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Robinson's Maths Shop

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I teach sixth form maths students so most of my resources are aimed at A level maths. I have recently updated my resources to cover the new A level maths syllabus and I have produced PowerPoints that fully cover all of the new A level maths course. I also use a large a large amount of Notebook presentations because they are more flexible that PowerPoint. I have put a free resource on for you to try to show how the presentations work you can open it online using SMART Notebook Express website.




I teach sixth form maths students so most of my resources are aimed at A level maths. I have recently updated my resources to cover the new A level maths syllabus and I have produced PowerPoints that fully cover all of the new A level maths course. I also use a large a large amount of Notebook presentations because they are more flexible that PowerPoint. I have put a free resource on for you to try to show how the presentations work you can open it online using SMART Notebook Express website.
A level AS Mathematics All Pure Content

A level AS Mathematics All Pure Content

14 Resources
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘AS level maths 13 – Circles’ for free download
Improper Integrals - Further maths A level A2

Improper Integrals - Further maths A level A2

Improper Integrals covers; Identify why a given integral is improper Understand and clearly demonstrate the limiting processes involved, using correct notation Identify when and why an improper integral does not have a finite value Identify the point(s) where the integrand is undefined Evaluate improper integrals where the integrand is undefined at a value in between the limits of integration. These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Hyperbolic functions - Further maths A level A2

Hyperbolic functions - Further maths A level A2

Hyperbolic functions covers; Use the domains and ranges of the hyperbolic functions. Understand the definitions of hyperbolic functions sechx, cosechx and cothx, including their domains and ranges. Use the domains and ranges of the inverse hyperbolic functions. Differentiate and integrate hyperbolic functions. Be able to derive logarithmic formulae for sech, cosech and coth Understand and use the identities; * sech² θ=1-tanh² θ * cosec² θ=coth² θ-1 * cosh2θ=cosh² θ+sinh² θ * sinh2θ=2sinhθcoshθ Construct proofs involving hyperbolic functions and identities These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Exponential Distribution - Further maths A level A2

Exponential Distribution - Further maths A level A2

Topics covers; Know conditions for an exponential distribution to be used as a model. Know the probability density function, f(x), and the cumulative distribution function, F(x), for an exponential distribution Calculate probabilities for an exponential distribution using F(x) or integration of f(x) Know proofs of mean, variance and standard deviation for an exponential distribution. Understand that the lengths of intervals between Poisson events have an exponential distribution These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
A level Year 2 Further Mathematics All Pure Content

A level Year 2 Further Mathematics All Pure Content

17 Resources
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Radians and small angles - A level A2 Mathematics

Radians and small angles - A level A2 Mathematics

These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘A2 level maths 13 - Composite functions’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources Radians and small angles covers; Work with radian measure, including use for arc length and area of sector Know and use exact values of sin and cos for and multiples thereof Know and use exact values of tan for and multiples thereof
Parametric equations - A level A2 Mathematics

Parametric equations - A level A2 Mathematics

These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘A2 level maths 13 - Composite functions’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources Parametric equations covers; Understand and use the parametric equations of curves and conversion between Cartesian and parametric forms Use parametric equations in modelling in a variety of contexts Differentiate simple functions and relations defined parametrically, for first derivative only Integrate using parametric equations
Trigonometry - Sine rule and Cosine Rule, Radians and Sectors

Trigonometry - Sine rule and Cosine Rule, Radians and Sectors

A large range of presentations and activities showing learners how to find missing lengths and angles of triangles by using the sine and cosine rule. Introduces radians and demonstrates how to convert between them and degrees. Presentations shows how to find arc length, sector area and area of a triangle. A presentation that shows learners how to plot and transform trigonometric graphs. SMART Notebook Express presentations can be used for free by using SMART online or by downloading SMART software, also free, I use it because it allows a more interactive presentation than a powerpoint. Just search 'SMART Notebook Express' and try it with my free SMART resource.
Compound Angles and Harmonic form

Compound Angles and Harmonic form

A presentation that shows students how the compound angles are found using basic trigonometry. The students can complete the activity sheet and all the solutions are on the presentation for the teacher to discuss the results of cos(A+B) and sin(A+B). The presentation also covers double angles and examples of how they are used to solve trig equations and trig identities. The other presentation shows students how to use harmonic form to solve equations of the form asinx+bcosx=c. SMART Notebook Express presentations can be used for free by using SMART online or by downloading SMART software, also free, I use it because it allows a more interactive presentation than a powerpoint. Just search 'SMART Notebook Express' and try it with my free SMART resource.
Modulus Function

Modulus Function

This large presentation introduces the modulus function and its graph. It covers how to sketch a modulus graph and also has questions for students to do. It then moves into solving modulus functions both algebraically and using the graphs. SMART Notebook Express presentations can be used for free by using SMART online or by downloading SMART software, also free, I use it because it allows a more interactive presentation than a powerpoint. Just search 'SMART Notebook Express' and try it with my free SMART resource.
Differentiation - A level AS Mathematics

Differentiation - A level AS Mathematics

These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include; A complete set of notes for students Model examples Probing questions to test understanding Class questions including answers Individual whiteboard work Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘AS level maths 13 – Circles’ for free download Differentiation covers; Understand and use the derivative of f(x) as the gradient of the tangent to the graph of y=f(x) at a general point (x,y) including; the gradient of a tangent as a limit; interpretation as a rate of change; sketching the gradient function for a given curve differentiation from first principles for small positive integer powers of n Differentiate x^n , for rational values of n , and related constant multiples, sums and differences Second derivative including understanding and using it as the rate of change of gradient Apply differentiation to find gradients, tangents and normals, maxima and minima and stationary points. Identify where functions are increasing or decreasing.
Binomial Expansion - A level AS Mathematics

Binomial Expansion - A level AS Mathematics

These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include; A complete set of notes for students Model examples Probing questions to test understanding Class questions including answers Individual whiteboard work Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘AS level maths 13 – Circles’ for free download Binomial Expansion covers; Understand and use the binomial expansion of (a+bx)^n for positive integer n the notations n! and nCr
Differentiation of trigonometric and exponential and points of inflection - A level A2 Mathematics

Differentiation of trigonometric and exponential and points of inflection - A level A2 Mathematics

These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include; A complete set of notes for students Model examples Probing questions to test understanding Class questions including answers Individual whiteboard work Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘A2 level maths 13 - Composite functions’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources Differentiation of trigonometric and exponential functions and points of inflection covers; Understand and use the derivative of sin⁡x and cos⁡x The second derivative and its connection to convex and concave sections of curves and points of inflection Differentiate e^kx, a^kx , sin⁡kx , cos⁡kx , tan⁡kx and related sums, differences and constant multiples Understand and use the derivative of ln⁡x Apply differentiation to find points of inflection
Poisson Distribution Hypothesis Testing and Errors - AS level Further Maths Statistics –

Poisson Distribution Hypothesis Testing and Errors - AS level Further Maths Statistics –

These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new AS level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources Statistics – Poisson distribution hypothesis testing and errors covers; Formulate hypotheses and carry out a hypothesis test of a population mean from a single observation from a Poisson distribution using direct evaluation of Poisson probabilities. Understand Type I and Type II errors and define in context. Calculate the probability of making a Type I error from tests based on a Poisson or Binomial distributions
A level AS Further Mathematics All Discrete Content AQA

A level AS Further Mathematics All Discrete Content AQA

10 Resources
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new AS level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Matrices - Further maths A level A2

Matrices - Further maths A level A2

Matrices covers; Inverse and determinant of a 3x3 Matrix Plane geometry Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 2×2 and 3×3 matrices Find and use the characteristic equation. Understand the geometrical significance of eigenvalues and eigenvectors Diagonalisation of matrices Write a matrix in the form UDU^(-1) and understand Mⁿ=UDⁿ U^(-1) These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Binomial distribution - A level AS Mathematics

Binomial distribution - A level AS Mathematics

These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘AS level maths 13 – Circles’ for free download Binomial distribution covers; Calculate probabilities using the binomial distribution
Inverse and reciprocal trigonometric functions - A level A2 Mathematics

Inverse and reciprocal trigonometric functions - A level A2 Mathematics

These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include; A complete set of notes for students Model examples Probing questions to test understanding Class questions including answers Individual whiteboard work Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘A2 level maths 13 - Composite functions’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources Inverse and reciprocal trigonometric functions covers; Understand and use the definitions of secant, cosecant and cotangent and of arcsin, arccos and arctan Understand their relationships to sine, cosine and tangent Understand and use; * sec^2 θ = 1 + tan^2 θ * cosec^2 θ = 1 + cot^2 θ
Normal distribution - A level A2 Mathematics Statistics

Normal distribution - A level A2 Mathematics Statistics

These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include; • A complete set of notes for students • Model examples • Probing questions to test understanding • Class questions including answers • Individual whiteboard work • Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson I have added ‘A2 level maths 13 - Composite functions’ for free download Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources Statistics – Normal distribution covers; Understand and use the Normal distribution as a model; find probabilities using the Normal distribution Link to histograms, mean, standard deviation, points of inflection and the binomial distribution Select an appropriate probability distribution for a context, with appropriate reasoning, including recognising when the binomial or Normal model may not be appropriate