm and get rid of errors?
This unit of work uses:
Code . org
1 – E-Safety lesson
What personal information should not be shared?
Lesson 3: Sharing personal information. LO: To understand what personal information should not be shared
2 – Course A Lesson 2: learn to drag and drop: Can I drag and drop items efficiently?
To provide children with a skill building lesson that provides children with experience with computers. They will be covering the most basic computer functions such as clicking, dragging and dropping.
3 – Lesson 3: Happy Maps: Can I make a simple algorithm and fix any errors?
This is a context-setting lesson that allows the children to bridge from algorithms to programming (following instructions). They will be sequencing their code to help the ‘Flurb’ get to the fruit.
4 – Lesson 4: Sequencing with Scrat: How can computers read my instructions?
This is a skill-building lesson where children develop sequential algorithms to move a character from one side of a maze to the goal at the other side. This will develop programming and debugging skills on a computer platform.
5 – Lesson 5: Programming with Scrat: How can algorithms be sequenced and debugged?
This is a skill-building lesson where children will continue to develop sequential algorithms. Children will develop how to use a block-based format to sequence and debug their algorithms.
6 – Lesson 7: Happy Loops + Lesson 8: Loops with Scrat: Can algorithms be simplified and be repeated?
This is a skill-building lesson where the children will practice loops in programming. They will practice ways of simplifying algorithms.
Recap lesson: Lesson 10: Loops with Laurel
This lesson provides the children with the ability to showcase their understanding of creating a simple algorithm. The children will be able to demonstrate their understanding of creating loops to simplify the block-based format.

Skellig - UKS2 English - Diary Entry - 3 Week Cycle
Writing Purpose: Writing to inform
Text: Skellig
Week 1: Gather
Identify features of a diary entry
Explore vocabulary
Build a sentence
Gather information and ideas
Short burst writing activity
Week 2: Grammar
Past perfect tense
Relative clause/Parenthesis
Word, phrase, clause
Week 3: Go
Independent write
Edit and improve
Present writing
This unit includes retrieval tasks, low-stake quizzes, exit tickets and much more. Slides and worksheets come included.
Hopefully this will save you time on your planning as you can pick it up and go.

Leon and the Place Between - LKS2 English - Recount - 3 Week Cycle
Book: Leon and the Place Between by Graham Baker-Smith
Writing purpose: Writing to inform
Text: Leon and the Place Between
Week 1: Gather
LO: To identify features of a recount.
LO: To be able to define new vocabulary.
LO: To review the features of existing recounts.
LO: To explore digital literacy clips using 3Cs and 3Ss.
Week 2: Grammar
LO: To identify a subordinating conjunction.
LO: To be able to use subordinating conjunctions.
LO: To be able to identify a main and subordinate clause.
LO: To alter the position of the clause in a sentence.
Week 3: Go
LO: To plan a recount.
LO: To write a recount.
LO: To write a recount.
LO: To edit a recount.
LO: To redraft a recount.
This unit includes retrieval tasks, low-stake quizzes, exit tickets and much more. Slides and worksheets come included.
Hopefully this will save you time on your planning as you can pick it up and go.

Iron Man - LKS2 English - Narrative - Project
Writing purpose: Writing to entertain
Genre: Narrative
Text: Iron Man by Ted Hughes
This unit was completed as a project so covers over 3 weeks worth of work. It also includes a comprehension unit. Therefore you can use as much or as little of the resources as needed.
Week 1: Gather
LO: To explore vocabulary, explain the meaning of words in context and retrieve information from the text.
LO: To read The Coming of the Iron Man by Brenda Williams for understanding.
LO: To make inferences and predictions from chapter 1 and 2.
LO: To explore and compare the novel to the film using 3Cs and 3Ss.
LO: To write sentences to describe the Iron Man.
LO: To build our own interpretation of the Iron Man and annotate it.
LO: To write a character description of our interpretation of the Iron Man.
LO: To be able to edit and improve work for accuracy.
Week 2: Grammar
LO: To use singular and possessive apostrophes with increasing confidence.
LO: To use fronted adverbials using commas correctly and consistently.
LO: To write an efficient paragraph using the TIPTOP method.
LO: To add a relative clause to add more detail.
LO: To identify and use key elements of speech correctly.
LO: To write a letter from the Iron Man to the town.
LO: To edit and improve our letter.
Week 3: Go
LO: To plan a narrative.
LO: To write a story.
LO: To write a story.
LO: To edit a story.
LO: To redraft a story.
Slides and worksheets come included.
Hopefully this will save you time on your planning as you can pick it up and go.

Computing - E-Safety Unit - KS1
Unit: E-Safety/Online Safety
Key Question: How do we use the internet safely?
This unit is comprised of 6 lessons that explore the SMART acronym. Each lesson focuses on a question that feeds into the overarching key question.
Structure of lessons:
Safe: How do I stay safe on the internet?
We will explore what the word safe means and emotions associated with safe. We will apply that to being safe online and ways that are and aren’t safe. We will explore pictures that may be taken online.
Meeting: Do I know what stranger danger is?
We will explore who is safe to meet and who is not safe to meet. We will discuss why it is important to not meet people in person that we do not know and haven’t met in real life.
Accepting: What things should I accept?
We will explore what is ok to accept and what is not ok to accept online. We will explore why we don’t accept things that we do not trust as it may contain a virus.
Reliable: Is the information you are reading reliable?
We will explore which things are reliable online and which things are not reliable online. We will explore ways to distinguish which things that we are reading are trusted and which are not.
Tell: Telling people if you see something you are unsure about on the internet. Who should you tell?
We will explore ways to tell people if we see something that we are unsure about on the internet. We will consider who we trust to talk about it whether it is an adult at home or a teacher in school.
Safety Week Presentation
We will present what we have learnt during this unit. We will use the SMART acronym to explain what it is and how to stay safe online.
Bonus: Recap lesson
There are materials to help children make a poster about SMART.

Computing - E-Safety Unit - UKS2
Unit: E-Safety/Online Safety
Key Question: How can be responsible citizens online using internet etiquette?
This unit is comprised of 6 lessons that explore the SMART acronym. Each lesson focuses on a question that feeds into the overarching key question.
Safe: How can we share things safely online?
We will discuss all of the different ways that we share things on the internet (including snapchat and live streaming). We will then consider ways that we can stay safe when using it.
Meeting: What is internet etiquette?
We will explore internet etiquette when we are speaking to people online. We will explore what we should do when we are talking to people online.
Accepting: How can I accept or reject invitations?
We will explore ways that we play online games. We will explore how to accept and reject invitations.
Reliable: Is the information you are reading reliable?
We will explore which things are reliable online and which things are not reliable online. We will explore ways to keep things private.
Tell: Who can I tell if I am worried?
We will explore different strategies and ways to tell someone when we are worried. We will discuss people that we trust with information that is worrying us.
Safety Week Presentation: Can you create presentation for safety week?
We will present what we have learnt during this unit. We will use the SMART acronym to explain what it is and how to stay safe online.
Bonus: Consolidating lesson
Materials to help children to create a SMART poster to share ways to stay safe online.

Computing - E-Safety Unit - LKS2
Unit: E-Safety/Online Safety
Key Question: How can we use the internet responsibly and safely?
This unit is comprised of 6 lessons that explore the SMART acronym. Each lesson focuses on a question that feeds into the overarching key question.
Structure of lessons:
Safe: How do I stay safe on the internet?
We will discuss how to stay safe on the internet. We will explore ways that we can stay safe online.
Meeting: Do I know what stranger danger is?
We will explore what stranger danger is and not meeting people in person. We will discuss strategies that we can use to keep us safe online.
SMART: Are you SMART on the internet?
We will discuss the acronym of SMART and how we are SMART on the internet and when playing games. We will assess our own actions and discuss potential issues that may arise when playing a game online.
Reliable: Is everything that I read online reliable?
We will explore whether the information that we read online is reliable. We will discuss ways of checking if something is reliable and what to do if we are unsure of something that we have read.
Tell: Can you teach someone else how to be SMART online?
We will explore how to deal with a situation that we are unsure or worried about. We will develop a list of people that we trust and could tell about something that we are unsure of or worried about online. We will consider alternative things that we can do as well as telling an adult.
Safety Week Presentation: Can you create presentation for safety week?
We will present what we have learnt during this unit. We will use the SMART acronym to explain what it is and how to stay safe online.
Bonus: Recap lesson
There are materials to help children answer questions related to e-safety.